The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Oh, now you've got me twice as excited as I was before! :p

only_true_love~Yup, I'll definitely let you know, I'm still thinking about it. Maybe I'll be the resident psychologist? Since that's my major in college. XD Everyone could use a good therapy session The Love style. hehe.
I know. I'm so agonizingly tired, but I just can't go to bed! lol

It's our sister thread. "The Love Ship." Go to, and go to CSI's forum. We all have different rankings and what-not.

Right now I'm just chatting here for a bit, and listening to music. Then it's off to bed and when I wake up ATWT will be on! :lol:
I'm tired to but soooo nervous about ATWT tommorrow! Well excited too!!!

Zodiac~ That position sounds fine to me if it ok with Twins!!! Ironically, I have a degree in psychology and I didnt choose that position. lol But I love mine!!!
Sure! Whatever! I'll tell Nicole in the morning!

I'm really not that excited...!!!!!!!!!!

Now only if Brian and Justin were still on the air. I could enjoy all of my OTP's at once.

Damn you Col. Mayer! Leave Luke alone! And Lily!

Okay...The Love, The Love, The Love....Did anything happen? lmao I'm so loopy right now.

Oh, I saw a shooting star the other day? Guess what I wished for. I'll give you a hint...what are we talking in? Don't say so though, it might not come true.
I got a question; I've been making a ton of N/G icons lately and want to share 'em with ya'll. Can I just post them on here?
Dont worry the Col. will get his!!!

Nothing happened with The Love, well not on TV. lol

Call me crazy but I pray a lot to my granadma, we were wicked close. And even though you wouldnt expect some her age (when she was alive) to support our boys on here and on ATWT she would!!! She was super cool. Anyways, I ak for her for our boys on both shows to work out!!! LOL I know crazy right??? BTW she was a huge ATWT fan!!!!

And Twins/Natalie if you havent worked on the joint story but know where you'd like me to pick up PM me here, on or email me!
only_true_love said:
LOL I understand your answer so let me re-phrase my question and see if you change your mind! Between Eric and George who would you want to kiss you???

Twins~ I got your PM and yes that sounds great! I'm going crazy waiting for tommorrow's episode!!! ***jumps up & down***

Zodiac~ Dont forget to let me and or Twins what you want ot be on ship over on

There are 2 lines from Catlover2x and jennybel75 Masquerade Series (its listed under jennybel75) and I felt like sharing!..."Everyone needs to let go of their control and trust that they’re worthy of being loved.” And the other is.... "Sometimes giving up control is more powerful than being the one in charge.”

Ladies, didn't you all read my link?? Trust me i think that your getting things confused, a swithcher, by definition is someone that is bisexual or who switches roles ie from being a dominatrix master, to the swithcer. But sadly most doms are not switches, and if they are then there in fact a very weak dom.

A sub, who actuarly does have the control does have the power to say no to somethings. However, althougth the sub is called a servant, his or her roles does depend on what the master/mistress is into. Not all doms/subs are a sexual thing, sometimes it is although...

Ok going back to what i said before a switcher is also another term for bisexual...

As neither Nick nor Greg can 'switch' roles, their gender idetinty is fixed.

Sexual postions on the other hand is totally different... Cough I'll leave THAT up to your imagination....

Would you always like to go on holiday, sit in the same chair eating the same dessert, no for you would like to savour the delights of say a jam donaught, or a pancake, or indeed a muffin or a nice bit of homemade Texan peach cobbler or pecan pie... Or you might even fancy a california walnut pie with orange and cinnamon.. ( go google both lol)....

So hmm yeah where was I? ................

Kissing hmm I think I'd just have to kiss both of them to make sure they knew what they was doing. Which is only the right and kindest thing to do.

I mean, i need to look out for my twinkle and boo-boo after all lol....

COUGH, COUGH COUGH QUEEN............ I knew that you would pick up my subtle hints there regarding the coughing....
Three days, two pages? -is amazed-

Kassie said:
...and I want to announce that I am proud to be suckerforasmile's beta reader!
:D :D :D :D

Zodiac32 said:
I got a question; I've been making a ton of N/G icons lately and want to share 'em with ya'll. Can I just post them on here?
You can link to photobucket, I know, and I know you can post pictures themselves, but I don't know if there's a limit or not...Sorry D: regarding the kiss...definitely Eric, I supposed even if he is a smoker, though I would get on his case about that first. (Sorry George, Eric was first, and will always be first in my book)

As for Power/Play, yeah, I was gonna mention that one! lol. That other one sounds really interesting though, so I'll be checking that out.
And speaking of good stories to read Fathers First now has a sequel started yesterday called Still. And it's awesome so far! Fathers First was amazing, with the boys ending up fathers of five kids!

Zodiac- I'm not sure if you can post icons here, but I do know that you can put them on the CSI wiki on and at WMTDB has an icon section too.

Um, so yeah, I'm off to go reread Fathers First because it was so awesome and to check out Masquerade and then work on Live and Love (which, by the way is almost done! Only a few chapters left...I can't believe it!)
Oh Boy!!! Thanks for the PM Queen!!!

Ok, y'all, I have a challenge. 500 posts by Oct. 4, do you think we can do it??? Furthermore that would be Fort 17 and the day "A La Cart" airs.

As long as we stay on topic and have 3 lines per post it would be perfectly fine.

I don't know if we can, but we can sure try!!!

Here's a topic: What do YOU want to happen in "A La Cart" (no spoilers please)?

I'll do my part guys!

I just want a whole lot of flirting, perhaps a touch!!!

If we can do this, um, I promise, that, um, I don't know, yet, but maybe you guys can think of something!

Who accepts the challenge???
I found the pics! And shame on Eric! Shame! They're on page 8 or 9 posted by Miko, if anyone's interested. That would be pics of Eric smoking...or at least with a cig in his hand. ugh...

As for the Challenge Twins, I'm up for it!

And now I'm on to reading some good fanfic! bye all!
Ok twins, as i cant seem to not live up to a challenge lol...

Yes i accept, lets see if we get this.

Ok what i would like to see is defentlty some flirting because season 7, albeit a few episodes's had very little flirting between them...

Maybe Nick could drop something to Greg, and he accepts it? Dont know, something like a birthday present which everyone par Nick has forgoten, because everyones mind is still on GSR?
I am flattered that I summoned a plot bunny for the first time.

However, I think you misunderstood my question, I didn't mean it to sound stereotypical, because, I am the gay guy trying to get rid of stereotypes, I just meant who is more of the provider... okay I am so getting in trouble but I meant who is the top. I think it would be Nick who more of the caretaker, as we have seen when he was trying to destroy K-Fed, which I cheered at btw. I wish Nick would have hit him more, I would've >:3
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