The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Okay, I'm writing tomorrow and doing a lot of other things. I'll pay attention to your email Stacy. :)

Okay, basically it mentions nothing of Nick or Greg, but "The Team" works the case. Later it mentions Catherine and the new girl. They're working the swing shift together. I hope that Greg stays far from her as long as possible.
I actually did scrapbook for The Net once. Though, it's hardly what I would call real scrapbooking, since I didn't make it cute, with cool cut out designs or anything. I just printed all the screenshots from every ep, cut them out, glued them onto paper, in logical order, labled them all, slid them into those sheet protectors, and put them in a notebook with a semi-cool cover. And that was it. But, man! That took forever to get done. I thought my fingers were going to fall off with all that cutting out! lol.

Last week I decided that I needed to have an Eric wall, since the one pic I have of him on my wall wasn't enough. So I spent all day finding the best pics online, printing them out and cutting them out. Grabbed a large piece of cardboard, layed them out on it, in random order, all over the place, glued them on so that no cardboard was showing, and covered the whole thing in clear packing tape. And now I have one transportable Eric Szmanda wall! Which will be great when I move out of here! It actually came out a lot better than I imagined it would. Lots of work, but Eric's totally worth it.

Only True Love- Thanks for the vote of confidence! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! lol.

NickyandGreggo- That's an interesting idea about sending a scrapbook to the show. Candy and I are working on a fanfic idea to get a lot of people to write a N/G scene to send it(there will be lots of rules and things when we get it all worked out-we'll let you know when we do). I was thinking of perhaps doing a wiki for it, so maybe, instead of scrapbooking exactly we could do some art pages, or maybe just some pics of N/G for the main page. Does that sound interesting? (Candy? Thoughts?) lol...this makes me wonder if we should have a page for videos know, I'm going overboard here I think.

OK, on with the writing! (wait...I think my roommate just pulled out the tape from the vcr that's taping csi this afternoon! GAH! Must go intervene!)
Hay Queen now that is a good idea...

Yeah i like it a lot. A scrapbook of love to the men who brought us the love....
:D :D :D
Hot sweet and yeah They will read that.... :) :) :)
Awesome! Glad you like the idea! So, do we want to add that to the wiki as it's own page(s) or just the front page? Combining it with the fanfic and letter? I'm just assuming we're doing a wiki right now for ease of conversation. It doesn't have to be one in the end.
Yeah, this one shot is hard to write...and I haven't even hit 200 words yet! I feel like I have to be somewhere near the 500 work limit. I feel like there's no emotion in it yet. well, we'll see. I'll keep at it. ttyl.
Well QOTU 200 words is better than nothing!!! Ugh... i have basic ideas for this challenge but that's as far as i have been able to go!!! :( Maybe I'll go work on my other fan fic.
Twins~ dont forget to WRITE!!!! LOL I 'll be checking on you every so often and expect ot see some results!!! :p You can PM me on here, or email me!!! Dont put it off!!!
Think that should be the front page.
only_true_love - Nope you have got to join in as well...

Hmmm ive nearly finished.... LOl..probably not really good but hay ho. As its not au its hard lol... But i think im doing ok....

Twins your video has inspired me... Its beautiful... You know what fanfic it would go pefectly with- shacky20's Laying In the Bed I Made.....
Think that is perfect for each other...

Today i've been really down and somewhat sad.. Think from reading that fiction and watching the video may have helped my melancholy frame of mind......

Both peaces hauting. :( :( :D
dont worry I'm doing it too!!! i've actually started working it... just writting and not caring if it sounds ok at first!!! LOL
OMG I've read shacky20's Laying In the Bed I Made~ I cried so hard for soooooooooo mayn different reasons when I read that!!!! BTW thank you shacky for writting that!!!***wonders what video Twins made that goes well with that story????*** lol I sooooooo need more caffine right now!
I am glad people like the scrapbooking idea. I wounder if there is a way we can make it like a slide show on the wink. So when you fist hit the link to the love that would be the first thing you see. Twins can that work??? I have been to a web site befor and that is how it opend. Then when it was done the real site poped up. That would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool.
Well good! Hey, I'm typing as promised. :D I have to use the bathroom though. Debating whether or not I should...Okay I will.

I can make a page on the WIKI for a scrapbook. It can be a page with just large pictures and photobucket slideshows can be embeded. Depends on what you all make.

That fiction moment challenge can also be a page. I'll make it a subpage to the fanfiction page. Cause I'll also be linking to the Round Robin when we start it. :)
LOL that's ok! I saw that one the other day and I soooooo agree!!! I used that song in a very sad ending in a fan fic. I wrote. :(
Twins~ Awesome job on that video!! :) And PM girl within the next 30 min. with what ever you have for your story!!! Just a little something so I know you arent putting your writting off!!! I'll show you a yummy pic. if you've been good and one some work!!! But I need to see proof b4 I send you a pic.!!!!!! LOL
twins1729 said:
Well good! Hey, I'm typing as promised. :D I have to use the bathroom though. Debating whether or not I should...Okay I will.

I can make a page on the WIKI for a scrapbook. It can be a page with just large pictures and photobucket slideshows can be embeded. Depends on what you all make.

That fiction moment challenge can also be a page. I'll make it a subpage to the fanfiction page. Cause I'll also be linking to the Round Robin when we start it. :)

Good good- question how do we get it to the boys...???

Ok well i've just made a photslide movie-ish its on my hard drive unsure what to do with it now lol...
We the copy on the WIKI can be just the live version. When we're complete someone can just print the text out and mail it to them. :) The moment challenge that is. While your at it maybe link to the WIKI. You never know, they might check it out!

Tell them to sign on here at talk, under a given name and post in the Fort. Okay, that's going to far. But wouldn't that be cool! :p

Uh, I'm starving. Brain food for a typing me. I deserve it right???
That would be very cool !!! And lest you may go eat something!!! LOL And I got your email too! I wanted to run something by you~ part of what I have written for this challenge so far. Should I email it you or PM it to you on here???
Whatever's easier for you.

I'm having hot dogs and potato chips.

Just to let you know, I'm naturally a very slow writer. So if I think I have a lot done, but you don't, I actually do! lol

Cause I'm a slow reader too, and a perfectionist. So I don't know. Maybe it actually makes me a better writer. We'll wait and see.
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