The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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Wait, i never heard anything about Midterms in are school?

Really i CAN NOT ever make a decision, even if it's something simple like if someone asks me what shirt or pants i like better i cant make it.
we have just been named canadas #1 university by mcleans magazine
:lol: I found out this morning... my universit ranked last. 47th out of 47 universities in Canada. Congratulations to us!
kicky you're never too old for trick or treating! I did it until I was 18 :lol: And yeah, Heath was nice enough. Nobody had ever heard of him back then. He was really really quiet and shy.

Palm- what are you looking at in terms of animation? Like digital design? My boyfriend went to Vancouver Film School for video game design and they have a really fantastic animation program. Look into it, I can send you materials if you're interested. I'm also currently working PR for a place in Florida called Full Sail. Check out their website at they're pretty good.

Vancouver's just a wonderful place to live.. I've been to Ontario many times, and while it's nice enough, I would never ever choose to live there over here. The people here are friendlier, the scenery is beautiful, it's cleaner, the weather's better- I can't personally think of any reason why you wouldn't want to be here :D
DragonflyDreamer said:
we have just been named canadas #1 university by mcleans magazine
:lol: I found out this morning... my universit ranked last. 47th out of 47 universities in Canada. Congratulations to us!

way to go!! :D :lol:

i trick-or-treated until grade 10 i think. in grade 11 a bunch of us stayed in to watch scary movies, and in grade 12 i was part of a haunted hayride production

my friend did photography at sheridan college in oakville, and apparently a very high percentage of disney animators come out of their animation program
^I actually auditioned for Sheridan when I was 16. For their musical theatre program. It's a gorgeous campus, and it's well known for it's animation program in particular. I'll toss my hat into the ring for it, it's a good school.
Palm, come to Vancouver for great success & a sexy time :lol:. We're closer then Toronto & plus when you're your breaks there so much to do. Oh, and I'm sure our animation schools are great :lol:! BC is full of great instructors & you'll probably get your money's worth. Plus, you'll be here with me & Ziggy :D. We'll show you how to party properly 'cause the west coast people know how to do it right.
I am still far away from uni, i still have to get through Jr high and high school :lol: well for the thing i want to do i have to go to uni for 4 years and med school for another 4 :lol:
^ I heard Sexy time! SOLD!
Type of Animation? Like, solely Traditional use-a-pencil and get arthritis in your wrist animation. Y'know, the good stuff.

As for thwe U of A. When My teacher, Doug, heard that, he started laughing really hard. And then we all did. I don't know about the rest of you, but the U of A is like... this mass maze of buildings spread out all over downtown Edmonton and random people cross the street when they feel like. I mean, probably a lot of people do that in every city, but DUDE! My brakes don't work very well! I'm talking to the jerk with the yellow hat!

But yeah. I don't know. Vancouver does seem like a more peaceful and non... what's the word? Angry city. Except every time I turn on a BC news station, they go on about a bear attack and I get all ".....Huh. I wonder what that means? *Fall Asleep*"

And yeah, someone gave me the list to Sheridan College, like you mentioned Allmaple, and I would like to go there, but I'm torn against Vancouver and Toronto! Damn you Canada! Squish your colleges more closer together! D:
^Oooooh, the kind that actually requires artistic ability! No, I jest. Digital designers are uber talented as well. So what do you want to after school then?

I don't think that bears attack very often at all around here dude... I never hear of bear attacks. Coyote attacks once in a while, but that's really it. But yeah, it's a peaceful and relaxed city for sure.

Sheridan is in Oakville, which is right outside Toronto, btw. It only took me about half an hour to get into downtown TO on the gotrain. Just so you know. Still, come here, we rule :D
I wish i was a good drawer, the last thing i drew was for my sisters friend Travis (He is like half bf to her :lol:) i drew him a walgoose, the chinese beaver, and Mr. Peanut and together they were TEAM DISCOVERY CHANNEL!!!

I am good at photoshop though :)
ziggystarduzt said:
^Oooooh, the kind that actually requires artistic ability! No, I jest. Digital designers are uber talented as well. So what do you want to after school then?

Well, right now I'm in a Graphic Sign Arts program, that, seriously, easiest thing I've ever done in my life. But I'm just doing it to get a job so I can at least save up some money for the Film college. They DEMAND your soul D:

But yeah. I lean towards Vancouver because, when looking at it from a global point, Vancouver is closer to my home than Toronto. Plus, when I see Mountains, I dance around like a maniac going "LALALALLALALALALA! *Fall off cliff*"
ALSO! I want to run around Vancouver like a dork going "IS YOUR NAME DR. SHURIYU!? ANSWER!! D: No? Fine. MINA!? ZIGGY!? ANSWER! *get punched*"
:B *dork*

Yeah. I'm freaky like that. Plus, Vancouver seems more mellow compared to Toronto. I have a friend who lives in Toronto and she says everyone is all "BITCH! That's my corner!" "HEY! You looked at me! *punch*" and It seems like Vancouver is more like "......So. You wanna get some waffles?"

And, Kicky? I don't have much artistic talent. I can really only draw The Simpsons and Futurama characters. Usually in disturbing situations. Like Pulp Fiction. Or Soprano-est type of situations. *brain pop*
I can only really draw cartoons. I can't draw normal people or still life things.
It angers up my blood.
Like when I watch TV and their like "Psh. Bitch. We're not letting you see the new episode of My Name is Earl." And then I go into my corner and scream.

Palm said
Plus, Vancouver seems more mellow compared to Toronto. I have a friend who lives in Toronto and she says everyone is all "BITCH! That's my corner!" "HEY! You looked at me! *punch*" and It seems like Vancouver is more like "......So. You wanna get some waffles?"

:lol: :lol:

Having been to Vancouver, and Toronto, I can definitely say there is a lot of truth in that. :lol:

...So who else here wants to move to BC? *raises hand*
Grrr i would hate someone if they didn't let me watch My name is Earl *Glares*

Cartoons are hard to draw, i mean look ath Venture Brothers, season 2 just ended (On the computer, it hasn't come to teletoon yet i dont think) and since it's cartoon there might not be a new episode till next summer :eek: now isn't that just a kick in the pants!
Me! I do!
It doesn't hurt that my best friend lives there, though. But even before she moved there, I wanted to go. I haven't even been able to go visit her there. Someday... when I win the lottery, and can afford to go. Or maybe I should just start saving up the air miles :lol:
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