The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Ahhh hello ladies, all new stuff has happend since I've been at work.

Right Queen i really wouldnt bother with seeing that film Eric's in in for about five minutes and its not a good film at all, but then Eric still needs to pay the bills lol..

Eye candy wise hmmm I have this argument with myself all the time.

Nick has the best body by far, but Its Greg that has the strongest character.
Out of the two actors, hmm I'd choose Eric lol.

Now this jacket business, do you think it was done on purpose or maybe George didn't really like it and gave it to Eric? But then if he had given it to Eric, then why would Greg be wearing it?..........

Hmmm Or Eric really liked the top and thought that Greg would??

Does any of these scenarios make sence?
SEABIRD!! I missed you! You too Serenity!

Oh, it's definitely the SAME jacket now. lol

Well, good scenarios Candygirl, however I just think it's because N/G or E/G are dating. Is that bias? :lol:

Is there any pictures of them wearing the same cloths as George and Eric?

Well, that might be difficult because their not in the media's attention too much.
LOL... If that is that case, then why was George wearing it and not Nick.?

IT is definatly - spelling mistake the same jacket. Actors at interviews tend to wear their own clothes, but on set they wear what the set's desingers allow.

Or Twins another reason- becuase George is a clever man and wanted to plant evidence in the public for a) The Love fans to talk about, and b) for the love fans who think that both Eric and George are together.

In an intterview i found on this site for a japanese site, openly admit that he and Nick have more things in common apart from the same face.

As the writting was in Japanese i have no idea what the questions was.. But i think that George kept on refering to himself as Nick...

In one section of the interview, George said something about if he's told to be a cowboy then he is a cowboy. Something about him being a good actor.

Something else that made me sit up and take note- but of course i cant remember what it was now!!!

Whilst Nick is more serious, I do suspect that although George is a proffesional actor that he has a wicked funny side to him. The licking of the lips, is his personal characteristic trait.

In another interview, he admits that he lives and breaths CSI. It does make me wonder how far is it in his character that is gay/bi/ other and how much is the actor?

Because we dont know anything other than his blonde accessorie on his arm, what does that mean? I've just started to read a book by Dean Koontz called 'One Door Away From Heaven', and Queen will back me up on this a character in the story has a trophie wife, but behind closed doors he has a rough, working class mistresses.

Something in the chapter, made me realise that that maybe George. It may not be, for what do I know? I'm not disrespecting the man or the acting and if he is reading this and feels upset- The George please read this carefully... Everyone has images of their true selves, more people than not have trophie girlfriends, boyfriends, wifes, husbands.... As long as you know what your about thats the main thing right?

I would support Eric, George or any othe actor or even Character who comes out. Comming out is still a traumatic experince that some people NEVER accomplish.
Who has the better body? Well believe it or not I'm going to have to say Nick. As much as I love and adore Greg, Nick's bod is much finer.

Although if you took Greg's personlity and head and Nick's accent and body, you'd have the ultimate male. Pure and simple.
although i love nick i like many ships including the greg and nick one, one_true_love but thats hard to say...nick was a little not fat but over weight this season but he's tone now...but i'd have to say nick only because he's taken his shirt off enough times and flexxed him muscles and greg never does that kinda stuff but you can tell he's got a built
NicksSexyBabe said:
although i love nick i like many ships including the greg and nick one, one_true_love but thats hard to say...nick was a little not fat but over weight this season but he's tone now...but i'd have to say nick only because he's taken his shirt off enough times and flexxed him muscles and greg never does that kinda stuff but you can tell he's got a built

Awww that wasn't nice. He might've been filling out cause lets be honest, its called mid life spread it happens to men at that age.

Plus George is HOT regardless of size or not.

Wojo- Hmmm yeah the perfect male LOL.

Although i like men the size of Eric's but dude George is fine... LOL Getting fat, seesh!!! LOL

If he put on say 5 stones, not to sure what that is in American weight then maybe, but i like Bigger men too lol
I completely agree Wojo! I was actually going to say something similar but didn't.

Question though...

Which of Greg's haircuts would be best suited on our perfect male?
Hmmm, better looking...I say Nick! I dunno why, maybe I have a weakness for men with a square jawline and an accent :devil:.
I did notice he filled out, but that was because George quit smoking, at least that's what I heard. But, Nick is more handsome while Greg is more cute.

I liked Greg's hair spiky, I didn't like how he wore it down before, it looked odd on him.

Finally, remind me when the new eppy is on, Sept. 28?
As for Greg's hair...the only one I hated was the buzz job on the sides. I love all of his other styles.

nickfangirl- I didn't know George was a smoker...ick...maybe he quit for Eric told him to quit for Greg if their characters were to become a couple he didn't want to have to kiss a smoker...hehehe...

That's still interesting about that jacket, and Candy, those are interesting theories. It might just be that Eric thought it was something Greg would wear. After all, he did change Greg's choice in music to his own, remember? Ah, anything's possible.
Seriously though, it would be just like Eric to turn out gay or bi because every guy I've ever been attracted to before in a serious way has turned out gay. It's like the live version of Alanis Morrisette's song "Ironic" I think, with the line "It's meeting the man of my dreams and then meeting his beautiful husband." So true! lol.

Candy- And yup, I can back you up on even though I've read that book twice I still had to remind myself who you were talking about. Since there's several story lines going on at once and all, by the end, you'll know why I forgot about him! hehehe, but ah, such a good book. Someday soon, I'm gonna have to read it again.
And for those who are wondering, the book is mentioned in one of my stories, well, more like quoted. I couldn't help myself, I love the book.

ok, getting off my soapbox and getting on with chapter 12 of said story so you can all read it that much faster...
As for Greg's hair I like most of them. 2 of my fav. are the really spiky and the natural one where he has some curl to it!

I didnt realize Goerge was a smoker either!!! Oddly I thought Eric was and not George!!! Maybe they both are!! :(
Ugh! *shakes fist at them* They should no better~ it increases your chance of having a stroke amoungst other things! Wow sorry if I went a little bit "parental" there.

Wojo~ I'm surprised you choose Nick!!! And here I thought you were a die hard Greg fan!!!! lol
Ah, I hate Greg's hair in season 6/7. To be honest, I liked it back in the beginning of season 2 when it was really dark and spikey-ish. *drools* That's the Greg I know and love.

So, as I re-watch the seasons, I've been trying to come up with a 'The Love timeline'. It's a timeline of when I believe they first got together, may have broken up and then got together again, moved in with each other, first time being intimate... all that good stuff. When I get my theory all sorted and complete, I'll post it.

Cuz Lord knows, speculation is my life. haha!

QOTU & only_true_love~ Thanks so much for the reviews! You totally made my day. :p

I didn't realize George was a smoker, either. I mean, I've seen pics of Eric with a cigarette and it seems to fit his personality, but Georgieboy? Whoa. Shocker. I just quite smoking and have put on a few extra pounds, so I can empathize with the dude. He's still hot as all get out though!

As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't be surprised if either George or Eric (or both) have been hinting around to the producers about N/G for a few years now. At least I hope so, cuz that would be like the coolest thing ever.

Quick question, just so as I'm not feeling like a complete idiot. What exactly does TPTB stand for? XD
I am just going to jump in here. TPTB = The Powers That Be meaning the producers, writers, and everyone else who has to do with the production of the show. They are the sworn enemies to we The Love fans, or at least at times they can be.

Anywho, I didn't know George smoked either, but like Zodiac said, I figured Eric would be, being Eric and all, but then when you think about it, it makes sense George would be one well, being all macho and all. And to stop smoking is hard, so yeah...

As for the hair on our Greggie (yes I have been reading 'Thr greggie Diaries) I prefer the long look from seasons 6 and 7. He looks more serious with it, and like Eric said in an interview in 2005 with CSB' early show or whatever they call it, he had to ask the producers to let him go more natural with it and they have let him.

But yeah, I am back again, damn school for taking up all of my time, and I want to announce that I am proud to be suckerforasmile's beta reader! So yeah, hey ya'll!

Oh, and question for twins, i got an email from secretfuntime and you are in the lead with getting members. Is that Brett Szmanda guy Eric's little brother or something? It would make sense with Eric starring in a few episodes and all. Anwho, congrats on being in first place and by such a margin! Question is, which one of you are going to get the iPod?
Zodiac- I was wondering that same thing, so thanks for asking! lol.

Kassie- actually, I think all three of them will get the ipod from what I understand! And Eric started the site with one of his best friends too but I was also wondering who Brett was. The last name could have been fake, as I'm sure all of us girls (those who aren't die hard George fans) would love to have Szmanda for a last name, right? lol.

As for the smoking thing...NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! No way. I don't want to think about either of them smoking. Especially Eric! He's too adorable for that. Way too adorable and handsome, and cute, and no. Just no. lol. Zodiac, you've seen pics of this? I still can't believe it. Sorry, I don't mean to not trust you or anything, but he's a god in my eyes, and I would hate for that to be ruined! lol, I can't help myself.
QOTU- I know I would like to have Szmanda as a last name, no matter the boyfriend may have to say about that... LOL. Mer....

So yeah, anywho, I am gonna disappear for a few hours to take a nap... I am tired.
I've seen photos of both George and Eric smoking, although I had heard that George was trying to quit, but I don't know if he actually succeeded.

I'm sure I have the photos in my photobucket SOMEWHERE.

eta: has anyone mentioned this interview with George and Jorja yet?

The pair of actors also talked about the episode "Fannysmackin'" and the way the storyline affected Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda). "Hearing that he got beat up by a bunch of guys who don't even have the guts to fight one-on-one, well that doesn't settle too well with Nick," Eads said. Nick would want to line all of the men up and take each of them on for messing with "one of his guys".
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