The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Thanks for the article, Serenity.

Now, we know for sure ( not that we didn't know already ;)), what Nick was feeling inside after HIS guy got beat in "Fannysmackin'".

We'd never seen Nick so angry before:





I used to hate K-Fed but now I know it was by association and it is his X-wife I hate. Ahhh the jawclench of love. :D

Which is the man? Aren't they are both men? I don't mean to be rude but,I think it's very steriotypical to think one must always be on top, in charge, or whatever. I see them as equal in their relationship, they do what they feel.

And Twins, I'm with you, I hate smokers and it's the one thing that turns me off about Eric.
It was almost sweet in a way when nick went after K-fed!!! I almost wish Warrick hadnt stopped him!!!

I agree with you Wojo~ they are both men! while it can be steriotypical to think one is more in charge I know some gay couples that are like that. But not all are. And while Nick has this take charge dominaant attitude I'd like to think whether he has been in a relationship with Greg secretly or when they do get together he'd never feel that way!! That they'd take charge in being in control! But being in control is not always the fun part!!! :devil:

cough Eric cough if cough you're cough reading cough this cough please cough stop cough smoking cough your cough fans cough LOVE cough you cough too cough much cough to cough see cough anything cough happen cough to cough you coughh health cough wise cough

**the above is just a plea! Eric is ok! I havent heard or read anything to cause an alarm!!!!**
LOL, ok, so that last round of coughing was purely because of the smoke in the room. cough Eric cough. But the rest...not the cold. I guess this is where my fake medical degree from The Love Ship over on comes in handy. What you all have...correction, what we all have, because I've got it too, is not the common cold. It's called The Love Disease. And you can't get rid of it. At least not as far as I've seen. And any other cases of this that I have seen, people don't want to get rid of it! (shocker! I know! lol)

But hey, here's a question for you. Take a look at all those pics of Nick from FAnnysmackin' and tell me, does it look like he's got rings under his eyes from, perhaps, lack of sleep, worrying too much about Greggo?

I think I have to agree wth only true love on the dominant male in the ship issue. While Nick can be more dominant at times, I think they're more or less equal because they're so different from each other, and Greg would be trying to bring out Nick's wild side, while Nick would be at times trying to control Greg. Ah, that would be so interesting to see someday in real life! lol.

Another question that popped into my head, and forgive me if I already asked this, cause I don't remember. But, how do we know Eric smokes in the first place? Eric
Whoa, lots of talking whilst I was away!

Yay for the Jawclench of Love! The ultimate testimony to The Love, IMO.

Funny, I just read 'Forum Gossip' before I got here! XD Very nice little story, Kassie! It made me giggle.

Ah, yes. Usually I'm much more passionate about who seme's [tops] and who uke's [bottoms] in a relationship. [Sorry, leftover yaoi anime lingo *ish shot*] But when it comes to N/G, I'd have to agree that both are perfectly capable of playing either role. It's a balance of control, passion, and love and I think our guys definitely have that sorted out.

As for those pics of Eric smoking, yep, I've seen them. In fact, they're on the boards here under 'Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #6.' not sure which page though, one of the more recent ones I believe. I'll go find it and link them!

Wha?! I wish I could watch the interview! But alas, I am stuck in the internet stone age with dial-up. T.T Oh well, I trust ya'll and it sounds to me like Georgieboy's hinting around pretty well, dontcha think? hehe. He loves us. XD

Edit: Here's the linkage- CLICK ME! Second post down, quoted by Kyra, original by Miko. Pictures 2 & 3.
I so want to grab the cigarette out of his hand toss it to the ground and put it out!!!! :mad:

QOTU~ Nick does look like he has dark circles but only really in the one where you see the back of K-fed's head and Warrick is in the background.

And still on the whole top/bottom, dominant/submissive think of this way~ Just b/c you seem to be the one in control or dominant one doesnt mean you really are the one in control, it just appears to be. I know this is a lousy way to say it. All I can think of is one of the early episodes in which Lady Heather explained this to Grissom if I recall this correctly!?!?!?
Yeah, I know what you mean only_true_love. The best way I can think of to explain it is to read the fic 'Power/Play' by Catlover2x. Who is the most amazing ffic writer on the face of the Earth, btw. But she goes into great detail about that whole sub/dom thing and the way she explains it is just so... enchanting. It's made me into a total switch fan. XP Usually I like to go by the 'rules of slash', but like I said, with N/G not all rules apply.
Thank you all for reading and reviewing "Forum Gossip" I am glad you all liked it! I couldn't help but feed the plot bunny that was nipping at my heels. And now I maust bid you all good night. I hope to be back tomorrow afternoon when I get out of classes. Darn school...
Zodiac~ I forgot about Power/Play its been a while since I read it so I saved it to my fav. so I will remember ot read it later! Love your "Life's Little Lessons"! I couldnt help but giggle at what Nick said at the end!

Catlover2x is very good and love the Greg Sander series. And I beleive I mentioned this before as a good story to read but NicksAngel's Dummies series is good too. Get to see their relationship from how the got together!

And since I love to get people into talking forgive me if I've asked this b4 but if you could choose only one, which of our boys would you like to be kissed by and why??? hehehehe :p :p :p
Damn, we're almost at 500 posts! lol

Okay, QOTU I'm PMing you about Nicole's Challenge Story. It's done, I'm just asking a small question. Well two.

Stacy, tomorrow I'm writing tomorrow! Including some Power Ranger stories. Before my readers hate me again....

Also, I'm working on my video tomorrow. I'm FINALLY ready. :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks, only_true_love! I can always count on you for a nice review. They make my day!

Hmm... I'd definitely rather watch the boys make out with each other. :p

Hey, Twins! How's it going?
Zodiac32 said:
Thanks, only_true_love! I can always count on you for a nice review. They make my day!

Hmm... I'd definitely rather watch the boys make out with each other. :p

Hey, Twins! How's it going?

Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Well...actually I'm not feeling well at the moment, but I just think I'm exhausted.

BTW - I agree. I'd rather see them making out with each other...among other things. :devil:
LOL I understand your answer so let me re-phrase my question and see if you change your mind! Between Eric and George who would you want to kiss you???

Twins~ I got your PM and yes that sounds great! I'm going crazy waiting for tommorrow's episode!!! ***jumps up & down***

Zodiac~ Dont forget to let me and or Twins what you want ot be on ship over on

There are 2 lines from Catlover2x and jennybel75 Masquerade Series (its listed under jennybel75) and I felt like sharing!..."Everyone needs to let go of their control and trust that they’re worthy of being loved.” And the other is.... "Sometimes giving up control is more powerful than being the one in charge.”
I'm excited too! Less than half-a-day!

Well, George or Eric????? Kiss me. I'll take what I can get! lol I DON'T know! I'll think about it.

BTW - Next Thursday is the premiere "Dead Doll" and the next Thursday is what we've been waiting for "A La Cart!"

It's finally almost here!
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