I actually did scrapbook for The Net once. Though, it's hardly what I would call real scrapbooking, since I didn't make it cute, with cool cut out designs or anything. I just printed all the screenshots from every ep, cut them out, glued them onto paper, in logical order, labled them all, slid them into those sheet protectors, and put them in a notebook with a semi-cool cover. And that was it. But, man! That took forever to get done. I thought my fingers were going to fall off with all that cutting out! lol.
Last week I decided that I needed to have an Eric wall, since the one pic I have of him on my wall wasn't enough. So I spent all day finding the best pics online, printing them out and cutting them out. Grabbed a large piece of cardboard, layed them out on it, in random order, all over the place, glued them on so that no cardboard was showing, and covered the whole thing in clear packing tape. And now I have one transportable Eric Szmanda wall! Which will be great when I move out of here! It actually came out a lot better than I imagined it would. Lots of work, but Eric's totally worth it.
Only True Love- Thanks for the vote of confidence! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! lol.
NickyandGreggo- That's an interesting idea about sending a scrapbook to the show. Candy and I are working on a fanfic idea to get a lot of people to write a N/G scene to send it(there will be lots of rules and things when we get it all worked out-we'll let you know when we do). I was thinking of perhaps doing a wiki for it, so maybe, instead of scrapbooking exactly we could do some art pages, or maybe just some pics of N/G for the main page. Does that sound interesting? (Candy? Thoughts?) lol...this makes me wonder if we should have a page for videos too...lol...I know, I'm going overboard here I think.
OK, on with the writing! (wait...I think my roommate just pulled out the tape from the vcr that's taping csi this afternoon! GAH! Must go intervene!)