The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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twins1729 said:
Awesome news guys! I'm leading in the invites at the Secret Fun Time site. I have 65 and the next person has 39, so yay! And I just invited more, hopefully they'll all join and have over 100!

I'm also working on my challenge piece today, as well as the pictures for LLK's new YoBling! site! Gosh I have sooo much to do, I better get busy!

Love our boys! I was daydreaming about if I were to read a spoiler about them becoming canon and I got all squishy!

LOL GO Twins!! I so have to catch up on here and on secretfuntime! I think all of us would get all squishy if our boys became canon!!! Just to let everyone know I posted my challenge story on WMTDB and it's all fixed!!! Long story on the issues I had posting it but all is better now!!! :D It's my first story, so I'd like to know what you all think!!! My pen name is the same as it is on here and the title is More Than You Realize!

When our lovely boys become canon, we must have a PARTY and I'll bring snacks!!! Maybe even make a banner!! LOL I know it might not happen but I really feel it will even if its in the series finale!!! If CBS daytime can do it and its well recieved they can surely do it at night!! :p

If I totally missed this sorry, but I belive you all forgot Archie!! Well I guess you can put him in lab tech category but he has been pretty close to Greg esp. when Greg was still in the lab! I think he'd be really ok with it like most of the others. He might even say something like~ "I always suspected something was going on between the two of you."(If its revelaed that htey have been together for a while) or if not and it comes out that they just got together he'd say, "It's about time." lol
Hey Twins, told ya I'd show up sooner or later. XP Long live The Love!

Anyway, I've decided to join in on the conversation a bit here. I think the defining NG moment for me was the ever important scene from Fannysmackin' when Nick defends Greg. I mean, yeah, I've always suspected throughout the years, but that right there topped all. I think it's the truest testimony to The Love.

Also, I love the scene in Down the Drain when Grissom tells Greg he should get his prostate checked out and Greg is all 'My prostate is just fine...' you know he just wanted to add on 'believe me, I know. And so does Nicky.' Ya know? Oh, and who could forget that line from Fur and Loathing?! 'That's what ya get for eatin'...'

So. Obvious.
Actually, something hit me just now...(And how could I forget Archie? I love him, I just didn't think he'd think too much of it...:p He'd probably end up saying something like what you think, only_true_love..

Anyway, what about Henry? If remember correctly, wasn't there an admittance that Greg was his role model? xDD Well, being that I think he should hook up with Mandy (uh, I think? D:) for the sake of pairing everyone off, it doesn't really play in well that he could possibly have a crush on Greg (actually, it'd be a bit like early Nick/Greg...where Nick's the badass CSI and Greg's the 'little lab tech (cept...not...) and, you know...serious, okay, I'm done....Any opinions?

And welcome Zodiac32! Always great to see new people...:D
I forgot about Henry! It be interresting to see how he'd react to Nick and Greg becoming a couple or that they have been! I dont know if its summer w/drawl from watching the show but when Henry even on last???

And what about Brass??? I'd like to think he'd be ok with it and be protective if any cops got nasty towards them!! But in all honesty I think he'd might not be the biggest supporter of all characters that have been mentioned! Opinions???

Welcome Zodiac32!!!
Hehe, this is nothing...:p Ah! And yes, most definitely defining moments, zodiac...'Let's try to be more obvious, guys! The fans aren't quite GETTING IT.'

I think Brass would be supportive to a sense...Not really supportive, but maybe nothing wrong with it either. But if he was trusted with their secret, I think he'd respect that they didn't want to let it be known...

Henry...I think he was last on in Lab Rats...I could be so very wrong, and I think I'm far from being right...Ha, even if I wasn't a massive supporter of Nick/Greg, I'd totally want TPTB to take a while on it, just to see reactions...I think it'd be interesting...

And, you know, (someone brought this up earlier) I think it'd be a perfect idea if only a select few people would know on the show, other than the viewers...because there's gotta be some serious homophobia somewhere...And I don't think either of the boys should be subjected to anymore angst...

But I love angst...Well...I seem to be in quite a position...
Well angst to a degree for CSI is always good. i agree that our boys have gone through enough. I have to say the things they have been through have made me the most nervous than any other charac. having to go through an angsty experience!! And I'd say this even if I wasnt a fan of The Love.

As others have posted that it be cool to find out that they have been seeing ea. other already, but if that's how writers play it out I'd love to see them re-cap moments that as Love fans see as indicators that something is there!!! That and maybe even a "deleted scenes" type of thing if you know what I mean!! Does that make any sense???
So, I would love it just as much as the next NG fan if they actually came out and said that Nick and Greg have been together for awhile, but in my honest opinion, I think that if they ever do get them together, it's going to be a quick little thing at the end of the series. I mean I hate to be the pessimist, but that's how I think it'll go down.

I've noticed some things lately, going back and watching the seasons over again. Sorry if this has already been said, I just didn't feel like going back and reading all the previous posts. Anyway, in the earlier seasons it seems like Greg was the one doing most of the flirting with Nick and Nick was kinda like 'okay, immature kid, Not gonna get into that.' So, they made him into Mr. Ladies Man and Greg into the love-struck boy next door. But lately, in the last few seasons, I've noticed Nick really warm up to Greg and Greg seems to be the one pushing away. They're conflicting against each other. They've made Greg seem like a horny college frat boy and Nick is trying to calm down and settle in. I think the writers are making it purposefully hard for us to get past that neither Nick nor Greg are at the same place in their life at one time.

That's why I *hope* that when it comes down to the series finale or what have you, it will all come to light and our two boys will finally figure out that they loved each other all along. Hopefully, that's what the writers will do to appease us. :p
Hi Zodiac!!!!!!!!! You did make it!

How many recruits is that for me now? lol 10?

All those moments are exactly what I think!

Don't forget the #1 moment!

The Ass Check!!

Nick wants Greg's ass!! That's for sure!
:D haha, you know it! That pic is my desktop right now. Thanks for recruiting me, Twins. This place feels like home already!
Lol! Well good! It's home to all fans of The Love. :p

Oh! NickyandGreggo! Yes, I'll make your second video request. I'm just working on my 20th Video for the Challenge.

It's still complicated. *sighs* I need to make it BRILLIANT!
You know, I was reading over everyone's ideas of who should know and who shouldn't, and I noted we forgot a key person - Bobby. In fact, wouldn't it be great it Bobby, Archie, Jacqui and Warrick were the ones to conspire to make Nick and Greg admit they liked each other in the first place?

So much has been discussed. Funny that about Bobby because I've just written about him for a chapter for my 3rd story entitled Hopes and Fears...

I think we forget about Bobby and Henry because there not in every episode are they?.
I agree with Clarrisani.....

Oh and waves hello Zodiac32, do i know you from another site?

I've been trying to get a fellow love fan here but so far nothing.If anyone sees FutureCSI1313 i think her id is point her to this site...

We need to get as many new fans for the new season.

Twins if your dream is correct, then boy I'd hold the party.... Must have something to do with the website or maybe not lol....
Wow...where the heck have I been since last night? many comments! And welcome Zodiac! I remember you from the CSI wiki, right? There's one huge thing I need to catch you up on that Candy briefly mentioned and that is the wiki we just started called Defining Moments of The Love (the link is in her post right above this one!) What we're doing is to get creative and make art, stories, poetry, and videos that illustrate the moment Nick and Greg get together. Then we're going to send it to CSI/CBS to get their attention. Check the wiki for all rules and guidelines. By now, you've probably already heard about it, but it's my job to repeat the info as much as possible because we need as many people as we can to contribute work! In case you're wondering The Love Moment Challenge and the wiki are one and the same. And I said the same thing when I first joined this forum a few months ago...or was it only one? Who knows...but yeah, this place does feel like home with a giant loving family!

Candy- I know FutureCSI too...probably from the CSI wiki I think. Name's familiar, at least.

So, about the discussion...where do I start? Yes, of course, Bobby should be one of the first, if not the first to notice something between the two...and heck, if we're going on the idea that they've been together for a few years he could be the one keeping the secret for them. I mean, how could he not know of all people?! lol.
Brass would keep things quiet. He's not one to spread gossip like that anyway. And if someone started something he'd quickly get it undercontrol and yell at who ever started it.
I would really hope that they're acknowledged before the finale in some way, shape, or form, but if that can't happen(though I don't see why it can't) then I'll settle for the finale.

Twins- I can't wait to see the video!!!

A quick update for my fanfic as I'm sure some of you might be dying to a few minutes I'm going to be starting work on the final chapter of Till Death Do Us Part! So, that means, hopefully I'll get it up within a day or two. Just so you know, there will be five chapters but the sixth will contain the poem the story is based on, just because it's so long. So, be looking forward to that and then you'll know why Greg did what he did and why things happen as they do in chapter five. For those who don't know, all of my Love fanfic are posted at and under the penname on and enjoy!
Clarrisani said:
You know, I was reading over everyone's ideas of who should know and who shouldn't, and I noted we forgot a key person - Bobby. In fact, wouldn't it be great it Bobby, Archie, Jacqui and Warrick were the ones to conspire to make Nick and Greg admit they liked each other in the first place?

OMG I forgot Bobby! :( And I love Bobby!!! ugh. Anyways, it would be cool if they conspired to get them to admit! :D Kind of like the Dummy series over on WMTDB which has been written by NicksAngel! If I'm wrong, sorry. Your idea is a bit different than the series, but I dont want to say anyhting more so I dont give away things!!!
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