The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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If anyone is doing any form of art, I'll have a big favour to ask you. If your good with art please mail me and I'll fill you in...
I'm kinda looking for something to be done, regarding my fan fiction....

Yay finally got my season 7 today...

Regarding the new season I dont want any trauma to happen to Greg. i think i've had enough heartbrake concerning our CSI level One.
NicksSexyBabe said:
ooo nice icons
by the way i saw an icon a couple days about and it was (a photoshopped photo) of nick and greg kissing don't remember where though

I posted that manip on a previous thread. Enjoy! :D


I've noticed that there are many QAF fans here, including me...

Look at this pic from the Brazil trip. The boys look like they are ready to party at Babylon! :lol: :lol:

Eric is actully a very shy guy, so he probably is nervous.

BTW- I have created a page for the challenge, with Candygirl's encouragment and QOTU's beta skills, I posted a revamped fic that I wrote some time ago that is a post ep for fannySmackin, the page also includes the manip I created of Nick visiting Greg is the hospital.

check it out
Love the manip Wojo!!! And the story of course!!!

It's funny to think of Eric as shy, since his character is opposite of that. Esp., in the early seasons. Maybe not so much now.
Aw, thanks guys! I'm happy to make as many icons/tags as ya'll want. I'm an icon makin' fool, I am!

Wojo~LOVE the manip and the story, so heartwarming.

Yes, yes! I'm a QaF fan and that's exactly what I thought when I saw those Brazil pics. "Whoa, looks like someone's ready to go clubbin' tonight. *wink wink nudge nudge*" hehe.

Update: Let's see, for those of you reading my 'Life's Little Lessons' I'm almost done with 'Lesson #2: Of PDA's & Practicalities' And am currently working on another fic which I'm thinking of calling 'Pride and Prejudice' but that's not for sure yet.

Aaaanyway, how's everybody this evening? I'm really, really hyper right now and just watched the season 7 finale for the first time. My sister was in the other room screaming "DIE SARA DIE!" *giggles*
Zodiac~ Cant wait to read more of 'Life's Little Lessons'!!! Well, I can, sort of. lol BTW if you havent gone over to The Fort's sistter site there is a surprise for you!!!

I'm doing really good this evening. i was having a crapy morning but I got a lovely surprise on myspace that made my day!!! hehehehe
Zodiac- icons fit into the art category over at the Defining Moments wiki *hint, hint* Create away, hun!

Seabird- That Brazil pic looks like it was taken shortly after or before the one that my icon was made from (and by icon, I mean the one over at the Defining Moments and CSI wikis)

I like shy guys, actually, and that has nothing to do with me liking Eric so much either. I guess it's because I'm shy myself, well, almost borderline shy now since it's gotten better over the years. But for some reason, shy guys are just so cute, I dunno.

Speaking of the wiki...If anyone needs help creating a page for themselves and posting their work you can contact either me, Candy, or Twins, or I'm sure anyone else who's already done so would be happy to help! I know it can be confusing for first timers, but it's a piece of cake once you know how! lol.
I'm now praying to the fairies of creativeness to bring creativity to you all so that you create work to submit to the wiki! And to the gathering fairies so that you all bring ten friends to the wiki with you! lol...

I'm actually neutral about Sara. I could care less whether she stays or goes. But if she goes...that means more screen time for our boys and other characters. But I'm not wishing her dead or anything. I wouldn't want to get on the bad side of GSR fans and start a war or anything! lol. But Zodiac, that was funny about your sister! hehehe.

ok, off to finish chapter 12!!! And maybe I'll get to post it tomorrow!
OTL~I saw, I saw! *jumps around excitedly* I shall do my best to uphold my position as Resident Psychologist. :p hehe.

QOTU- oh yes, yes! I shall go make a couple of defining moments icons add them! It was funny because my sister is only 11 and can't stand Sara. But I think it's mainly because I'm not a big Sara fan, she tends to follow me a bit. haha. Though she's not quite old enough to understand the N/G relationship yet, but I'm working on her! She'll lead the next generation of The Love fans! *cackles*

*hides from CSI promos*
Yay! I'll make your hat ASAP Zodiac! :D

I'm really, really, really giddy right now. My Luke and Noah website was just mentioned in a article!!!!!!!!! *calms down*

Lmao, my sister is 16 and CAN NOT STAND Sara either. I don't know.

However, she DOES like some slash, not Nick/Greg. If they did become canon, I think she'd like it.

QOTU, thanks for the title, and I'm glad you liked it.
Awwww the New Generation of The Love fans!!! Such a nice thought!!!!
And dont worry, I know you will do well as our Resident Psychologist!!!
When I have children, I'm making them watch the Power Rangers. When they get old enough, I'm recruiting them to CSI and As The World Turns fans. When they get even older, I'll let them watch Queer as Folk...If they want to.

After that, they can like what they want. Ships and characters, etc. However, I will pass down my love for The Love to one of my children (or nieces or nephews).
Awwwwww! Well my kids, if and when I have any will def. be ATWT fans, its almost tradition in my family!!! CSI, of course but likely will be having to show DVD's. Queer ad Folk I never got into, so i cant say really. But no matter what, I'd love them no matter who they fall in love with. It's frustating b/c a small portion of my family would not be able to agree with me.
Congratulations on the article, Twins! That's pretty dang cool. I thought it was pretty sweet the other day when Katie said something about going to South Bend [Indiana] and I started busting cuz I live literally 45 mins away from The Bend. XD

Btw, what happened on ATWT today? I didn't get a chance to watch it again! T.T

Yes, wouldn't it be so awesome if our children/future children were to be great slash fans? I can just see it now. My poor children, they're going to believing they're gay before they even know what it means. haha. XD I mean, I've already influenced my sister into liking slash [she's actually a yaoi fan], so just imagine what kind of hold I'll have on my own kids. *giggles*
It's on my site! :p "Watch the Story" link.

PM me if you really want me to tell you.

I'd be the happiest mom alive if I had a gay son (or daughter!) Now, this might sound some people.

Why would you wish something that might not be a positive thing to most people? Well, let's just say I wouldn't NOT like it.

My poor son, he's gonna come up to me when he's 15 and sigh "Mom, I'm not gay."

I'm gonna cry, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Question, if Nick and/or Greg actually came out on the show. Would you like them to dwell on the fact they are gay or just pass it off easily? I'd prefer the 2nd one. I think it'd be easier for CSI if they didn't have a whole "coming out story."
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