The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I don't know if that's where it's from.

Anywho, lots of talking here this past day. I was the first post last night of page 15 and now I'm the first tonight on page 16! :D Crazy!!!

We have a lot of Love fans here that are excited about season 8 I see! More excited than a lot of other fans. :D
Well I'm excited too. But for probably different reasons. I went out and bought blank tapes so i can tape CSI LV (& Miami), as well as NCIS!! Depending on what happens on Thurs. I may or may not be in a good mood later that night so I might need some cute pics of the boys to make me :D

At this point I just want to know!! There has been rumor and specualtion on my top 3 shows, that I dont know what to think or believe and want them to start!!!! 'A La Cart' better be freakin AWESOME, or I might loose it!!! :mad: lol
In all seriousness, I truly think "A La Cart" won't necessarily be the best Nick/Greg episode, but I think it'll be worth that wait! Don't worry. That's just my occasional optimism slipping through. I'm actually not really looking forward to "Dead Doll", I mean, I want to see it because it's CSI and it's the season premiere. I guess I want to see how it all happens and plays out, I just don't care what happens or what the outcome is.
Well it doesnt have to be great. Just maybe some of the flirting between Nick and Greg and that alone will make me happy! But as you know I do want the premiere to come out a certain way. But even if it goes all bad then have it go all bad. I don want to drag out til the last sec. and fans get an answer to the cliff-hanger finale!!! Or as my best friend from high school fears, right at the end we will are about to learn and then it ends!!! Which would be HORRIBLE even for those who dont care if Sara lives or dies!!!

BTW I just read "Hypothetically" by Serenity and I could totally see something close to that happening for our boys!
Lol, I'm actually kind of scared about the new season...? And Al A Cart, too - I'm afraid that one of them (probably Nick if this were to happen) would be an ass and screw it all up...Lol, I'm just being paranoid - Pay no attention to me!

As for the season premiere, I couldn't really care less about what long as nothing screws up towards these guys, I'm fine. I also think that they need to get past this episode in order to get back into not-crappy episodes...Ha! I judge so badly, but it's not like I could do a better job at it...
I do want to know what happens. I'm looking more forward to seeing how our boys will act. I'm hoping they aren't dwelling over Sara. I hope they are having the same reaction that everyone did it "GD" not more compassionate for Sara, that would be wrong. It would be wonderful if Nick and Greg comforted each other though! :devil:
twins1729 said:
It would be wonderful if Nick and Greg comforted each other though! :devil:
Lol! That would be, but I imagine that if they ever did, it'd be off-scene and we'd never get a chance to see it. -sighs- A girl can dream, though!

And I wanna know what happens, I guess I'm just not too excited...Well, I AM, but...for it to be over. :p Then it can be next week's episode and I can be excited over that. And maybe, if we get good enough subtext, my cousin can finally see why I ship these two so heavily! Lol, I can convert her yet!
Well, one thing will be interresting w/ the premiere is how are boys react to the situation. Greg, who has had this sorta crush on Sara and then Nick who I never felt he thought of Sara as more of a sister and he being the protective brother type. But that's just me. Its going to hit them somewhat even if things work out. I mean for god's sake most of the team has had something major happen to them, except Grissom. And between our boys and the horrible things that has hppened to them, the outcome will shake them to some degree. And while I;ll cry if either do, maybe just maybe it will bring them closer. And yes I'm repeating my self somewhat! LOL
Well, if the premiere turns out terrible, we always have our story Stacy. We'll make it 10 times, no infinity times better if the premiere bites.

The only thing that would ruin "A La Cart" for me (except obvious reasons) is if a detective (Sofia mostly) is in it more than one of our boys.

They deserve to have a story with JUST them. Every other combination has.
Awww thanks Twins!!! Well I do have a great writing partner!! :D
Yeah that would ruin "A La Cart" if Sofia was in it more than our boys!!
Man and you used to like Sonic....way back the long, long the before time.

You know, a few months.

I've converted you rather effortlessly. Kind of like me with Luke and Noah.

You just jumped on the ship without looking and have never gotten off. Leaving Sonic floating in the mist.
Awwww Twins thats rather hmm poetic??? LOL

The best stories i've ever read have been pened by Greekwriter, and the astounding story and her ? follow up to Fathers First, that is the best AU i've ever read.

Excited about the new season?... Hmmm well just don't tell me what has happened ok... It would take time for me to download it....

Ugh wish it was on Uk tv soon, but instead of Janurary I've heard its gonna be Februarty... How barberic is that????

So only_true_love you shipped for Sonic??? If you shipped for that, then how and where did you get the idea that Nick and Sophia were an item? then change that for the rightfull The love??

It is interesting how some people can ship for Snikckers, Sonick, hmmmm, Nick and Catherine? as well as Nick/Greg slash. Do the actors know how much they interfe with our brain cells??? I mean thers a triangle of love between Nick, Greg and Gil.... Now anyone who knows me, will automatically know what im thinking.... I'm being very good here, LOL........... But who's the daddy? Sorry cant help it lol............ My mind is darker than the ocean floor, more corrupted than a thousand million chenobles/nuclear accidents in the history of the world. My mind is more corrupted than Bill Gates manopoly over Windows...

In respect with the new season, lets have more interaction between Nick, Greg and Warrick...

Them three overall have had the less stories... Whilst Catherine Sara and Gil has had more. Yes obviously as Gil is the lead CSI- well untill we all know any different.
LOL I guess I have!!! :D Well, thanks to you I got to learn about The Love and what's it all about. The funny thing is when I was a Sonic fan, I was and still am a GSR and YoBling fan, but I never paired anyone up with Greg!!! I dont know if at the time I wanted him all to myself or what???

Ps~ when they do the maintenance on here and you still want to talk IM me on AOL
I haven't read many AU I've never come across one that's screaming at me to read it, but you guys keep saying that there's really good ones, maybe I'll have to check some out...? :D

candygirl - so you're not getting new CSI until February? D: That's crap...But if that's the case, at least you've got The Fort and old episodes to help you wait! -hug-

Wow, we're really flying through pages!

Lol, I never paired anyone either (other than Warrick & Catherine), then I realized all the subtext and I was like '...hey!' Twas a nice revelation.
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