The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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That sounds so sweet Candygirl! Something like that would be perfect. Or maybe Greg has some family issues and is obviously upset about something, but the only person who notices and asks him is Nick.

Maybe Papa Olaf dies. :( Nick could be his comfort...

Glad you accept my challenge. I expect you guys to commit to it.

*lashes whip*
Ouch Twins!!! Gotta be careful w/ that whip!!! LOL
You know you can count on me for that challenge, right?
And I agree with QOTU, I'd kiss Eric in spite of the smoking. Maybe I could get him to quit!!! hehehehe
Which one of our guys huh? Nick. Defiantly Nick even if I had to go all Captain Ginyu on Greg and switch bodies with him, then switch back, I'd so do it XD
Even though I believe Greg & Nick are equal sexually speaking, In nearly every relationship, freinds, lovers, etc there is usually someone who is dominate in some way. I think Greg is the dominate one in that way because the way I see it he has Nick wrapped around his finger and so Nick will do anything for him. He just lets Nick think he's in charge. Clever Isn't he? :lol:

As much as I hate the taste of cigarettes, I think kissing Eric would be worth it! I'd do it, no hesitation.
Wojo- put it that way, then yeah its soo is Greg, and bless him he lets the handsome Texan think that he is in charge.

So with that then maybe here's hoping tbat Greg in the new season makes Nick jealous by openly flirting with the four episode new character, Nick would although probably get more jealouse IF Greg flirts with a fellow male worker.

Now that would be very intersting to watch, espeically as if Greg knew the other person was straight. I'm sure also that the new season will bring in not only a closeness between our men, but also a distance when Nick steps up.
only true love- I thought about it, and really, it's a bad idea. Us kissing Eric despite the smoking. Because while we want him to quit, that wouldn't help. I mean, heck, if I were a smoker and Eric wanted to kiss me even though I smoked, why would I quit? (if he wasn't a smoker, that is)

Candy and Twins- I like both your ideas! Someone want to work that into a challenge piece? *hint, hint* lol...

Speaking of the challenge and the wiki we need more people to write stories and add art and videos! Actually, we've got one video so far posted, and no art at all. There are three poems and a few more stories. But we need more! So tell everyone you can to get creative! Please, and thanks! btw, I changed the homepage to the wiki a little bit and added some Dido lyrics to the bottom that you all might really like, so check it out!

Um...yeah, that's all I've got for now. Must go get some actual work done. bye all....
While I understand your reasoning in regards to kissing Eric inspite of his smoking I'd still do it. I nevered smoked a cigarette. Well took a few drags and was disgusted by it. Anyways, I have always believed you personally have to want to quit for yourself and never for another!!

In regards to the artwork on can it be computerized?
I'm going to work on some art! That's something that's easy enough for me. Maybe.....maaaaybee I'll write a challenge with one of those ideas.

If I got Eric to kiss me, I'd do it without a thought. However, if this was a long-term thing, he'd have to quit!

Wojo I definitely see that. I think Greg already has Nick wrapped around his finger.
And Twins, I'm with you, I hate smokers and it's the one thing that turns me off about Eric.
i do have to agree with you when i found out the george use to smoke i was like eww gross and was turned off too but i'm glad he stopped i hope eric will also (how do they keep their teeth so white????)
Bah, I always thought a switch was a someone who could either top or bottom, but I can see where that wouldn't pertain to a female. *shrugs* They call it something else in yaoi, I just don't remember what.

Anyhoo, what do I want to happen in 'A La Cart'? Lots of stuff that we'll never see. ;) Seriously though, I'd be happy with some not-so-subtle flirting. We so need some defining confirmation at some point and this would be a perfect time.

I've been reading 'Fathers First' and absolutely L-O-V-E it. There really needs to be more daddy fics for N/G out there... *watches plot bunnies multiply in her head*

Also, I come with gifts! Icons:
A Lifetime Just Isn't Enough
We'll Shine Together
You're the Harmony to My Melody
Greg Said What?
What Exactly Did Nick Tell You?
Don't Want You to Go Away
Nick & Greg
ooo nice icons
by the way i saw an icon a couple days about and it was (a photoshopped photo) of nick and greg kissing don't remember where though
I think one of them kissing (a GIF) has been posted here a few times. It's a manip from "Cats in the Cradle..." Could that have been it?

BTW - Zodiac I LOVE, LOVE you're art! :D :D
I love em too! Just curious, Nickssexybabe, what does your banner say? I can't read it lol.
Wait, twins what was your challenge again?
What do I want to happen in "A La Cart"......
Flirting, of course! And maybe just maybe one of them gets hurt. I know I've threaten to kidnap Greg from QOTU if it looks like he will wil get harmed (in a fan fic.) But something verrry minor that may not seem that way and have the other panic and something slips. Or even the sharing of clothingthat will make us go hmmmmmmm could they be involved already???? Basically, think along "Down the Drain" and what came close to happening!!! lol Not that exactly although that be awesome and so torturing at the same time! ;) :p :devil: But like that in their own way!!!
only true love- Yes, the art can be computerized! Or hand done or whatever. I like your idea for A La Cart. Poor Greg has been through enough already, but something small to let something slip would be hilarious! I hear plot bunnies bouncing around somewhere? hehehe, I've already got too many ideas to run with. Once my fantasy novel (as yet untitled) is finished at the end of November, I'll get some fanfic posted that should be light and funny, and cute, and fluffy. And some others that have only a small amount of angst.

Zodiac- I love the icons!

And yeah, I'd love to see that one of them kissing! lol....though too bad it's not real.
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