The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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I see Nick as a big brother to Sara! But I also think there is this "comfortability" around each other since they have worked together before!

Twins~ have you been writting??? And btw there hasnt been any change over on your new thread! :(

if & when they make Nick and Greg canon, I hope it doesnt take as long as they did with GSR! i just want to be PLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASE wake up to the writers and be JUST DO IT!!! LOL
Lol. Stacy I PM'd you back on

I think they're all one big family.

Except Nick and Greg have all this, they don't seem that "close." Like if they talked all the time and spent time together. Which might be nice, but proves they're not close like brothers.
You know what would be nice? One scene with them out doing something not related to work. Maybe out having a meal or beer, at the movies, just walking, or maybe Greg has dragged Nick to a concert or Nick has dragged Greg out birdwatching (because Greg has decided this will be his latest hobby). Just a little non-work moment between the two. Nice and casual, so we can see the dynamic between the two of them.
Twins: I do agree, siblings can be such a pain, especially the younger ones. But I love 'em both. And I just sent you a reply on the song.

suckerforasmile: Love the new avi! Am I the only avi-less one now? :lol:

only_true_love: you are sooo lucky that you didn't get hit as bad with that storm. No power, an acre full of downed trees and missing the last 3 minutes(yes, I still remember the minutes) of Fannysmackin' is not my idea of spending a week off school. Oh well, I guess that's the price for living in Clarence. But I'm over it, really I am :rolleyes:

Clarrisani: Torchwood sounds great! I can't wait for it, and even my dad has commented that it looked really good. And the idea of a non-work moment is great, because I have read so many fics that start off that way and it would be great to get a closer look at their relationship, even if it is only meant to be of the friendly nature.

And about other ships: I see where a lot of them are coming from too, but in particular Warrick/Nick today. Even though I don't ship it, I was watching Loco Motives today and there was that long sequence of the two in the cramped out-door hallway brushing shoulders, and before that Nick patted Warrick on the back as they were entering the scene. Not to mention a lot of the other cases they have worked together, but IMO the chemistry between Nick and Greg is far greater (What I really want to say: Warrick, you will never steal Nick away from Greggo! :devil:)

And a quick question for anyone who has read the novels: which comes first, Sin City or Double Dealer, for I have been getting mixed answers.

And to TPTB: Wake up and smell the species( have always wanted to say that)! They have all the neccasary chemistry for a great canon ship, so why not make it happen? Just because they are both guys should not and does not mean that they wouldn't make a great couple.
Clarrisani? Birdwatching?? LMAO!

I could so see Nick waking up early in the morning, grabbing his binoculars, holding his books and gazing out the window!

And the thought of him taking Greg along. lol

I could see Greg asking to come in order to get closer with Nick. That would steal Nick's heart in a second. :)
LOL at the birdwatching too!! I could see Greg taking Nick to a concert~ Greg in leather pants and Nick would fall in love!!! Or at least I would! hehehehe
Hmmm just the thought of Greg in leather pants....nevermind. :devil:

Well anyway I think the birdwatching thing would be cool, I can see Greg wanted to do it just to get close to Nick and spend time with him. And TPTB should give them some casual time together, away from the lab.
Yeah i totally agree there. Birdwatchin, looking for bluetits lol. That would be too funny, but yeah something like that, like friends hunging out and just chilling.
I bet Greg would prefer to birdwatch than to spend the afternoon watching sports or something! lol

Though, they could settle on watching the Discovery Channel together....I love those channels...

I could have a great time with Greg and Nick. Then when they were ready to get '"intimate," I could stick around. Without them knowing of course.
Kassie- Yes, Harvester of Sorrow is an awesome story! I can't remember who wrote it either, but it's awesome!

Suckerforasmile- Of course Fannysmackin' is worth it! I soooo can't wait for Monday to get here. I'll be back in my apartment and hopefully my roommate will be at work all day so I can spend it with the boys! lol. I love the names people have been giving to scenes regarding those too. The Jaw Clench of Love is perfect!

Fanfiction has been taking a back seat on this vacation, sadly. Chapter 3 of Till Death Do Us Part is finished, and I'll get it posted tomorrow night when I get home. I'm working on chapter 10 of Live and Love now, but with two younger cousins here, that's hard to do, considering they want to read everything I write, and you all know how "bad" the story is. We're getting there though. I've got more story ideas coming along, but it'll be a long time before I get them written.
Betaing will get done when I get home, I think. Sorry for the long wait guys!

And yes, Nick and Greg should become cannon for all the reasons stated before. I would love to see Nick take Greg out bird watching with him sometime....Greg in leather pants....OMG......I think my train of thought just went to the gutter...excuse me while I go try to find it and clean it
I'll be back officially tomorrow night!!!! yay!!!!
*COUGH* CSI! *COUGH* NICK *COUGH* NEEDS *COUGH* TO *COUGH* KISS *COUGH* GREG *COUGH*- Twins lol how did i miss that before... Do you need to see a doctor? Damn thats a really bad cough that you have got.

YAY good to see that your'e nearly back Queen...Then you need to catch up on the posting and have avatars done by the twins...

Then all of us, both new and veterans of the site can wait for the new season to start, and watch all new fans of the love to find their new home...

All together now.


QOTU- Yay! You'll be home soon! I'm dying for you to read the chapters I sent you. I edited up the others based on the comments you gave me for the first three. I want to get at least five chapters finished before posting them.

Post Mortem is on September 3rd and that's the one episode I need to do for the summary. Gosh darn it I'm working that day! However, if I have my dad tape it at 6:00, I'll be able to watch it at 7:00 since I get home around 6:30. All right! I'll have that done Monday night! Twins, you're still doing Fannysmackin' right?
Yes, Elizabeth, my VCR recently broke, but once I can use another, it'll be soon, I can do it. Or, when it plays on Spike, I'll do it as well, don't worry. Just in case you can't do Post Mortem, I'll do it too.
Cant wait until you are offically back QOTU!!! *hugs*
I still cant get the idea of Greg in leather pants out of my mind!!! I wonder if there is a picture out there of him in a pair???? :p ;) :D
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