The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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suckerforasmile said:
only_true_love - Strip poker! But, uh...I didn't suggest ANYTHING. xD

Zodiac - I feel the same way, Catherine's great and all, but...really! And I'd be completely fine with scenes with Warrick and Cath...especially if it involved anything to do with, oh, I don't know, a relationship would be nice...

Maybe that's why GSR had the ending it did - they decided to handle it poorly (sorry to those who enjoy it..D:) in order to prove that 'being out in the open' with relationships make them...well...horrible.

Oh, man, I sound stupid...

LOL at Strip Poker!!! I'd love to see that but the show would have to leave CBS in order to do that!!! But it make a yummy story! I might even write a little one with my nameless game!! hehehehe Its a really fun game ot play with epecially if you are sitting next to somene you like! ;)

And you dont sound stupid!!! But is your GSR comment based on what you feel will happen in the premiere?????

BTW dont hate me if this embarrasses you but~ HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! :D :D :D :D :p
Aw, thanks only_true_love! And I definitely think you should write a story on that "nameless game" - I think it'll end up lovely. :D

And I guess I misworded it. I meant the ending for season seven (lol, complaining again!) and, well, the entire "coming out" scene (ha, couldn't think of a better phrase) wasn't...what I had expected. Ack, I'm just not that big of a fan...maaaybe, if, you know, it was handled better...Yeah, maybe if it was handled better...
suckerforasmile- I agree with how they handled GSR's coming out and everything related to them. ugh.
And about Catherine...gosh, we get enough of her already!!! lol. I like her, but I love Greg more! hehe. Though if she and Warrick got together I wouldn't mind that...but really, here we are talking about Yo!Bling and it's not fair at all, that there's a better probability they'll get together than Nick and Greg. And Nick and Greg are just as much not seen as Warrick!
You know what i'd rather see Ecklie with Hodges than any more GSR.

The actors are cool, they play their parts really well because I am a Gris fan. The mind on that man- well is pure attractive. I love intelligent older men.

Hay im 32 lol.

Awww Wojo et all I like Hodges, yay for more lab rats time...

He's so funny. He should be Brass's side kick at the Las Vegas christmas charity ball...


Finally finished a chapter for my third story, but not posting that untill all of my chapters for story two are done...
LOL...Ecklie...ewwww. hehehe...can't wait to destroy him in Till Death (which, btw, will be posted later than I thought, sorry for the delay folks!)
But yeah, I think I agree that I'd rather see more of Ecklie than GSR. Even though we already have a lot of Cath time too I'd rather see her than GSR. I like Gil just fine, but not him and Sara together! ew, sorry. And he gets enough screen time just for himself as it is. *sigh*
You know what they need to do? Split the team up (I know, don't shoot me yet!) and give Nick and Greg their own CSI show! hehehe. I'm weird, I know, but it would give them the screen time they deserve, and everyone else would have a shot at more time too! lol.
I really like Catherine but I agree we need a break from every little detail of her life, past and present. Give us more back story on Warrick, or better yet Nick & Greg! I detest gsr, and if Sara lives I hope gsr dies.

On a slow shift the CSI's can play spin the bottle and when Nick spins it points straight at Greg...hmmmm nice thought.
LOL @ the hatred of Sara Sidle. Yeah I mean do you know how many season's GSR has been either hinted, seen or felt?

AS far as i can gather right to the time of Greg's lab explotion. A few episodes before Sara's been two timed with Hank, then a few epiosodes time we hear Gris calling her 'dear'....... Ground braking stuff lol.

In response to all your- when did Nick/Greg (or what i like to call them Twinkle and Boo-boo) get together.....(if at all, but yeah i think they have) isnt at the explotion.

Why you might ask. Quite frankly Nick hardly seemed to care, however compare it to Fannysmackin' and the famous jaw clentch of love.... See the difference?

I will agree with the person, (sorry no idea whom) that stated that the first 3 season's Greg flirts with him, as well as every other living organism. Bless him!!!!

Later seasons he hardly flirts with Nick- not so strongly.

I agree, somewhere along the lines, the power of seduction changes hands, and now its Nick who becomes the seducer, whilst Greg becomes the seduced.

Maybe in Grave Danger he mellowed out abit and they got together around that time. Who knows albeit the actors/directors themeselves.

One thing that I need to ask...

When Nick was held in that box, he is seen on Nickycam to say something that Grissom lip reads...

Logic dictates that he says " Gris I'm sorry I disappointed you"
But whats to say he didn't say that.

Who's to say he didn't say something like "Greg I'm sorry to leave you?" or "Greg I'm sorry I love you"

To which Grissom replies "No nick you haven't"

If its disappoint, why on earth does Nick feel that he disappointed Grissom? Why not Warrick, or Greg.


By season seven, especially with the look of love, when they investigated the show heaven house in "Empty Eyes" That look... Welll That look diserves its place in the eyes of two found and loving people.
Well I've got a theory...That would involve the two of them already dating, but still...If Greg's already got him, then he wouldn't need to try as hard to "get his attention." Same thing with Nick...

Or, on a sadder note, they could've called it off, but one of them still wants the other. Or, on yet another sad note, they could've moved, so much angst-worthy stuff and I'm in a really good mood!
Because in the earlier seasons Nick always tried to please Grissom and wanted to be a good CSI so Gris would be proud of him, that is why Nick said (in the Nickycam) "I hope I never disapointed you" I read his lips too and that is what he said at which Gris relied, "no, you never did".

They just didn't show the part where he told Greg he loved him. Can you imagine the look of shock on Grissom face when he see Nick confess his undying love for Greg!! :lol:
Suckerforasmile.... No... Dear God no, they didn't call it off, not at all. Ugh who's angstie LOL Gosh I need a tissue now, the tears are flooding down my face... Nah not really lol, but seesh! Suckerforasmile... Have faith my friend have faith.

Wojo- classic line, they just cut it out lol. But still you think that it being a quentin Tarranteno thingie I would've expected the unusual.
lol, I'm sorry! xD But it seems like it would work (god forbid!)...even though I'm leaning towards the idea that they don't need flirting because they're already together...:D

candygirl1uk said:
But still you think that it being a quentin Tarranteno thingie I would've expected the unusual.
And that made me laugh...Not really sure why. :lol:

I would've expected different attitude from Grissom when he's talking to Nick about it...but, I dunno, I guess I'm eating my own words...I mean, it IS Vegas! And you'd think that because of that, TPTB would have less problems with putting a gay couple on the show...-shakes head- But, there's probably a factor I'm missing here.
Dude, if your missing the factor, then im missing the kyrpton.

Maybe there scared of the raitings. Yeah thats probably right, sad but true.

LOL I'm glad that i made you laugh, well i wasn't expecting like full on guy on guy exchange of their DNA.... or like a shower scene that I wrote.

Boy, now if that happened I'D need one lol.
Wojo said:
Because in the earlier seasons Nick always tried to please Grissom and wanted to be a good CSI so Gris would be proud of him, that is why Nick said (in the Nickycam) "I hope I never disapointed you" I read his lips too and that is what he said at which Gris relied, "no, you never did".

They just didn't show the part where he told Greg he loved him. Can you imagine the look of shock on Grissom face when he see Nick confess his undying love for Greg!! :lol:

Wasnt nick telling Grissom he became a CSI to make him proud during an episode when he asked Gris why he wasnt working cases solo??? And it was the same episode with "Silk, Silk, Silk. What do cows drink?"

I think Grissom would be cool if it came out that Nick and Greg were a couple. As long as it didnt effect their work!

I might get things thrown at me but I hope the premiere goes well and GSR stays together!!! It was my first ship! ***hopes no one hates me :(*** I agree though that they get too much air time.

Question for you all~ Of the BAD experiences Nick and Greg have been through, what was worse to watch for you? Pick one for ea. if poss.!
lol, candy, you never fail to make me laugh...:D

Worst experience? Grave Danger. Uh...and...Fannysmackin'. Nick's kidnapping because, uh, I dunno. I had no idea it happened and then my cousin was talking about it, and I stopped her and asked...And Greg's beating-thing because, uh, again I had no idea what was going on...and I think there's a little more to it than what was shown...Not sure what, but...I don't know...
only_true_love ,I don't hate you but I do hate GSR. As for the worst moment I gotta say FannySmackin, because I love Greg and seeing him pulled out of that window,beaten like that and trying to crawl away just ripped my heart out.I did feel horrible for Nick in GD but I'm not in love with him so it wasn't the same.
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