The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Hey guys! I'm back!!! Sorry it took so long to post a message. The first thing I did when I got back was to post chapter 10 of Live and Love and chapter 3 of Till Death. Then I spent hours watching CSI on spike, and catching up on other fics that were updated while I was away. And it's cool, because I've already gotten some great reviews! Thanks for all the talk on here and the comments on WMTDB!!! You guys rock! I was kinda amazed that you all were talking about my work on here! hehehe...
So you know, tomorrow is beta day for me, since I was so busy over vacation I didn't have time for much fanfic work. I only just finished chapter 10 late last night. It's hard when you've got younger cousins around who shouldn't be reading what I'm writing but who want to know what I'm doing. It's also hard to get in the right mind set and mood for dark stories with family around without them thinking I'm seriously in a terrible funk! Ah, family, what can I say?
Oh, yes, and so you all know, I think Greg might surprise you soon in the next chapter or the one after. In Live and Love that is. Things will only get worse in Till Death. But that's all I'm going to say.
As for Greg in leather pants...I've never seen pics. However, on Eric's website the first video he was in, Dope Ass Warrior, has him in zebra print tights or something, and damn is he hot! I seriously need a screen capture of him in that outfit! I love that video!
And I just saw the ep where Nick rescues Cassie, and he was amazing! I'd seen it before, but forgot all about it, and thought she was a made up character for one person's fanfic until she appeared in another fic. Great episode, forgot the title though...
And, speaking of watching CSI on Spike, tomorrow, sorry, later today, 9am EST, they're starting a marathon of season seven!!!! That means "Jaw Clench of Love" coming up tomorrow! yay!!!
That also means I must get some amount of sleep so I can be well rested for spike later! lol...night all! Happy Nick and Greg dreams!!!
**** tackles QOTU*** welcome back and get soem sleep!! Love when Nick rescues Cassie~**sniff** thinking of it makes me want to cry and hug Nick! *hugs Nick*

And OMG,, I cant beleive I never heard of this site. With that said I'm off to go check it out! :devil:
Fine!!! I'll do it again! :D

This time I'm doing quotes.


GREG: FYI. Thirty swabs in six hours? Not realistic, all right? Even for me.

NICK: Come on, Greg, I thought you liked a challenge. What are we looking at here?

GREG: Lots and lots of epithelials. There were skin cells shed all over the blanket.

CATHERINE: Dylan Buckley's. Dr. Sapien's.

GREG: You're two-thirds of the way there. I also isolated a set of cells from another individual. Identity unknown... But when it's important to Nick here, I push further. Seven of the 13 markers matched your dead kid.


NICK: Father's dead, means we're looking at mom.

CATHERINE: Naked kid under a blanket at his shrink's late at night and his mother's there.

GREG: Yeah, your case just entered a whole new dimension of weird.

"Room Service"

(Greg is back in the lab. Warrick and Nick are walking up to him from behind, both talking loud enough for him to hear.)

NICK: I thought Greg was in the field. Is he back in the lab?

WARRICK: I don't know.

NICK: We've got to clear this up. It's like he's confused. Lab, field, field, lab. We have a lab on wheels.

GREG: How about you guys just shut up, all right? I'm doing this as a favor for Ecklie. It's a one-time thing. He's still interviewing lab techs.

WARRICK: You making overtime?

GREG: I'm taking one for the team.

WARRICK: Mm-hmm.

NICK: Mm-hmm.

WARRICK: Tell me about these pantyhose.

GREG: Well, I found Tally's epithelials on the inside, which is no surprise, since she was wearing them.

(Warrick looks through the scope.)

(Warrick sees skin cells on the pantyhose fibers.)

(Greg continues.)

GREG: I also found black cotton fibers on the outside -- highest concentration near the crotch. Insert joke here.

NICK: The vic had a pair of black cotton socks.

WARRICK: Well, I did find black cotton fibers under his chin.

NICK: Okay, transfer from the sock to the pantyhose, to the neck. So the sock was in between the pantyhose and the neck?

GREG: Padding. BCP, breath control play.

(Warrick nods.)

GREG: Couples increase their partner's pleasure through strangulation. And if you're not careful, it leaves marks.

WARRICK: Yeah, this guy Julian Harper's an actor, so I'm sure he didn't want bruises on his neck to be showing on camera.

NICK: There were only two girls in the suite. Which one of them killed him? took way too long to get into so I'll have to check it out later! Greg in anything makes me :D ;)
Twin~ awwwww and god bless ya for quoting it!! My fav. is when greg says, "I also found black cotton fibers on the outside -- highest concentration near the crotch. Insert joke here." :p
Lol, then he leans to Nick and speaks out of the side of his mouth:

GREG: Couples increase their partner's pleasure through strangulation. And if you're not careful, it leaves marks.

I FLIPPED when I first saw that. I'm sure him and Nick went home to practice some kinky-strangulation that night. :devil:
LOL I always wonder with lines like that, how many times it takes to say them???
I'd like to think that b/c of that line you quoted twins that there is a clip out there that something like you said happened. Unfortunately, it got cut! :(
You're right, candygirl1uk, I do have a few stories on WMTDB under my main screenname 'Jedi Princess Clarrisani'. I usually shorten it on sites that have a character limit on their 'name' field.

Still no sign of any more CSI here in Australia. Last episode we had was Fallen Idols a couple of weeks ago. So what do we have coming that we should look forward to? Anything?
After "Fallen Idols" there was the cute look in "Empty Eyes" (Candygirl's avatar).

Then "Big Shots" was a good Greg episode. The resolution of the Demetrius James storyline. Nick helped Greg and Grissom in it (lol, suckerforasmile's avatar).

After that there really wasn't much of Nick or Greg. Well, Greg at all for that matter. *glares at TPTB*

About 6 more episodes until the finale.
Dont worry twins our boyswill have their day soon and hopefulyl many wonderfuly moments. Otherwise :devil: :devil: :devil:!!! LOL Just follow my thinking and you'll be ok!~ If CBS can handle on a daytime show *coughATWTcough* they can and will handle doing it on CSI with our adorable and well loved boys! ;)
Awwww Ladies i was sooo sure he say hay babe, so why would Nick turn around like he did.

Saying that, i thought i saw an advert on msn with George in it... I think that I'm going slightly crazy and need to distance myself from Nick/Greg and sadly Eric/George!!!!....

At least at the weekends lol, the weekdays I'm working...

Awww Twins, i bet you checked really really hard didn't yah.

Ugh........ Sob Sob Sob!!!
So, I just finished the Spike marathon and it wasn't as good as I'd hoped, really. They played four eps in the morning and repeated the same four in the afternoon. How lame. However, they were good eps! Fannysmackin' was the second ep, and the others all had parts to do with that ep. I know I saw these before, but I was just surprised at how happy Greg really was, before and after Fannysmackin'. So many people complain that he's not the same as he was, and he may not be playing loud music(in fact, that was Sara in one ep and Gil yelled at Greg without knowing the truth! lol) but he was happy, at least for those few eps I saw this morning. And he was doing well after what happened. I was just glad for that, no angst there at all. Though, I really wish it had been Nick that had gone to Greg at the scene rather than Sara, of course.
As for angst and my stories, I promise my next one will have very little! I've got a lot of happy ideas in my head.
You know, Queen that I think that Sara finding Greg was done on purpose, maybe to stop the "love" fans in their tracks. Who knows for sure, but yeah thats what I think anyway.

I reviewed the two chapters. Damn... Very good lol.
As much as I dislike Sara I really liked that alley scene between her and Greg (I'm sure it made GSR fans mad which IMO is a good thing :lol: ) I thought it was very touching and it alwys brings tears to my eyes when I watch it. I'm sure it's because Eric is such a wonderful actor that I really felt Greg's pain. Although part of me does wish it were Nick but having him punch pig-man made up for it, at least for me.

(I'm not sure if Nick would allowed himself to be emotional over Greg like Sara did)
I watched them too! :D

I do like the alley scene. Though I see it as two friends, or even siblings. Nothing romantic at all.

Though there's still the Jaw Clench, him punching K-Fed, also him helping the cops in the end, and then he wants to see Greg. All for his Greggo.

Then, of course, Post Mortem. *sighs*

Nick protecting Greg. Is there anything better than that?

I think I'll post the results of the Top 10 Episodes today. Check the WIKI later!
You're right, Wojo, it did seem like a friends moment. And Nick punching Pig was sweet, as was the ending when he was with the cops. I just couldn't help but notice Sofia with the shotgun, that was just sweet! Though, Nick should have said something to Pig I think, but I don't know what. I guess I just want him to be standing up for Greg's honor and all that. lol.
Here's a question for you all writers of fanfic. Have you ever written a story and then found another one written by someone else a few years before that's so similar it's almost not funny? I guess I'm so used to writing for shows that no one else writes for so all my stuff is original, versus CSI where the whole world is in on it. At least I have no fears of my story following in the footsteps of the other since I've planned every moment right up until the end. It's similar, but yet not, which I guess, is pretty much what most fanfic is, like all those Greg kidnapping stories we had a few weeks ago. Ah who knows. I worry too much, afraid someone might come at me with an "I wrote that already!" But in fanfic the rules are so different than original fiction. *sigh*
Well, I guess I'll go make some tapioca pudding and dream about the boys.
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