The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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... Mina, I love it when you give your two cents, because I agree. It's like.. the US has a better justice system, but Canada has better health care. Which is better?

And Pocky is Japanese! I know that for a hard and truthful fact >.<!! Five dollars, right now, says Pocky is Japanese. :p
You make a very good point, however, what's the use of a good healthcare system if you're not well safeguarded from rapists and such?
Thank you. These criminals must laugh when they're committing a crime. I mean, you can put a bullet in someone's brain & all you have to do is sweep the roads or be chained up in your basement. If you speed down the roads and accidentally kill or injure someone say hello to jail cell B. They're basically saying that accidental death is worth then killing someone on purpose.

The whole breakdown on drugs pisses me off too. The government figures that fixing the roads is a better way of spending our tax dollars then to set up something that'll take junkies of the street. Walking downtown used to be a joy but now I can't even cross the street without a panhandler begging for spare change for the "bus". Yeah, maybe that's slang for "drug fix". I mean, I have some compassion for these people but for the majority of it freaks me out. We have the Olympics coming up in 4 years! What the hell will the people watching & tourists thinks when they see our streets and the way we handle the bad guys. They'll probably laugh their asses off and how pathetic our criminal system is. Soon we'll be the laughing stock of the entire world. Even if we dump tons of money into our health care our system is still shit. The waiting list and amount of beds boggles my mind. Seriously, we have the worst government EVER! I see the whole system as a bunch of lazy asses who throw our money wherever they feel like it. Wow, are we Canadians ever blessed or what? :rolleyes:
Things will never change. Seriously. Even if someone gets into office and says "I want to change this Criminal Law!", there is going to be that one jackass Mother going "Omg! My Son in Jail has rights! You can't do this!" And picket outside parliment, screaming about HER sons rights. Even though he killed her husband with a jackhamemr. It's always been like that.

The Government listens to the minority and ignores everything else. I mean, hell, you think Marijuana should be legalized so you can go on a trip and basically be a total jackass and never frucking work? Form a protest group! Because the Government will listen to you! Oh, but half of Canada feels that Criminals are getting off easy. Oh, but who cares about THEM. It's the small, whiny, never-shut-the-effing-fuck-up Minorities that have say in Canada. Isn't that obvious?!

Seriously. Oh, and wait. Your a young woman and this guy keeps stalking you. So, you know the police won't help and you leran how to defend yourself. One day, he tries to attack you. You fight back, and guess who has to go to court? YOU! Because, wouldn't you know? Apparently YOU assaulted him when you punched him in the throat. Even though he was trying to rape you. Sorry! That's Canada!

...God. I'd rather live in Texas where I at least know the goddamn criminals do DIE when they commit a crime.
And why the h*** are the politicos tied up with civil and criminal law, anyhoo??? As Shakespeare once said: "First thing we do is to kill all the lawyers!"
.. Reading back, I hate to be rude, but VManso, I wasn't all too pleased about you saying our Government has made a pact with the devil. Okay, so what if it's not perfect? The US Government and laws arn't that perfect either. -_-;

There has all ready been a program, to my knowledge, set into place to begin getting the druggies off the streets. And that's a fucking huge project of it's own. Now we're freaking out over our protection and how crappy of a job our justice system is. Well taking into concideration of what Parliament has going right now, I think we're doing pretty damn good for ourselves. And look at other countries who don't have a system like ours?

My opinion? Stop your damn whining because not everything can be perfect, and we're probably running and most tops that we have. Our murder rate is quite low, which is a very good thing in my view. And as long as that doesn't go up, there isn't much need to change the system. We're asking too much as it stands, are we not? All of this costs money which the Government doesn't seem to have. In the end, it comes out of our wallets.

..... I'm probably going after this wrong, but anyways..

Oh hell, call we all stop whining now? There's not much we can do anyways without screwing the system over. You wanna make a change? Why are we discussing it here and not taking a... petition, or taking ideas to the Government. Bitching and whining about it here isn't getting you anywhere.

=__= *shutting up for now*
I was referring to the deal that the Canadian government made which set the female monster free as a "deal with the devil". Also, I was not whining! The fact that this monster has been allowed to run free on an innocent population aggrieves me gteatly and something has to be done to remedy the situation. Plus, this is a forum in which we can express our views. I, perssonnally, do not wish to blind myself to the facts. You may wish to do so. What would happen if , by some chance, Paul and Karla decide to move to the Unired States??? Think on that, why don't you?
Well, as it does make for quite an interesting discussion and I really liked to read everyone's opinions, I'm going to have to lean toward Shuri's side for this debate. The Canadian Government does have flaws, and it also has it's good points.

We're not completely unfortunate with the Government that we have, and even though there are aspects we'd like to change about how things are governed, things never seem to change too much no matter what party is in power, or how many people scream at prison gates with picket signs.

A petition would be a good idea instead of 'complaining' if you will about it here, but really it wouldn't accomplish anything because the fact is, every Government around the world thinks it's more powerful than the people. :rolleyes:

I also do tend to agree with a lot of the points made by VManso, because that issue (Homolka) did affect a lot of people, and it still does. (Even though the Homolka case is old news here in Canada) *sigh* ...But I'll just step over to a comfortable place on the fence for now.
What's the use of a good healthcare system if you're not protected from rapists and such by the judicial system??
VManso, I'm not singling you out as the only whiner, there were some Canadians complaining as well. And why are you concerned about this anyways? If they're out on parole they can't leave the country! Carla is trapped in Canada for another fifteen years, and even then, customs will be all over them even if they DO decide to go to the States. You're spazing out over the possible threat to yourself and then next to ignoring the possible bigger threat to Canadians.

.... Thanks Speed. Though, keep in mind this is coming from a fifteen-year-old's point-of-view. -_-;

Well, I'm all riled up now, anything else you guys want to discuss while my mind is in gear?
VManso, I don't really think Healthcare and rapists have anything to do with one another. The Healthcare system was created because basically it's just common sense. Everyone should have the same benefits no matter how much money they make, or if they make none. If someone who was a bazillionaire decides he/she wants to pay for a private clinic, that's their business.

The Government can't control what people do. They could make every kind of law in the world to protect people against rapists but the thing is, it doesn't work anyway. People are stupid and will break the law no matter how many police you have, or how much money gets put into the budget for tracking systems or law enforcement. You can't hit two birds with one stone.

But like I said, the Government has it's good points, and it's flaws. Being protected from rapists isn't going to stop people from being killed by workplace accidents, car accidents, and natural deaths or diseases. Healthcare wasn't designed with 'rapists' in mind.

Shuri you made excellent points. (As did everyone else. VManso included. I did/do agree with a lot of your points. The release of people like Karla does worry a lot of people who have children, and it's a topic that society should be aware of.)
Do you really think that I've forgotten about the bigger threat to Canada??? This issue transcends national boundaries---it's not a matter of one nation versus the other but of both nations working together to stop this monster once and for all!

What I meant to say is why have a system that guarantees your health when it is well nigh impossible to safeguard one's wellbeing legally?
Well then I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The health system has nothing to do with one's ability to safeguard their wellbeing. If scrape your leg, do you go to the hospital? No. You put a bandaid on it and the next time, try not to trip over that crack on the sidewalk. On a larger scale, if someone decides to physically hurt you, it's not the Health System's fault that someone decided to break the law. You make sure that you know how to effectively protect yourself against such incidents, or to prevent them alltogether. (And really, the criminals make a choice whether to break the law or not)

People are responsible for themselves, and we cannot totally be dependant on a Government. We have enough brains to look out for ourselves, Health System or not. (The Health System only refers in this case to hospitals, clinics, and free elderly care. It's not a bunch of cops making sure you don't fall down, and that no one is chasing after you)

And it really doesn't guarantee anyone's health persay. It's there as a free service to those who can't pay for hospital bills, medication, and medical supplies. Ie: Insurance plans that cover the citizens of Canada and is publicly funded. It also covers dental care, and additional medical services.

But if I'm wrong, please correct me because like I said, I don't think I quite understand what you mean.
One question, are you worrying and stressing over one person that has a highly unlikely possibility we'll hear from them again? Or is this everything in general? Because on a big large scale like that, and with the population so large, you can't get rid of all lawbreakers. It's physically impossible.
How can Will Arenette not win the damn emmy

George: "I dont have time for your magic
Gob "Ilusions dad you dad you dont have time for my ilusions" :lol:
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