The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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lol..:D I'd much rather know everything - I'm always the one saying 'the one with the thing...and then...uh...that happened.' hehe, I even get on my own nerves, then right after I post it, I realize that I knew the episode all along...

I try not to worry, though, because if I forget anything, someone here seems to know what I'm talking about! Makes me feel a little less crazy.
Twins~ yes you are a geek but so am I and I love you for it! But I think a lot of us have a little geek in us! :D :lol:

Good stories on WMTDB???? There is a lot! Up in Smoke by Cassio is really good. Not completed though. And Laying In the Bed I Made by Shacky20 is a very good angst story and personally it made me cry but I'm usually a mess :( :( :( when I read angst stories!!
Awesome, I'll check 'em out when I get done with the first one...ten chapters to go! I guess I never take full advantage of not being able to sleep.

And of course everyone's got a little geek in them, xD, well, anyone that truly matters, anyway. :p

Thanks, and feel free to keep them coming - I get bored a little too easily when I have nothing to do...:D
Uh, I'm exhausted!

I'm writing a "To-Do" list tomorrow and maybe I'll actually get some things done.

I'm terrible at procrastinating. It's a wonder why I've taken on so many responsibilities....

Bed you all.
I have it taped and I plan on finally watching it later tonight after work. I haven't had enough motivation unfortunately. Work has been long!

And I can work on the episodes as we go along. I mostly really like season 6 so if I can catch those episodes, I'll do those. I also have Grave Danger on my mp4 player so I could actually do that one while on break at work. Since they never air the darn episode.
suckerforasmile- Yeah, I'm bad with the ep titles too. It doesn't help that they don't put them on each ep when they air, like shows used to do a long time ago. At least, I know a few did.
As for Fathers First, that was an AWESOME story! One of my favs for sure! If you're looking for pure angst, possibly worse than what I'm writing, check out Best of Me by Twenty3, posted on I don't know if I mentioned that one here before, I might have. But seriously, it will scare you to death and maybe give you nightmares. But it's really good, draws you in and doesn't let you go. Twenty3 also has other long chapter fics that are amazing too. They're all on my favs list.
Ummmm...anything by Caster, especially Strategies(the best Christmas story I've ever read and no angst, I promise!). She posts on both sites.
So, yeah, that's my new recomendations list, well, the best of what's on my favs list from
As for WMTDB...Harvester of Sorrow is an amazing AU story by DisasteriousLetDown. And other good ones are on my favs list there too, but most are not finished yet.
Anyway, hope this helps...I'm now off to get some work done! bye all!
Okay, I need your guy's opinion.

Usually CSI skips over the summer and follows along - usually amazingly accurate - with the actual current date.

So the finale will actually be set sometime in May and the premiere will be set sometime in September.

HOWEVER, "Living Doll" was the first cliff-hanger CSI has ever had. How do you think CSI will do it?

Obviously they haven't spent the past 3 months searching for Sara.

I think that "Dead Doll" will be the resolution of it, the next day after the finale. Then maybe they pull a "three months later" at one point. Whether or not they post the words on the screen.

They also just might slowly build their way to the correct date through the first few episodes.

Or do you think they'll break their streak and just continue 3 months behind for the rest of the season?

And other ideas? I'm stumped and no one else seems to be addressing this issue.
Well acording to interviews I've read from CSI execs/TPTB, the spoiler thread and seeing the promo on CBS, the season 8 opener begins where the finale ended. That's what a cliffhanger usually is. But hey we are getting into spoiler territory so...

twins1729 said:

Sometimes the writers miss some of the most common and simple things. Like the fact Greg doesn't have scars on his back in "4x4."

My excuse for that is that the paramedics were wrong about the seriousnesss of Greg's burns so he wasn't burned as bad as first thought. So he has no scars.
Hat twins i've no idea sorry I dont really know..

I just wanna watch the new show....

See Boo-boo and Twinkle in action... so to speak LOL

Twins also got that email and have joined. So what does Boo-boo participate on it or not???

I would tell people who Boo-Boo and Twinkle are but you will just have to read my fanfiction lol..
Twins- I haven't a clue either, it could go anywhich way they want, really...

Candy- Of course, I know boo-boo and twinkle, but I'm still confused. This obviously has to do with sft...right? I haven't been to the site in so long, I was just there, and it's sooo different! But I didn't see anything about Twinkle there, unless I just didn't look hard enough....or am I just losing it and this has nothing to do with that?
QOTU said:
Twins- I haven't a clue either, it could go anywhich way they want, really...

Candy- Of course, I know boo-boo and twinkle, but I'm still confused. This obviously has to do with sft...right? I haven't been to the site in so long, I was just there, and it's sooo different! But I didn't see anything about Twinkle there, unless I just didn't look hard enough....or am I just losing it and this has nothing to do with that?

HAHHAHAHAHAHA No it doesn't have anything to do with Twinkle... I think that you should read it again lol...

Boo-boo. The nicknames I've adopted for both characters and actors lol.
Yeah, I guess we'll wait and see. I just hope it's positive and believable.

Boo-Boo and Twinkle?

Should we start called them that for fun? Incognito. lol

Right now I'm making 50 or so Nuke (Noah and Luke) avatars for my site.

After that...I don't know. I'll refer to my list.

Responsibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aah!!!
Omg twins im sorry but you've not read my stories....

O my days...
then u would know....

Nope thats my nicknames, now figure out who's who then twins.. :eek: :devil:
Well w/o getting into specifics I have thought that the the first episode will go one of 2 ways: They quickly wrap up the major cliff hanger and deal with the aftermath of it for the rest of the time, no matter how things turn out!
They re-cap verrrrry briefly what happened in the finale. Basically, your typical "last time....." and then have everything play out for the rest of the episode. Basically keeping us on our toes and keep us guessing until the last few minutes! or even seconds, depending on how much they want to torture us!!!

No matter the outcome it will effect us all and will effect each character in their own way!! I hope no matter how it plays out they show the team equally and how its effecting them! I can only imagine how it will effect our boys! And maybe just maybe we might get a moment of Nick and Greg that makes makes us smile!:)
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