The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I've sort of had that experience. I have a couple kid fics and while I was still writing them, I saw on stories with kids who had the same names as my characters. Apparently Haley is a popular name for Greggo's future daughter. I would change it just to be different, but I'm already attached to the poor kid.

I also just saw a new love fic that is similar to another love fic.
Hello! Sorry I was MIA for the weekend - was at my grandparents house and didn't have Internet connection...Well, I did, I just didn't have a computer...If that makes sense.

Either way, I managed to write in between intervals of playing Halo 2 and seeing my grandma in the hospital, so, that was a highlight!

And Fannysmackin'! Just...!! I set an alarm, but didn't wake up...probably because I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and I barely missed the 2:00 showing, but I caught it. :p So I'm pretty happy about that. Everything is so much better when you can see it shown on TV...

And, QOTU, I found what I had for the challenge...I'm still putting them up, but is the challenge still going or did you finish it off when I wasn't paying much attention?
After our recent discussion on audience reactions/CBS and same-sex relationships on screen (and lack thereof), I just had to post this from an interview Torchwood/Doctor Who actor (and spunk) John Barrowman made a couple of days ago about just that - American audiences and their reactions to same-sex relationships.

"American audiences are a little uptight. Sorry, actually I take that back. A lot of the time I think it's the network executives and the people who chose the programming. One thing I think American networks don't give the viewing audience is the benefit of the doubt. They think an audience can't handle something, and you know what, they actually can. I think they're ready to handle it, and if it's taking BBC America to make that choice for audiences, then hopefully the other networks will pick up on it and follow. "

Here's hoping that he's right, that Torchwood and other such programs in America do lead to networks being more open to ideas. Then, just maybe, we may get out dream of more Nick/Greg hints and moments in the future!
suckerforasmile- The challenge is still going on! So, for anyone with fanvids, fanart, poetry, or fanfic, that emphasizes for you the fan, the moment you realize these two are together, send them on in! We're still working on the wiki, but here's the link:
If the link doesn't work, just go to and do a search for Defining Moments of The Love. The rules are posted there and we'll have a page for each type of submission. We'll also take suggestions on how to make the wiki better, if you've got an idea!
I think that's all I've got. I'm going to work on the wiki, then get to betaing, and hopefully, find some time to start New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. I'll post again when more of the wiki is done. Right now, you need to be invited to the wiki to edit it, just so that we can be sure it stays clean and don't get people who hate The Love leaving bad comments or anything. So, don't be offended if you can't get in, just let either Candy or I know, and we'll send you an invite to upload your work when you get it done.
QOTU you know I went there! Yay!

Clarrisani I love that! They are sooo right. That's JUST like "Queer as Folk". When the show first came out in the UK, American newspapers and articles kept saying, "America would NEVER do this show". Well Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman (the creaters of QAF USA) saw that and decided to accept the challenge and QAF on Showtime was born! Do you know how many people are fans of this show? A ton! QAF is very popular with women! Which goes to show why Luke and Noah are so popular!

Now if Nick/Greg ever were to happen, I think it would be a positive reaction. Especially from females, since the are the main "shippers". Like stated in that quote I think audiences are ready, it's just the networks that aren't.
Twins im not supprised, in this respect thank God im English we really dont care about all that. If a person don't like a show dont watch it.. There was a really interesting drama on recently celebrating gay people and characters on tv.

In conjunction with the gay characters in CSI, dude if the show was English they'd be married by now lol.

Ok twins regarding the email its all up and go. So Twins get writting lol..
Hehe, I'm not too clever when it comes to Wikis...xD So I try to steer clear of them...But I might be able to figure things out - don't want to be a burden, or anything, you know...

Oh! And I had something to add about Post Mortem. Everyone's saying that they could've put Warrick on the stand thingy thing to give, they could've replaced Nick with Warrick, is what I'm getting at! Anyway, if the racial thing was really a worry to them, they could've given Warrick that "job"......Point being, writers either weren't thinking, were thinking, or...I forgot my point.

It just made me think, that's all.
I get your point. They could've put Warrick on the stand, since it seemed to be a racial issue - at least to a point - but they didn't. I wonder if TPTB even thought about it, or if Nick doing it just seemed natural. Whether or not it had anything to do with "The Love."

Sometimes the writers miss some of the most common and simple things. Like the fact Greg doesn't have scars on his back in "4x4."

It's like, you aren't sure if they just didn't feel like it, didn't think that there would be anyway, or if they seriously forgot.

Isn't it someone's job to keep up with continuity on the show? They should get fired. :p
Twins, JB actually does comment on QAF, but I can't post that here. Lets just say JB has a tendency to say things that can't be quoted on PG sites. But it is in support of QAF - what he says is about the people who don't like that sort of thing on TV.

TV shows are supposed to have what is known as the 'Bible' - a large book/folder that contains all key information about characters and past storylines that the writers and editors are supposed to refer back to. Given the inconsistancy of CSI, if they do have a 'bible' they do not utilise it, or it is not up-to-date. It's more likely, in my opinion, that they haven't got one at all.

And I'm with candygirl1uk - if the show was made in the UK, Nick and Greg would have been married ages ago, and the show would still be high quality drama, not slipping into bad soapie territory as it is now.
Awwww, suckerforasmile, you wouldn't be a burden! btw, I sent you a welcome message a few moments ago from the wiki! Yay, and welcome! lol.
Twins- Welcome to the wiki to you too! I believe I sent you a message earlier today as well. And I got the email too about being a writer, and was confused when it showed you already were one! lol, guess Candy got to it first...hehehe, enjoy writing!
Well, all, the wiki's doing good. Pages have been made, both my stories for the challenge were posted (really to see what it would look like with more than one story per page and I'm still not sure I like it that way) and one video is also posted. Some poetry will be coming soon. I've now written a Moment Challenge poem that will be posted there soon.
And please check out the Rules page as it's been updated to include all the forms of fan art allowed for submisson.
In other news...there's still lots of betaing to get done, then I'll be updating both stories. I'm hoping to have them done before November as I will be writing a 50,000 word fantasy novel during that normally bleak month. After that, I promise a chapter fic for The Love that has little, if any, angst! Someone must hold me to that, remind me, please! lol, I love writing angst and find it so much easier than fluff, so we'll see how that goes.
So, I think that's all I've got for you. Check out the wiki folks, and get creative! We need all the submissions we can get!
D: So I figure if I get some serious help with it, I'd be able to do it. But, uh...if not...Uh...I'm not sure. Ha.

And yes, thank you twins - exactly what I meant. If they were so ticked off about it being a racial issue, then Warrick should've. But, I suppose that it's kind of obvious that Nick and Greg are closer than Warrick and Greg, except for the episode where Warrick told whatserface that he checked up on Greg after the thing...Sorry, I'm not one for episode titles, hehe..
That episode was Season 5's "No Human's Involved." :) lol

Yes, I love the site QOTU and I'm excited about helping out in the future and also working on my own challenges!

Oh, Elizabeth? Did you do "Post Mortem?" I did "Fannysmackin'."

After that, we're done with the episode guide. Except for 5 and 6 O_O!

We've had two people fall through for 5, and 6 has just been hard...

Now if someone owns them and wants to do the whole thing, that'll be great. However, if someone just wants to do random episodes when they air on Spike, that'd be great too. That's what Nicole and I will be doing anyway. But obviously, we won't get to them all!

When 8 rolls around, we can do that ourselves, hands down. But if anyone wants to help with 5 or 6, just ask! :D
Are you talking about when Greg got injured during the lab exploison??? If so that's Play with Fire. And if its when Greg got beat up, that's Fannysmackin. ugh, I still shudder thinking of that episode!!
Ah, should've known it was season five...-shakes head at self- And no, not Play with Fire or Fannysmackin'...though Warrick could've been helpful, there, if he wanted to as well...-thinks- Well, personally, at least. Come to think of it, so could've Nick.

So, uh, I've asked before, but I'm going to ask again. Recommendations? Come on, I know you've all read fanfiction that just blows you away...tell me some, I'd love to read said fiction...:p I've got a lot of downtime before school, and November, so...
OMG suckerforasmile!!

I just realized that with no effort I named that episode! Especially since Stacy seems so lost! (lol, jk!)

Yeah, after Greg was in that tough neighborhood and he found the dead kid in the garbage. :( He seemed a bit shaken. Warrick told Mia that he knew Greg had a tough day and wanted to talk to him.

I'm such a geek!

*goes to watch Power Rangers* :lol:
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