The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I had a very difficult time watching FannySmackin b/c I'm a huge Greg fan!!! I love him too! I was ready to kidnapp him b/c of QOTU story!!! I litterally was litterally was shaking and had my mom tell me it was over so I could look. It was taped since my dad was going to be at work late when it aired. I forced myself to re-watch it later that night!! ***shudders thinking about it*** I was never more scared EVER than when he was beaten up than any other time when one of the charac. was hurt like that. And this inc. the Sara situation!!! BTW are you a member of The Greg Files???

For Nick is was Grave Danger too!!!~ The ants creeped me out!!! As much as it was painful to watch I have to say it was one of my fav. episodes in which Nick had a major role in!!!
I don't hate you either, I have to say the worst for me was Grave Danger. You see, I've always had a crush on Nick, and me watching him in danger tore me up.

But, I respect your like of GSR, even though I despise it.
I do however object to Cath getting more screen time! Who is she Yuki Judai?! *Yu-Gi-Oh GX reference* However, I will feel better if she hooked up with Warrick.
Whoa, a lot has been discussed since I went to sleep! XD

You know, I was wondering about why CBS wouldn't make The Love canon and I don't think it's because of ratings. I mean look at As The Word Turns with Luke and Noah. And that's on CBS! Daytime television. And there was lesbians on ER... so it's not like it's a completely taboo subject anymore. There have been a lot of changes in how people perceive homosexuality on televison. If anything, I think the ratings would go up. Maybe that's just wishful thinking, but a fangirl can dream.

It was really, really hard for me to watch Fannysmackin' too, back when it first came on. I started bawling and my mother was just laughing at me. :D And what's sad is, Greg hasn't been the same since. I honestly don't think he's been the same since Grave Danger, but that's just my opinion.

QOTU- You wrote Til Death Do Us Part?! Oh, I just read that a couple days ago and it seriously made me die a little on the inside. So sad! But a really great plot. Good work! Can't wait til you demolish Ecklie.
Ah ladies, no wonder why i love this site soo much.....

I kinda have a soft spot for both characters, but bigger for Eric... *winks*

Cough, where was I? Ah yes, for me the worst one was Fannysmackin without a shred of doubt. Seeing the poor man beeing beaten nearly to death, by what kids? But isn't that the terrible society we live in today?

Don't people get victimised by the youth? robbed for their pensions??? Well in England that does happen.

So, deep breaths, I'd say Fannysmackin' because how dare they even lay one hair on Greg. That whole story line made me sooo mad I wanted to serious hurt all of them kids. Yes i know violence begets viloence buy seehs i don't care.

As the trail/inquest is connected to what happens, oh my gosh... If that boy had been such a goodie goodies, why on earth was He with the gang in the first place. Let aong that he allready killed someone.

My boy's clever- he's going to a top college. SO what?? Does that mean that clever people are not violent. Er, no.


Grave Danger. whilst it was tense, and i was on the edge of my bed watching it.... but I knew that he was gonna be fine. You dont have a two hour episode, just for the character to die. Well in that respect Nick was the "lead" Character so nope lol.

Besides, I saw Grave Danger after I glimpsed a clip of Season 6, then the reception went again lol....
To be completely honest, I stopped watching CSI after Fannysmackin' it pissed me off so much. So, I'm having to catch up on the rest of season 7 on Spike TV when they have the marathons and such. So far I've kinda liked the rest of that season, actually. XD There was some really funny episodes, surprisingly. But I'm not fond of Greg in that particular season, he turned into a bit of an ass. Whether it be from the events of Fannysmackin' or maybe he and Nick broke up, I dunno. But he's just not the same. And I know people grow up and change and all, but I didn't really expect Greg to when I started watching CSI nearly 8 years ago. It's kind of a shock, ya know?

Candygirl1uk- Absolutely love you signature. The Wink of Love. Can't get much better than that. Unless it were the Kiss of Love or the Butt-Grab of Love :p
I agree with Zodiac32~ Demolish Eckile QOTU!!! If not Iserously may kidnapp Greg from any other story of yours in the future!!! hehehe :p

I just thought of this but with Fannysmackin' we of course saw the brusies and all but in the lab explosion we never really saw the scars from the burns, right? And they were on his neck too, unless that is only true in fan fiction. How freakin hard is it to have some type of scar put on with make up or how ever its done. Maybe its just me but it always bothered me that we never saw that.
Zodiac the rest of season 7 is great stuff!! Glad that you like my siggi, the twins did it for me.

No the scars would be there, so unsure why they didn't show it. After all it was glass that cut his body.
Thanks for the reviews guys! And yeah, not to worry Ecklie won't be alive for much longer! hehehehe....and no one will have to kidnap Greg from me for a long time, I promise!

So, wow, yeah, lots of discussion going on while I've been away! lol.
Speaking of those scars from "Play With Fire" I think his bandaid changes cheeks in the middle of the episode, probably the ep after PWF. Did anyone else see that?

And gosh, Gil's expression if Nick had whispered undying love for Greg in GD would have been really interesting! Though, I bet he would have just looked amused, and not really surprised. Not much surprises him at all, or he hardly shows it.
Yeah Queen i saw that as well, made me laugh.. the continuity on that show is sooo lacking lol.

Remember the crow and the eyeball, well Cath was examinging the contents of the nest, a baby's teething soother was taken out first, but then when She was talking to Gris, it was back in the pile.

Yeah that Ecklie in your story is soo bad, how did that happen? I mean what i take it that he's the law...
How on earth did someone that meglomaniac ever manged to be in the postion of THAT much autohrity scares me.
QOTU said:

Speaking of those scars from "Play With Fire" I think his bandaid changes cheeks in the middle of the episode, probably the ep after PWF. Did anyone else see that?

Yep that was in the ep Inside the box, last ep of S3. Greg had a band-aid on his face and bandages on his neck and his hands were shaking and Grissom called him on it.

Grissom: "Greg, your hands are shaking."
Greg: "No they'er not" (and it was so obvious that they were!)

I think that scene is cute.
only_true_love said:
Wasnt nick telling Grissom he became a CSI to make him proud during an episode when he asked Gris why he wasnt working cases solo??? And it was the same episode with "Silk, Silk, Silk. What do cows drink?"

MILK! Damn it!!!! I fell for it again! :p

I love "Inside the Box!" There's a scene where they're all eating dinner and talking about the case. Grissom asks about how they make Fortune Cookies, Nick goes to answer a smacks Greg's shoulder (So naturally!) and then answers like he watches "How It's Made" on the Discovery Channel all the time! lol

No one's mentioned "Stalker" yet, for episodes that are hard to watch.

Something about that episode, I can just watch it over and over again. Well, then it's not hard to watch, but seeing the angst with Nick just tugs at my heart. Same for me in "Who Are You?"

Also, "Post Mortem." You can just see the love they feel for each other, and then the pain they feel for each other.

It's so sad!

Oh, and I haven't posted for a while. Sometimes I literally just forget. Not that I don't love you guys!

Is it just me who likes to watch Nick cry? XD I love it when he cries, he's so good at it, you can really feel the emotion coming through and of course he looks extra sexy with great big tears streaming down his face. That's why I love 'Who Are You?' too. I could watch that episode everyday just to see Nick cry. :p

Did anyone else notice that Eric looks extra skinny in season 7? I mean, he's always been a bit on the lanky side through the show, but season 7 his face looks so sunken in. I don't know if they meant for that to happen to enhance the effects of Fannysmackin' or if there was something else going on. It just kinda... bugs me, I suppose. I definitely like him in the earlier seasons better. Especially his hair. Cuz his longer hair in the later seasons reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's and that's just not a good thing.

Gah, look at me going on a rant again. Sorry guys! I'm writing a fic right now and it's frustrating the heck outta me. *dies*
Zodiac32 said:
Is it just me who likes to watch Nick cry? XD I love it when he cries, he's so good at it, you can really feel the emotion coming through and of course he looks extra sexy with great big tears streaming down his face. That's why I love 'Who Are You?' too. I could watch that episode everyday just to see Nick cry. :p

Did anyone else notice that Eric looks extra skinny in season 7? I mean, he's always been a bit on the lanky side through the show, but season 7 his face looks so sunken in. I don't know if they meant for that to happen to enhance the effects of Fannysmackin' or if there was something else going on. It just kinda... bugs me, I suppose. I definitely like him in the earlier seasons better. Especially his hair. Cuz his longer hair in the later seasons reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's and that's just not a good thing.

Gah, look at me going on a rant again. Sorry guys! I'm writing a fic right now and it's frustrating the heck outta me. *dies*

I like to see Nick cry at times. Not too much b/c I start to cry and be~ It's ok and hug him!!! Which isnt really a bad thing, now that I think of it!!! lol He is good at crying though.

I have noticed Greg skinner now that you mention it in season 7. But I'm not totally concerned. While I miss his hair from earlier seasons I like it long at times. But its never good when things like that remind you of an ex!!! My second ex recently got engaged and when i saw the pic. I had to do a doulbe take to look at the name b/c he looked like he could have been related to my 3rd ex!!! lol Dont ask my why I just said that! The only good comparison I can ever say is my 1st ex b/f use to look like Kiefer Sutherland. ok I'm done with that!!!

QOTU~ I'm glad I wont have to kidnap Greg!!! I think i could easily do it to!!! I'd have Wojo maybe help me or anyone else that help! And i'd replace him with my Greg clone!!! hehehehe

And Zodiac, good luck with the writing!!! Listening to music helps me at times. Helps me get into a mood depending on the genre I'm writing!! *hugs*
twins1729 said:
only_true_love said:
Wasnt nick telling Grissom he became a CSI to make him proud during an episode when he asked Gris why he wasnt working cases solo??? And it was the same episode with "Silk, Silk, Silk. What do cows drink?"

MILK! Damn it!!!! I fell for it again! :p

I love "Inside the Box!" There's a scene where they're all eating dinner and talking about the case. Grissom asks about how they make Fortune Cookies, Nick goes to answer a smacks Greg's shoulder (So naturally!) and then answers like he watches "How It's Made" on the Discovery Channel all the time! lol

No one's mentioned "Stalker" yet, for episodes that are hard to watch.

Something about that episode, I can just watch it over and over again. Well, then it's not hard to watch, but seeing the angst with Nick just tugs at my heart. Same for me in "Who Are You?"

Also, "Post Mortem." You can just see the love they feel for each other, and then the pain they feel for each other.

It's so sad!

Oh, and I haven't posted for a while. Sometimes I literally just forget. Not that I don't love you guys!


Actuarly to anserw what do cows drink...

hmm its both surly?

Well younger cows when feeding the mothers mild they dont eat it they suck it therefore they're drinking it.

Damn i know i should watch Post Mortem again... waits for that to pop up on Channel 5 again.... Sighs gonna wait for the prices to go down a fraction before i'm coughing out that sorta money for a dvd. Saying that i just bought a signed autograph on ebay for like - tries to convert $38 dollas. LOL

"Inside the Box!" is soo funny, people you know what... I know that Greg's all criminalistics now, but even back then when he was having dinner/tea - sorry thats such an English thing, Greg was still part of the group.

Anyone see it??

Or on earlier cases, Greg was in on their "staff meeting", however fast forward to Hodges, he comes says what he has to, tries to get in with the big boys and girls... But most of the time isn't allowed to play in the same playground.

Hodges had infact been around for long enough to be able to dip his toe in the same drinking fountain.............

Omg, I'm watching "The rules of attraction" Omg how bad is this film.. I'm sure im not meant to be laughin in it.

Its funny because i didn't expect to see Eric pop up, this was my first outing away from CSI for a while lol... Been kinda watching back to back episodes and seasons... and the repeats...

The film is about teenagers, sex, drugs, and sexual identity. Just soo funny. The five or six minutes Eric is in is good, slightly disturbing though to see a woman having sex whilst knocked out and Eric's character in it... no named film student was rather disturbing because the no named film student was actuarly recording it...

Guess that Eric took this part in a break....

But back to good old twinkle and boo-boo dont you just love them....Cough :cool:
Zodiac, I noticed Eric was thinnner too but to me he seemed more muscular (especially his biceps) so I think he may have been working out. Pic from Toe Tags.


As far as Nick angst goes, I've always liked the episode 'Boom' (I know Nick & Kristy -YUK) Nick was just so nervous and scared, then those tears when Cath (with Greg'a help) saved his ass with DNA. And let's not forget "Nick's little soldiers"
Obviously the boys were not yet together, since Nick is not a cheater!!
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