The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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So, going back to your topic from earlier, I've been in love with The Love ever since season one. And fell even harder in season two; which I think is where they do the most flirting, IMO.

But since I simply despise Snickers and Sandle, I think the sole reason I support GSR is to keep Sara away from our boys. :p Silly, eh? Oh, well. I love Sofia, she's by far my favorite CSI girl on the show, but I still don't really understand the logic in Sonic. They hardly interact at all. Maybe I just can't see neither Greg nor Nick with anyone but each other.

*squeals* I love this episode, 'Rashomama'! The look Nick gives Greg when his cell goes off... priceless. :lol:

Anyone ever notice that the chicks that flirt w/Greg and Nick always end up being suspects or murdered or getting in trouble somehow? Totally fate. You can't stop The Love!

I'm excited for the premiere and all, but I could care less if Sara lives or dies. I just wanna see how Nick and Greg react and whatnot. And I agree with Twins, I don't think 'A La Cart' is going to be the big magical revelation of The Love moment, but I'm hoping it'll be at least... memorable. For more than just the obvious reason.

P.S. Chapter 2 of 'Life's Little Lessons' is up.
Rashomama!! Ohhh, one of my favorites by far - I mean, the scene Zodiac mentioned, and then the 'Did you get a number?' 'No, no, I didn't get anything...' scene...-sigh- And Greg's replay of what went on...:D It made me remember how much I loved him.

'Al A Cart' may as well be the premiere, twins! Although, like Zodiac, I DO want to see interaction...And, lol, I guess I'm a little curious about what's going to happen...:D Must be all the promos floating around that's getting me excited. And besides, the premiere means only one more week until 'Al A Cart!'

I agree completely with it not being the magic revelation, but I still hope they're not going to screw us over. I mean, I want it to be something that gets peoples attention...:D Or just have subtext, you know...Yeah, lets go with that.
Yes, yes! The 'You got a number?' scene! And Nick's all like 'oh sh*t, I'm in trouble...' XDD

Suckerforasmile~I'm absolutely in LOVE with your fics. Please update soon!! :p I especially love 'Dumpster Diving' and 'Hodges, Matchmaker Extraordinaire'. They rock my world. hehe.

Yeah, I hope, too that 'A La Cart' doesnt' screw us over. They need to have at least SOME sort of flirting or subtext. Even though, being the avid fans we are, I'm sure we'll be able to find something worthwhile, right? Go us!
LOVED 'Rashomama'!!! Its one of many!!! lol
Twins~ chat with you when you get back!
Zodiac~ ohhhhhh chap !!! will read it as soon as I finish this post! :)

Ques.: Trying into get into the minds of the characters&/or actors, who do you think would be there choice(either way)if they could pick one person to guest star on the show??
Hmm... I'm not really sure. In earlier seasons, I would have said Manson for Greg/Eric, but now I'm just not so sure. Good question though, OTL. And thanks for the review!

Alright, I'm gonna head off to bed. See ya'll tomorrow. Bai bai!
OMG! I love you ALL! You guys are saying EXACTLY what I'm thinking and making laugh to no end. I guess great minds think alike.

I remember "Rashomama" wasn't supposed to be good Nick/Greg episode when it was first talked about before it aired. Apparently it was supposed to be "anti-Love" or whatever. Ha! And again, Ha!

So whatever happens in "A La Cart" we'll figure out something like we ALWAYS do.

I LOVED it when Hal Sparks and Robert Gant (separate episodes HS-"Dog Eat Dog" and RG-"Empty Eyes") guest stared!

Wouldn't you love to see Gale Harold guest star? Especially if he played a Brian Kinney type character.

Come on guys, wouldn't you LOVE that?
That be good and maybe some flirting could go on with one of our boys and make the other JELOUS!!!!! But I also thought Manson would be interresting!!! hehehe The video keeps poping into my head!!! lol

As for Nick~Matthew McConaughey would be a good choice!!! He is from Texas... ok maybe its me just wanting to see Mathhhew McCoonaughey!!!! hehehe
twins1729 said:
OMG! I love you ALL! You guys are saying EXACTLY what I'm thinking and making laugh to no end. I guess great minds think alike.

I remember "Rashomama" wasn't supposed to be good Nick/Greg episode when it was first talked about before it aired. Apparently it was supposed to be "anti-Love" or whatever. Ha! And again, Ha!

So whatever happens in "A La Cart" we'll figure out something like we ALWAYS do.

I LOVED it when Hal Sparks and Robert Gant (separate episodes HS-"Dog Eat Dog" and RG-"Empty Eyes") guest stared!

Wouldn't you love to see Gale Harold guest star? Especially if he played a Brian Kinney type character.

Come on guys, wouldn't you LOVE that?

Your kidding me righ that 'Rashamama' SP? wasn't meant to be a anti love? OH please..... My stupid dvd has chewed that tape so now i can't see it anymore! Sucks or what?

Nick calling Greg a 'Casanova' dude made my day. After all he was the 'worlds greatest lover', ahhh our twinkle called his boo-boo the worlds greatest lover.

Sweet or what?

Silly silly silly do the PTB really think we are complete fools that has just landed on planet Earth ? Tut... Well im not silly i can read subtext to the sky rains purple.

Ok guesses staring.... Now I don't know if anyone has heard of Scott Cohen, but he's an amazing actor who would be soo suitable for the role of Nick's older brother.

Heres an interesting fact, Eric stared with Camryn Manheim who also was in The Tenth Kingdom which Scott Cohen was in.

I'm going to post a picture and see what you all think.


Zodiac32 said:
Yes, yes! The 'You got a number?' scene! And Nick's all like 'oh sh*t, I'm in trouble...' XDD

Suckerforasmile~I'm absolutely in LOVE with your fics. Please update soon!! :p I especially love 'Dumpster Diving' and 'Hodges, Matchmaker Extraordinaire'. They rock my world. hehe.

Yeah, I hope, too that 'A La Cart' doesnt' screw us over. They need to have at least SOME sort of flirting or subtext. Even though, being the avid fans we are, I'm sure we'll be able to find something worthwhile, right? Go us!
Yes! Exactly what I thought when I saw that scene! :p

Aww, thanks! I have the next chapters for each sent to Kassie, but she hasn't sent them back quite yet.

Well, lol, we manage to see something everywhere, don't we? -giggles-

twins - Rashomama was intended as an anti-Love episode? xDD LOL, you've got to be kidding me...And Gale Harold on CSI: would be...just...amazing. I think I would cry with joy! Except, no one knows I watch QAF, and if I told them I don't think they'd
nick calling greg that made me go awwwwwwwwwww. I'm still partial to Nick checking out Greg's cute tushy!!! hehehehehe But who can blame him!!:)
Lol. I know what you mean.

Gale Harold guest stars as the man that drags Nick out of the closet. Greg happens to grab onto him and gets out as well!


Candygirl if they ever did bring in Nick's brother for some reason, it'd be funny if he play the part!

Good night all! Stacy, see you tomorrow! *huggs*
:D Lol, I love that idea! Every time I think of Gale Harold, I imagine Brian Kinney...which leads me to believe that his preferred lifestyle is a little, tough, I guess, for CSI. Which makes no sense considering some of the stuff they've had on cases before, but still. :p

:] Casanova, lol -sighs- I want s'more subtext, please! -begs CBS-
well since "Casanova" has been brought up, what other nicknames have been our boys been called??? And if there isnt a lot between ea. other than what the rest of the cast may have referred to them as??? And if you're really stuck, names that you find would fit??

so we have~ Casanova, G, Nicky, Pancho, Sunshine (from fan fic., T.C aka Texas Cowboy (fan fic.), twinkle, boo-boo ......

Well I'm going to try and get some sleep!! Good night/morning!! :)
Can't forget about Greggo! ;) Aaaaaaaaaand in some episode, Nick called Greg Einstein...-thinks hard- If I'm right. There's also another one that's on the tip of my tongue, but it's not coming to me...
Don't forget "Doll" from Bad words!! And in Rashomama Greg referred to Nick as Dude.

In my fics Nick calls Greg 'Sweetcheeks' -LOL wish that would happen on the show.

I am looking forward to A la Cart but at the same time I am worried that it won't meet my expectations. I guess disapointment in the past with spoilers has left me doubtful. I hope for the best.

I just found out on the news section (CSIFiles) that Louise Lombard is no longer a main cast member but is now a recurring character.
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