The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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....*pats Kicky on the head* Pocky comes from Japan, hun.

:lol: I should have bought two things of Men's Pocky. It came right out of Japan and everything. It didn't have English, it was all Japanese. o_O :D It tasted so good.
I have sad news. They are going to release Karla Homolka this Monday! I read about it on :(
According to the article by Beth Duff-Brown, she is going to be set free Monday. And , get this, she now calls herself Karla Teale! Why that monster is still alive , I'll
never know! She should have been put to death along with that
all-too-perfect hubby of hers!
Pocky's actually Korean, I believe..

I thought they released her like, last year. What the hell? And Paul Bernardo wasn't put to death- we don't have the death penalty in Canada. He's got life in prison to look forward to. What are people's thoughts on the death penalty, btw? I'm very undecided on it. I lean towards being in favour of it, but it's such a difficult issue that I have no firm stance.
I'm for it. If these guys didn't want to die, then they shouldn't have gone on an excessive killing spree in Texas.

Oh wait, this is Canada. The land where you can get away with murder and be on the streets by dinnertime.
Hey , I'm all for it. The Bernardo- Homolka case settled my doubts forever. Unfortunately, as you may recall, the Canadian govt. made a "deal with the devil". To hell with all politicos! They should receive the same treatment, if not worse!
Death Penalty? I'm definitely not against it. (I'd get into details but suffice it to say, my answer is pretty clear)

Yeah, and I had heard they released her almost close to last year and she was being led away in a black SUV and people wouldn't leave her alone, and she made this video that was broadcast all over the news. Everyone made a big deal out of it.

Here is the link from CBC news that was released February 21, 2006.

(You can also find the video interview on the right hand side of the page. :) )
Actually, Karla has been out for some time. That must have been an old CourtTV thing or something. She was released last year- end of the summer I think.
Well, my views on the death penalty still hold--- especially in relation to the twin monsters and to those that helped them!(The govt. of Canada.)And the list of restrictions are a farce! Did you know that she has changed her last name? I wonder if she ever told her parole officer about it?!
Everybody knew that she changed her last name. Everywhere she went for a while, she was scrutinized by the media. She had a job for a while but her boss tried to set her up to look bad and he ended up coming off like an idiot. I'm not sure where she's working now... she sort of fell out of the spotlight- old news at it were.
Wow, just, wow. If you street race and kill someone you get deported back to your native country but if you sexually assualt & murder a couple of innocent children it's apparently(sp) all ok. They'll let you back on the streets and plus, ooh you can change your last name. 'Cause yeah, we're all gonna forget what a frigging monster you are if you get a new surname. Oh, and I was being sarcastic.

The criminal system in Canada SUCKS. Seriously, the way they deal with these criminals is nothing more then a sick joke. House arrest? Community service? WTF is that shit all about? We should throw these killers in jail and let their asses rot in prison. It makes me sick how these people can walk the streets. What really kills me is how we allow pedophiles back on the streets and even worse allowing them to work with kids. The worst is when they're considered high offenders and we're told that they're likely to re-offend. If these guys know that why do they release them? The same goes with rapists. It scares me because I'm female & because I'm gonna have kids one day. How can I be sure that my children will get the protection they deserve from theese twisted perverts? Seriously, I wanna run for goverment so I can put these morons in the place in they belong. This is one reason why I can't stand living in Canada.

[/end rant] :mad:
You're absolutely correct! And lock up these political criminals with them and throw away the key!
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