The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Exactly i wanna' see it...

Hay i've got a new crazy idea...

How does this sound.

A few of us write to Eric and George and ask them even thought the show may not be ready for a male on male kiss how about on a website???

Is that too much???
Awww, dang. I was wanting to see it.

Well, if you find it post it.

Candygirl maybe we should just write some of TPTB and ask if the show is ready for a male/male kiss.

Maybe don't even mention Nick or Greg, but imply it.

Bring up Luke and Noah from ATWT (it's CBS and all).

It would be interesting to see what they would have to say.
I am too.

Remember guys, try to keep your responses three lines long.

If we're going to try and make our challenge, I don't want to get yelled at in the meantime! :lol:

Even if CSI decided to have a guy/guy kiss, even by two guest characters. Witness, victim, suspect, etc.

At least that would be HOT! :D
Maybe like this one story on WMTDB. A murder victim was gay and later in the story, Greg is the one ot interrogate the suspect and w/o saying too much more you learn a little something about Greg!
I want this FLAMING gay guy to be witness, and Nick's talking to him.

Maybe it's played by a gay actor, so CSI isn't being insensitive.

Well, the guy needs to refer to some gay slang or something. Nick will be like "What?"

They guy will say, "You know what I'm talking about, honey!"

Twins- Now, which story would this happen to be? Me thinks I'm going to have to read it! lol...As for your idea, you should totally write it! Though, it would be hilarious for viewers, and fans of The Love, if he understood exactly what the guy was saying!

Candy- You know I'm with you...but first we need to get the boys together! Unless we're just talking any two boys kissing on the show, and then it wouldn't matter. That would be cool, might spark something between our boys, who knows!
twins1729 said:
Awww, dang. I was wanting to see it.
Well, if you find it post it.
yeah i've been going back to pages i've visited recently to find it and its bugging me that i can't find it but if i do find it i will
twins1729 said:
I am too.

Remember guys, try to keep your responses three lines long.

If we're going to try and make our challenge, I don't want to get yelled at in the meantime! :lol:

Even if CSI decided to have a guy/guy kiss, even by two guest characters. Witness, victim, suspect, etc.

At least that would be HOT! :D

Twins as alwyas you are right on the mark. I was thinking about writting it after the definingmomentsoflove has been done.

Queen- I knew that you would be with me lol....

Twins a question, can you * cough cough* encourage more people to join the moments of love. We need more moments!!!!

Yeah even if its just a guest staring roles , then that would be better than nothing.Yeah i liked your scenarios's regarding a character spills out gay talk, and Nick understands what he is talking about, tries to cover it up by saying something about a case in Texas LOL.

Simular to when Nick confesses to playing with his johnson lol.
I do what I can!

Responsibilities! Ahh! My heads going to explode one day! :p

I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I'll figure out SOMETHING! lol

Maybe I can email everyone who's signed the fan list. Or make an advertisement on YouTube.

*goes off to work*
I'd sign said fan list, but I'm afraid of messing up the page. D: Lol, Website building is not my area of expertise, as you all can tell...

Holy crap! 17 already! :D

I'm going to drive my family crazy this many premieres! On Friday, I imagine they're going to huddle together and say 'Thank God, the season premieres are over, we can finally get some peace and quiet!'
Awww, Twins, you're amazing at bringing people in! And Thank you in advance!

Suckerforasmile- It's actually not too hard to figure out, but you're already a member of our wiki, so for that it wouldn't matter.

I also put a post in the CSI Fiction group over at SFT that I'm sure everyone's seen by now. And if not, go join the group!!!
You're welcome QOTU and Candy!

I know what you mean about premieres, I have 2 weeks of them! Ahh, I'm gonna go nuts! Although "A La Cart" isn't a premiere, I'm still excited for it more that "Dead Doll"!!!

Stacy, I'll be back after I go for a walk. :D We'll continue the challenge then!
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