The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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What is this article QOTU speaks of????

I dont want them to dwell but not completely pass it off easily! I want maybe a little nervousness of the rest of the team finsing out. But in all honesty, I think most of them will be, "uh we knew" or something close to that!
Did you mean Zodiac Stacy?

My Luke and Noah site was mentioned in an article on I was so giddy.

I think if either came out, especially Nick. I also believe that most everyone would say that they knew.
I especially like that the article was written by a man. Makes it all the sweeter.

Yeah, I'm just the opposite of most people too, Twins. I'd be sorta disappointed if my kid turned out straight. Hehe. Nah, I'd be happy for them either way. But I always envisioned myself as a bit of a Debbie if my son/daughter came out to me.

If the guys come out on the show, I believe they should just let it be and not dwell on it. Then you'd hear a big, resounding "We knew it!" coming from the rest of the team as Nick embraces Greg lovingly. Ah, a girl can dream.
*Ah!* Stacy! :p Thanks.

I think most of the team already knows, especially Warrick.

However, I can just see Sara and Cath talking about Nick and Greg.

Sara: We just need to do something to get them to see that they belong together.
Cath: Sara, they need to figure it our on their own.

Lol....They'll sound like us.
Well Sara might bring them together, if you know what i mean!!!! lol
Your giddy b/c of the article and I'm giddy b/c I got a certain CSI to add me to their friends list!!! *tries to act cool about it* LOL
I could do that too if I cared! JK

Do you mean like our story?

Wouldn't it just be the bees-knees (yes, that) if I read a spoiler that said "Nick and Greg grow closer..."

You all would be the first to know! I promise. Well actually Wojo would be the fist to say it. lol
Yeppers, I mean our story. :)

I'm very tempted to tell my new myspace buddy to check out some sites! hehehehe

You and Wojo would somehow post it at the same time!!! I soooo can see that happening!!!
D: I come late, I see...Anyway, congrats twins! The site being mentioned was pretty cool :p

twins1729 said:
Wouldn't it just be the bees-knees (yes, that) if I read a spoiler that said "Nick and Greg grow closer..."
:D Most awesome thing ever, that's what it'd be! Or, lol, bees-knees. :p I've only read that in books, so awesome to see someone use it

And I've always thought my kid would be afraid to come out to me if he/she was straight....It'd be pretty much like a gay teen trying to get their parents to believe that they're straight...-sighs- I'm weird...
suckerforasmile~ love the updates on your stories!!!

And Twins lastest question made me think of another! Which of our boys would likely come out on the show, who would confess first??? Greg or Nick???
Thanks for the congrats suckerforasmile. I think we're all weird. :D It's not that we want our kids to be gay, it's that we wouldn't care in the least. So if any kids are going to be born gay, they need to be given to parents like us!

Stacy, I think Nick would come out first, especially for being older and not settling down. People would be wondering what's up. Greg always pretends to be straight by going out on dates and stuff, but Nick hasn't down anything like that since season 1. Greg would be able to pull it off for a while, whereas people would be suspicious of Nick.
LOL, I'm glad my kid's gonna have four paws so I won't have to worry about anything. Well, no, more like, so the poor kid doesn't have to grow up pretending to be gay. hehehe. Cause yeah, I'd probably be the same way!

As for who would come out first, Twins, you have a point, but I'd have to go with Greg, just because he's always so hyper and talkative and flirtatious. Somehow the truth would spill, whether he meant it or not. I guess that means it could go either way, really.

And when they do come out, I wouldn't want them to dwell on it just cause they're gay. This is a new time period afterall, and it would only annoy others. I think it would be funny if the rest of the team already knew, but at the same time, it would be cool to shock them, so that Nick and Greg have one up on them, rather than the other way around. But that's just me.

Oh, and one other thing, Congrats Twins! That's cool about the article!!!

ok, I'm off to run some errands, and hopefully get chapter 12 finished, edited, and posted by tonight!
Wow I go to work and this is what happens. Ugh I hate living across the ocean, i miss all the talk.

Twins well then I must be weird as well, because I actuarly do want to have a child by a gay man. Best results all around, and im trying to flat hunt at the moment and I want to share with a gay male or bisexual.

To anserw the question of the day- Who would come out quicker either Nick or Greg, then I would actuarly have to say that it would be Nick. Nick has been the one who would tell everyone first. Why do i think that?

Well for one) Nick is permentantly single, yes there are other people in the world ie me!, but Nick is attractive so if straight he would surly have one steady girlfriend, and not the two random women he did have. Ok one hooker and one random person, who he probably said goodbye to at her front door.

Not that he is emotional, he is a rather senstive person, and the grave danger incident probably didn't help his self esteme any less. :confused:

I agree with Queen, it would be funny if say Gil, Warrick, Sara, Hodges, Archie etc suspected but had no actuarl evdience. Remember the episode when Nick said to Archie to get a girlfriend, and he said to Nick not before you do.... Maybe that was Archies way of letting Nick knew he knew?

Ok another incident when Nick, Warrick, Archie are in the AV lab, Archie comments on the hot women on the video tape- Archie turns to Nick, and i swear Nick nearly cringes. Or at least gives an nonchallant response?

Greg on the other hand although flirting with women left right and center does that really prove anyting ? Or just dampen the rumors and speculations??

On an interview I watched Eric mentioned about GSR, and that Greg had a thing for Sara.... Just watch it and come to your own conclusion... I dont want to cloud your view of it, so post with your response and i will tell you all mine.
About the interview I thought it was very intresting what Eric said about secret relationships and sneaking around...hmmmm could he be referring to him and Nick?

Zodiac32 said:

Wojo~LOVE the manip and the story, so heartwarming.

My sister was in the other room screaming "DIE SARA DIE!" *giggles*

Thanks, and I was doing the same thing!! I even do it when I see the new promo air! Although I have been known to exchange Sara's name for a different one, begins with the letter 'B'. I'm such a bad girl. :lol: :lol:

I think if one of the guys came out it would be due to a case they are on, I can totally see Greg being the first like being upset about a hate crime (of course that would work for either Greg or Nick)
Wojo said:
About the interview I thought it was very intresting what Eric said about secret relationships and sneaking around...hmmmm could he be referring to him and Nick?

Zodiac32 said:

Wojo~LOVE the manip and the story, so heartwarming.

My sister was in the other room screaming "DIE SARA DIE!" *giggles*

Thanks, and I was doing the same thing!! I even do it when I see the new promo air! Although I have been known to exchange Sara's name for a different one, begins with the letter 'B'. I'm such a bad girl. :lol: :lol:

I think if one of the guys came out it would be due to a case they are on, I can totally see Greg being the first like being upset about a hate crime (of course that would work for either Greg or Nick)

Wojo- I'm sorry i didnt realise that you put up the interview lol, please forgive me otherwise i would've cited your name lol..

Hmmmm yeah i caught that bit as well, did you see him smiling and not being able to keep a straight face????
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