The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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You're right Wojo. I loved when Nick called Greg "doll" in "Bad words" while touching his chest ( you just know that Nick loves flat chests :devil:)



It's like Greg just can't believe his Nicky is, finally, touching him. Noticed that Nick's thumb is almost caressing Greg's neck... ;) No other characters touch like that on the show.
I love the nickname "Doll", it's so canon. (Like GSR's "dear"). :D

So...Sofia isn't a main character, which means she'll only be on the show here and there. Well, that's good for us. I like her more now that she's detective though. I HATED her when she was a CSI.

We NEED more subtext. Subtext is such a big part of our ship. I hope season 8 has LOTS of subtext and flirting.
*waves at everyone*

Just want to say thanks for the couple of shout-outs about my fic, it makes me happy that people are still enjoying my old stuff, even though I haven't been able to write anything new recently. (due to health problems and stuff)

It's nice that I haven't been forgotten!
hey everyone i've still been looking for that pic but no luck yet i think i saw it on livejournal but i can't really remember but i'll keep looking for it
twins1729 said:
I love the nickname "Doll", it's so canon. (Like GSR's "dear"). :D

So...Sofia isn't a main character, which means she'll only be on the show here and there. Well, that's good for us. I like her more now that she's detective though. I HATED her when she was a CSI.

We NEED more subtext. Subtext is such a big part of our ship. I hope season 8 has LOTS of subtext and flirting.

You know its funny cause although Nick called Greg Doll it was not in the offical script so George added it...

It so fits, it really does...

That being, although Sofia isn't a main cast memember anymore, does that mean Hodges will become full cast memeber? Or Dave-o ?
Rumor has it that Wallace is now part of the cast but they've been saying that for the past few years so... (personally I can do without Hodges, I find him irritating)

I never thought of Sofia a threat (except to screentime) but I agree that I enjoy her more as a cop than a CSI.
I don't know where I saw this or if this was just a dream or something, but I thought I heard Wallace Langham(sp?) was going to be in the opening credits now. Don't mind me, I should know this being obsessed with this show and having to keep up with things, but I'm not, so there.

I wonder if George calls Eric "Doll" or if it just came out. I wonder if he had planned it or if it was just improv.
Smirks, rolls eyes, tries to answer said question...

Well who knows. The only person who knows the truth is MR George Eads... England calling Mr George Eads... Nope! he's not listening to my psychic link...

No no no no no twins it didn't just came out I swear someone on here told me that he wanted his character to say that..
That's really interesting. You'd think it would be more than that. Goes to show you that John Barrowman is right and that it's the networks fault and not the audience.

I just wish TPTB would get off their high horses and realize that The Love should happen. It would make network television, CBS, and CSI look better.
You know that is exactly what me and a friend decided today at lunch. She although can't see the love but could detect tendencies in George- NO comment! My friend came up with this intersting question- Is CBS ready for a gay character?

She whilst having a good point said that considering the role of working alongside a police force would the show risk it by having a character who appears soo straight be infact gay?

To be honest it does rest on the shoulders of CBS. I on another site, and maybe here mention my shower scene? For ones who haven't read it, I shall summarize here....

A major scene calls for all CSI's to attend, Grissom alongside Catherine calls all of the scientists back to work.

The camera pans to the ringing cell on the bed, but as Greg is in the shower he can't hear it ring. However we see his front door close- say its Green... On the other side we see Nick close a front door also Green........

My friend actuarly agreed that it was gently enough for the show to air, without having any backlash....

Simple really come on CBS!!
I agree. I have many ideas and different scenarios of that happening.


My scene.

You see the overview of Las Vegas that goes into a row of houses. You see Nick lying in bed sleeping when suddenly his cell or home phone goes off. He answers it. It's Grissom calling him into work. He gets up to get ready and you see Greg lying there.

*sighs* If only...
Good news that confirms the A la Cart spoilers.

I emailed David Rambo this message:

Hello David,
A new season is apon us again and I am looking forward to it. I have a question that I hope you can answer. About episode 802- A La Cart, the synopsis I've read about this ep is that Nick & Greg work the go-cart case together. I have waited a long time for these two to finally have their own case and have written you in the past about it. My question, is this actully going to happen this time or should I prepare to be disapointed - again? Please let me know, since this info has already been put out it's not a spoiler (which I know you hate) I just want to know if it's true.
Thank you
Denise W

This is the response I recieved from him today.

You will not be disappointed - Nick and Greg do work the go-kart case together.
David Rambo

So it's really going to happen we can calm our fears!!

:D :D
A nickname that hasn't been mentioned yet is Dex. Nick called Greg that in someone's fanfic after Dexter the cartoon character I think.

Candy- Yup, I remember you describing that scene!

Twins- I LOVE your scene idea! It's perfect!

But really, we shouldn't even have to have this conversation about how the boys can come out and not rock the boat at the same time. It's not fair to them at all. While I like these scene ideas, and they're great, they also need to come out in a more forward way, otherwise it's like keeping them in the closet. If they're going to be a couple, they should just be open, be a couple, end of story.

Wojo- That's good new! Woot, I can't wait for that ep now!

nickfangirl- That was a really interesting article! CBS needs to read that and do something about it!!! Hey, maybe I'll link to it on the Defining Moments wiki!

Oh btw, chapter 12 of Live and Love has been posted! As well as a little something else, if you care to read...
Awww Queen I know that you know that the other love fans' knows that BUT... Do CBS know that? Considering the fall of american gay, bisexual and trangender characters being potrayed on your tv... Is'nt your statement too harsh?

I personally dont understand why theyre not out as a couple, but sometimes we as fans' think too hard and boxed in, like a horse wearing blinkers... We become focused on one thing Nick/Greg being out being proud being loved and being seen together....

Yeah of course I want that, but I'm slightly pessimistic when it comes with them declaring in such a none subtext way.

I mean i would love nothing other than seeing them hold hands and being proud of who not what they are. Sadly just like Nickfangirl states in the link, CBS have NO Gay/BI/TRansgender characters...

Is CBS really concerned just about the viewing figures? Sadly I do feel that the Money regardless of where a person comes from, money talks louder than peoples opinon's. Sad or what??

Wojo thats good to hear, at least we have one episode where our boys will be together.!!!
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