The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Those are some pretty sweet pics and that jacket sure does look the same!

Thanks for sharing NicksSexyBabe!

I'm digging the location Wojo. :p

BTW-I think Greg has a fantastic body. *growls*
Twins , its not Greg that has the FIT body, but it's Erics.......

Hmmm cough, come to mamma lol....

Wojo your the filling and their the bread.
Love the pics!!!! And QOTU ~*shakes fist at you* lol I just read your last chapter on Till Death Do Us Part!!! Well Done but shaking my fist can be explained in my comment on WMTDB!!!

Here is a bit of a debate. Who has the better body~ Nick or Greg???? hehehehe
In case you don't know already, Till Death Do Us Part is now FINISHED!!! That's my excuse for being away all day today. I had to finish it and then reread the whole thing and edit it. It's funny that there were a few continuity issues that no one seemed to have noticed! lol, they were minor, so they were easy to fix and nothing for readers to worry about. And I know Ecklie's bad...but he's Ecklie! lol...someone had to fit the part of badguy...

Nickssexybabe- That's really interesting about the pics, cause yeah, they do look the same! Hmmmm.....And of course the Koala is cute! But you know what? Greg's cuter! lol...

Candy- I can't say that I've seen Rules of Attraction, but I will someday cause it's got Eric! I've seen True Vinyl which is awesome, but you can't buy it from best buy or anything. You have to get it at I think. Oh! And I just saw Little Miss Sunshine last night. It's supposed to be really funny, but only a few parts were. It was still good. But anyway, Hodges is in it! He's helping to run a pagent show for little girls, who are all really scary looking!

Wojo- I agree, that scene with Greg's hand shaking was really cute!
Hey, just wanted to let you gals know that I finally got my fic done. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement, I was really stressing there for a while this morning. XD Anyway, you can find it here: Satisfaction. Beware of Greg begging in Norwegian and Nick confessing his love in Spanish!

In my opinion, I've always went for the guys with the leaner muscle, so I'm gonna say Greg's more aesthetically pleasing to my eye, but Nick is simply gorgeous too; which goes without saying. So, I dunno. I think it's a tie on the bod. But as for the face, definitley Greggo.

Justin may have thought Brian Kinney had the face of God, but I'm saying it's Greg Sanders. :p
Brian Kinney is a sexy man-whore god, whereas Greg is just agonizingly adorable!

Who has the better body? I'll go with Nick, he's just gorgeous. Not that Greg doesn't, Nick's is just nicer to look at sometimes. :devil:
Zodiac~ Awesome story!!! *drooooooools* at the thought of Greg dancing! :p

Twins~ Nick does have a nice body and I'd normally pick him b/c I've seen the shirtless photos but in the end I choose Greg!!! :devil:

This is a bit of short term memory showing here but I know True Vynl was brought up... The movie E.S. was in but everywhere i have gone to look for it they dont have it!!! :( Best Buy, even freakin Barnes & Noble!!! Anyone who has seen it where did you get it from!!!
twins1729 said:
Brian Kinney is a sexy man-whore god, whereas Greg is just agonizingly adorable!

That's because Brian Kinney is a bad arse sex god and Greg's just a cute little science geek. XD The bad boys always come off sexier.

only_true_love~ Thanks so much for my first review! Glad you liked it. Oh, yes, Greg dancing... it was giving me so many ideas. :lol:
Zodiac~ have you ever see the Manson - (s)AINT video!!! yummy!;)

Greg/Eric in leather pants and dancing~ **faints**
I'd go cray if I'd see Nick/George in leather pants too!!! lol
Eric wears a cute denim mini-skirt in the (s)Aint video, so if you haven't seen it yet I suggest you check it out! *wink*
Whoever brought up the bit about Nick crying made my day, for no real reason...And as much as I hate to admit it, he does do a damn good job...:D

Ah! You know, I kept hearing the bit about the (s)aint video, but the quality on YouTube was too low for me to actually SEE anything, but then some awesome person uploaded it all...not...dark and stuff. Twas pretty amazing.

...And what's this about leather pants? And where was I?

Zodiac32 said:
That's because Brian Kinney is a bad arse sex god...
Best. Thing. Ever. And if not, it came pretty close.

Uh...better body? Nick. Cuz I've seen it more. Wow I base my opinions of absolutely nothing...:D
NicksSexyBabe said:
hey i saw some greg sanders clips and i noticed that he's wearing the same shirt as george eads is wearing in my wallpaper have a look
gregs shirt
nicks shirt

Hello again, guys! I missed our beatiful Love. I missed that and all you too!. Here's hoping *crosses fingers* that this season we can finally see them working together in a case, just the two of them. It's about time, we've been waiting seven years! :lol:

Definitely, it's the same jacket ;)

George is wearing it on some 'behind scenes' segment:



Also in Australia:


Eric is wearing the same jacket on "Let The Seller Beware" and also "Crash and Burn":


Zodiac- Yup, I caught your fic on and you've got a comment!

only true love- Well, I went to check the website and it doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but that's where I got it right from Mistral Pictures! Only cost me like $11.00 I think. And yeah, you can't get it anywhere else. You might try ebay, I heard someone mention that before, but really, you can only get it from the production company. Wish I knew why, cause it's not fair and doesn't get Eric's movie out to the masses that should see it! lol...yeah, it's a good movie...great swimming scene...think I mentioned that once a long time ago. lol.

As for the better body...has to be Greg...but Nick's still really good looking, of course. I just like Greg better.

And that's still interesting that they're wearing the same jacket several times...wondering, do they each have one, or is it really the same one? Hmmmmm.....
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