I started out with The Love, right off the bat. I was just checking out CSI fanfic and found the pairing and was shocked that anyone would put those two together, but then I read some of it out of curiosity and I'm now hooked.
I love Sofia, really, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of her, but I wouldn't want that to get in the way of The Love by any means.
And yes, I believe there is such a thing as semi-AU. I'll be writing one or two once National Novel Writing Month is over and Sofia will play a large part in it, though she won't get in the way of The Love, in fact, I think she might help it along.
Here's the way I define Semi-AU: a story where it's set in the lab, everyone is playing their traditional roles, but something happens that wouldn't happen on the show, for example, if one of the characters turns out to be a transgenic from Dark Angel, or, (this was going to be my first CSI fic but was never written) if Greg was actually undercover and his real name was Jacob Resh (Eric's first TV role on The Net) and Ecklie was one of the Praetorians from that show. That's how I would define it, but that's just me.
As for Dead Doll, I can't wait, just because it will mean there's a new episode for me to watch. I really only care how Nick and Greg will react, and could care less whether Sara dies or not. I think I've probably said this before. I feel like I repeat myself too much.