The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Hmmm this question goes out to all the love fans...

Ok correct me if I'm wrong but this morning- just had to stop the dvd, so I could post this lol--

I'm rewatching season 3 Precious Metal....

A scene where Nick and Catherine enter the workshop where the bots are made etc. A cop ask's the people all to leave....

Nothing strange in that... Clearing the scene for the CSI's ....

The cop walks away behind the last person, he passes first Catherine, then as he passes Nick he says
"Hay babe"...

Nick stops turns around, watches him, then follows Catherine...

Anyone else found small little snippets like that?
Never noticed that, but that gives me a reason to check out that ep again!

and only_true_love ,sorry no leatherpants pics,if there is a pic out there of Greg/Eric in leather pants I've never seen it - unfortunatly.
Trust me it may only be me, but because I wasn't expecting it... I had to rewind it, and yeah the male cop says it to Nick...

Oh and you do realise that at the begining of that episode when Nick and Sara are on their coffee break, when Nick says he has a good friend that wants to ask her out on a date, thats Greg lol....

Sara knowing full well its Greg thats why she said NO very strongly.
You know, going back to that birdwatching thing (what have I started, lol), I could see them going out with a whole day (and night) to themselves and a picnic lunch, near Lake Mead. No people, no cars, just them and nature. And things would just lead on to each other...
Clarrisani Hmmm your quite fixated on the whole bird watching arent you lol.... Which is a good thing to be honest with you.

hmmm so why dont you write a story about them doing that. Correct me if im wrong but I think ive read some of your stories on wmtdb YAY and set it during season 8 the start... Oh be cool to read it.
Hmm...I'll check out Precious Metal, I love that episode! I want to see it! I'll give you my opinion :p.

QOTU, thanks for reviewing my story, that was really nice!
Ok twins my friends you do that lol... Then either twin can bash me over the head virtually if I'm wrong.

Sighs... Please dont hurt me i brake easily!!!
Hm, never noticed that either candygirl , but I will definitely look for it once it is shown again on Spike.

And the birdwatching thing is great! And I really love the idea of a nice little picnic on Lake Mead, bird watching. It sounds like a great fic idea, as candygirl already stated. I can just see it now: The two of them sitting on a blanket with binoculars, and the day turns to night with a star-lit sky and moon reflecting off the lake... :D

Oh yes, if anyone is interested, I made another vid and its now posted on YouTube under criminalmindsfreak.

And yay, you are officially back by the looks of the updates on WMTDB QOTU ! I must read and review right away! I am sooo behind on all my reviews...
I don't mean to be a Negative Nancy, but sadly I watched the clip from "Precious Metal" and it sounds like the cop says "Hey Nick."

When I first heard it, I thought that it was possible. However I put it on Close Captioning and it said "Hey Nick" and that's what is sounded like too when I put on head-phones. I listened to it very loudly and closely.

Now, subtitles don't work for CSI through a DVD player, but they do work if you use the CC through your TV. :)

I watched your video Lilly!!! :D
just got done reading the updates on "Live and Love" and "Till Death Do us Part". Awesome job on both QOTU!!! **hugs** However I'm a bit upset with the ending in Till Death Do Us Part. And In Live and Love I so want to hug Greg and make it all better!! I will kidnap him if a need to! LOL
You're not being a negative nancy twins, you're just telling it like it is. I tend to believe that cc doesn't lie, but wouldn't it be great if what candygirl mentioned was true *dreams* And I saw your comment and responded. Thanks for watching :D

I read both updates too, but now my brain is filled with very, um, interesting thoughts involving Will Ferrel, John Heder, and Flash Gordon because I just finished Blades of Glory, which really wasn't as homophopic and cruel as I thought it would be. In fact, it was extremely hilarious. Wow, was that a run-on sentence or what? :lol:

Wait, I remember! :lol: I wish that in Live and Love Greg would have at least shown some emotion to Nick, but I completely understand why he didn't. And Til' Death was sooo sad; I just hope that Nick won't go there, at least, unprepared. (Trying to be vague as to not give anything away :))
I think Greg did somewhat show a little bit of emotion but not as much as I'd like and what you'd most likely watned lil_love_fan!!! i just hope Nick knows what he is doing and can help Greg! Otherwise as I've said b4 I'll kidnap Greg!!! As you can see I'm very protective of Greggo!
It's officially 32 days until "A La Cart!" lol

Speaking of that, that's the only episode so far that mentions Nick and/or Greg detailed in the summaries. I'll let you know what the 5th one is going to be about when it pops up. :)
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