The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I don't know if I could ever write a Nick/Greg AU. I've never even thought about it. I'm always too busy thinking of stories of them becoming canon (my favorite kind!). I guess I would have to see what I come up with if I ever try. Knowing me though, I would have to take inspiration from somewhere else. I'd make them Power Rangers or like Luke and Noah or something. :p
My first CSI slash pairing was believe it or not Grissom & Greg and I still have a place in my heart for them, I still read and write G/G fanfic just not as often as Nick & Greg. Of course they are my main focus. (I did ship sandle for awhile until I decided Greg deserved better) If I had a het ship now it would be Catherine/Greg. Nick and Greg are the real thing, they are 'The Love' afterall.

As for the season premier I am looking forward to it, I'm going to enjoy seeing Sara suffer ( :devil: shame on me) and I would not miss her if she died. Mostly I just want GSR to die. I want to see the boys reactions too, I hope they allow greg to show some emotion!! :(
I started out with The Love, right off the bat. I was just checking out CSI fanfic and found the pairing and was shocked that anyone would put those two together, but then I read some of it out of curiosity and I'm now hooked.
I love Sofia, really, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of her, but I wouldn't want that to get in the way of The Love by any means.
And yes, I believe there is such a thing as semi-AU. I'll be writing one or two once National Novel Writing Month is over and Sofia will play a large part in it, though she won't get in the way of The Love, in fact, I think she might help it along.
Here's the way I define Semi-AU: a story where it's set in the lab, everyone is playing their traditional roles, but something happens that wouldn't happen on the show, for example, if one of the characters turns out to be a transgenic from Dark Angel, or, (this was going to be my first CSI fic but was never written) if Greg was actually undercover and his real name was Jacob Resh (Eric's first TV role on The Net) and Ecklie was one of the Praetorians from that show. That's how I would define it, but that's just me.

As for Dead Doll, I can't wait, just because it will mean there's a new episode for me to watch. I really only care how Nick and Greg will react, and could care less whether Sara dies or not. I think I've probably said this before. I feel like I repeat myself too much.
For me, it's always been Nick and Greg as well. At first, I would just make up a guy for Greg to be with because I didn't know who to pair him with. Then I stumbled upon and my curiosity grew. I didn't realize that there were fans for Nick and Greg. After reading some fanfiction and seeing why people shipped them...I was hooked! I couldn't believe I had missed it! (but it's not like I ever really looked). Long Live The Love!!!!!!!
omg this sit never signed me out last night!!! lol I'm here Twins!!!!

Well I may or may not be writing this semi-AU story. if I do it will also be angsty, which is hard for me to write!!!

Cant wait to see our boys!!!:)
twins1729 said:
Stacy, it was a manip that NicksSexyBabe was talking about. Apparently it's of Nick and Greg kissing against a wall. I've never seen it, but I want to!

Me too, me too! :D And, congrats Twins , you are doing a great job adding friends on the Secret Fun Time site!

Wojo, I honestly think this is the best manip you've ever done. It's...perfect. I like to think this could have happened off-scene but we never got a chance to see it...


And for me, it has been always Nick and Greg as well; the first episode I ever saw was "Scuba Doobie Doo". I have never heard of Nick and Greg, George and Eric or slash fiction, but I was watching that scene in the lab when Greg is getting closer...and closer...I noticed the flirting, the sparks between these two actors and I wondered: ok, who are these two and what's going on between them? ;) Then, I discovered Caroline Crane's fics...and well, here I am, four years later, still believing in The Love....
Thanks so much Seabird!

You know, it's not even about the iPod, I just wanna be #1! Is that too competitive?

The fist episodes I remember seeing were early season 5's and late season 1's. Not too much there.

Eventually I rented all the episodes and watched it for...well the generality. Never thinking I would even like a character or even a ship.

Well, I was wrong....

Long Live The Love!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Yeah it's mad how it happens and then bomb! your sucked in like a vaccum in heat....

I cant even remember, its not even been that long. Who was it that directed me to Geekwriters fiction... Boy i went red and was like is this for real??

It shocked me by the style of writting and how advanced lets put it that way how the smutze was done lol...

Maybe i've posted it on here before, i cant remember... But i think it was the asl i love you in precious metal...

Maybe it was the youtube, yeah it could've been that... As far as the, i think i might've radonmly been surfing on google for more hot stories lol... Or it could've been a link on Geekwritter's website...

I found it and yeah it was from Geekwritter's stories i googled her name and came across but it was you guys - the twins that i actuarly connecte WMTDB and as the same one.

My friend and i have been having this random texting marathon and she can't see it, i've directed all the evidence there is and STILL SHE CAN'T SEE IT...

Ugh i give up, she thinks that I've been brainwashed lol...
seabird said:

Wojo, I honestly think this is the best manip you've ever done. It's...perfect. I like to think this could have happened off-scene but we never got a chance to see it...


Wow thanks for saying so. Of all the ones I've done this is my favorite because it turned out way better than I ever hoped it would. I wish this would have happened on the show too.
ok, a new favorite semi-AU story for me would have to be "Alas Poor Warrick" by Serenity. If you've ever seen the show Quantum Leap, you'll love this piece because it's a crossover, and it's really a great work of art!
Yeah, it would be interesting to watch all the cut stuff, like the Nick and Catherine kiss, which would be very weird but cool to see his reaction...

Come on lets all think about this logically for a second...

Nick's expression aka- jaw clentch of love... You're telling me that HE didn't see Greg in hospital please!!! om the show he said he was going to see Greg.... So yeah it might've been shot or not.

Fair enought not the lab explostion because i dont think that they was together then.
Well, at least Nick said he wanted to see Greg at the end of "Fannysmackin'".

I'm sure he went with everyone else, and talked to him.

Then when he said he left, he really went to get a coffee, just so he could come back and sit with his Love alone. :)
Of course Nick went to see Greg in the hospital. It just doesn't make sense that he wouldn't, especially if he said he was going to, and he didn't seem like he was just saying that to get them off his back or whatever. So, yeah, he went. What happened, got cut, and I want to see it!!! lol..
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