The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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candy- lol! The OMG Moment of Love...That's...:D And the scene would be great - as long as it ends nicely....

only_true_love - aw, thanks! Glad you like the updates!

twins - lol, Marco and Dylan! When I used to watch that show (and kept up with, I hated Dylan, and by the time I was thinking 'hey, he's not so bad...I kinda like him' he turned into an ass. Twas dissapointing.

And as for the 'who said 'I love you' first' question...I guess it, I had wonderful points as to why, but I can't for the life of me remember! I think one of them was whether or not they were in a relationship...-shakes head- I can't remember...!
I liked it. Hehehe...It would be so obvious.

I'm sure something like that would even have the haters thinking it was something else. Uh...haters.

No matter what happens, I think Warrick could have a big part of it. Like my story...I need to write that damn thing...
yes you do!!! Warrick def. needs to get involved, even if that makes him a liar!!! lol
I realyl got to really work on this other story that i have been somewhat secretly working on. but like you twins I procrastinate!! LOL That and *coughworkonthejointstorycough*
Yes, Sunday. I've already added to your part, I just have to finish mine. Then hopefully we'll have a beautiful and complete first chapter. Plus, we already have a beta, Nicole! lol

Also, if Warrick does help out, he'll get more screen time!

Everyone knows he needs that!
What story are you working on?? With whom??? When will it be up??? Ahh, I myself have hinted to a friend and fellow lover of the love to do a joint story.. But at the moment im trying to do write my third story, publish over at WMTDB my second one and i've still got to write the story that Queen gave me.... Ugh...

Regarding said unknown fans, well they would have to be mindless zombies not to have picked up on what I have described, and yeah Warrick is center to it all.

See the difference between Nick and Gil, is that Gil is the supervisor and has responsibiliites.... Semi panick!- With Nick steping up, that isn't the PTB attempt at blowing rasbberies at the Love fans? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. It wont work regardless LOL

Why? Well a bit or postiive discrimination.... Which then would mean Eckile would be fired lol, and the sherrif and undersherrif will be closely monitored.

But sadly that wont happen, ugh if CBS is stalling in upping Nick's and Greg's Fliritng/love/Screentime/true love/sex on a plate/ Whatever type of relationship/Admiration/Man Crash- which is soooo funny in the word! Then i seriously doubt that they would actuarly tuckle a gay relationship...
I really think CBS will do something and be ok with it. it may not be exactly what fans of The Love would want, but at least a little something more than what we have seen. For pete's sake the positive response for ATWT Nuke, which for those who dont know if Luke+Noah!!! LOL And if you can get that from a daytime show why couldnt you in the evening????

Twins~ BTW I totally forgot to say this but my mom thought it was really awesome when I told her about your "nuke" site getting metioned!!! She says congrats!
We can't get many more fliry scenes if the boys never work together, or share screen time period. I just hope we get more this season than just 'A La Cart'. (if that even happens - sorry I'm just too used to being disapointed) :(
scratches head! do u think that will happen?

Could it simply be the actors personal life leeking into the characters???

Would TPTB really be so cruel??
LOL, I go away for a few hours to sleep, and this is what I get! hehehe. We'll make that challenge Twins, don't you worry!

Twins- You summed up what I meant in a much better way about Greg coming out easier than Nick. lol. Also, I liked your scene idea where Greg suddenly asks Nick why they can't come out to everyone! So funny! lol...

And guys...there's subtext in EVERYTHING! We're all soooo into The Love, heck, we could find subtext in our coffee or hot chocolate for sure! hehehehe...never mind Eric's interview!
I'm so torn between hoping that CBS will get them together and being realistic in thinking that it's probably not going to happen. I still have this shaky feeling that this is the season that either Nick or Greg gets a GF and the flirting just stops. I dunno, maybe it's the ever-present pessimist in me. *shrugs*

If you think about it, it kinda makes sense because maybe CBS figures they're placating the slash fans with Nuke, already. Which, honestly, was easier for them to do because it's a day to day series. Putting N/G together would, while make a LOT of people happy, would probably be harder to do for the fact that the characters are pretty much established in their roles. Does that make any sense? It made sense in my head. haha!

Anyway, that being said, if such a thing were to happen this season [heaven forbid], would you still love The Love the same or would it totally mess with your perception of their relationship?
I'm sure one of us would come up with an excuse for the GF. (ex: GE's girlfreind Monika is said to be just a beard to hide the truth about his sexuality) I for one would still be into the love.
I mean, I'd still love them just the same. Though it would be really disappointing, it's not like I'm going to stop reading/writing fics about them or anything like that. I was just curious what you guys thought.

Wojo~That's true. And we all have made excuses for Kristy, unnamed Blonde, and Girl with the Green Eyes. If that happens, it shouldn't be any different.

Meh, I'm just being a severe pessimist today. Don't mind me! :p
*tries to cheer Zodiac up*

Eric mentioning ( one more year) the supposed "Greg's crush on Sara" must be part of his contract, lol. Poor baby! He does exactly the same every new season and nothing has ever happened.

Remember the TV Guide interview from last year:

2006 TV Guide article

In the RTL interview, Eric doesn't even bother to pretend Greg should feel hurt ! He's happy for them! omg, :lol:. As people are saying on other CSI boards, it's obvious that Eric is just being a good boy and, as the rest of the cast, is following the company line...

But I LOVE the subtext in Eric's words: keeping secrets (hmm.. maybe in the closet? ;)), "love is good"...Totally a shout-out.
Guys I was eating alpah-bits this morning and in my spoon it said "LOVE", ok, I'm just kidding...but if that ever did happen, it would totally be the slash gods giving me a sign!

Guys, we all know Greg hasn't had feelings for Sara for practically 5 seasons. And if for some reason he still has a crush on her, I don't think that if she broke up with Grissom, she'd go running to Greg. As much as we want it to be a LITTLE more soapy with Nick and Greg, we don't want CSI to have some creepy love triangle with Greg, Sara, and Grissom.
Hi everyone *waves*,

I missed you guys. I have been so busy. Can I start a new topic for discussion. What is your favourite Nick & Greg AU fic?
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