The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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I DO! I DO HAVE A POODLE! I have TWO poodles! Well, thing is, I got poodle #1, Marty, for Christmas when I was 10 and then poodle #2, Katy, for my 11th birthday.. but when I moved to Australia they stayed with my Grandparents and were SO happy with all the attention that they stayed there. So now they're technically my grandparents' dogs, even though they were first given to me.. when I grew up and like, went out on my own, I couldn't bare to break my Grandma's heart and take them back, so I let them keep em. But my grandparents are out of town in Nova Scotia for a week, so I get the puppies!!! It's quite the challenge, having them here, interacting with my dog and 3 cats...

These are awful pics, but they're the only ones I have uploaded (I'm on my fiance's comp, so I can't upload more right now)
Hooray! And their Black and White! The coolest of the poodles X3
I have a weird thing for Poodles. Especially the gigantic ones that are like "....WOOF!" and you fall backwards from the sound.

And, dangit! I hate playing Hit & Run! Stupid people... drive better than me...
I have a poodle! *raises hand and wonders why we're talking about poodles*

Hee. I have a standard poodle, so he's all big and WOOF. :p
Poodels are the best and they are fun to say :lol: i have a dog named Archie (It's short for Archiebald) we named him that after Archie from "All in the family"
i like poodles but prefer dogs that have long fluffy hair over curly dogs. two dogs that i really want are all canadian puppers, the newfoundland and the nova scotia duck toller. they are both so pretty and i want them! ive seen tollers do agility so i want to do that with one if i ever get it, plus newfies are way too massive to be doing obstacle courses :lol:
as if three tim hortons on campus wasnt enough for guelph, ive just learned were getting a fourth! :eek: when they finish building the science complex in the atrium will be a large aquarium and a tim hortons. so if you walk for 10 minutes across campus youll pass by 4 timmies :lol: plus i live across the street from one, but manage not to go there even though im in love with hazelnut hot smoothies
All poodles are cute! Yay for poodles. I also have Emma, my beloved pitbull with a heart of gold. And 3 cats. I live in a JUNGLE!

I suck at Hit and Run too, Palm. But at least it's a lot more fun than Road Rage.
*GASP* I loved Road Rage. :lol: I found Hit and Run really hard. :p - I guess it depends on what you like.

Ah, I have a big ol' poodle, and three cats. We're a big happy family/circus. :D
Really? I thought Road Rage was super boring.. just driving back and forth between locations.. like, yaaaaawn. hee.

Animals are teh best. I don't know how one would live without a pet or 12.
XDDDD I demand you take a picture of your cat lying down eating! *summons whatever* Demand....

Holy Crap, those Newfoundland Dogs can tackle a horse. My cousin has one. And he's always running up to me with his big shaggy hair and attacking me with love. And I scream with horror. Plus, I'm too old to ride him X3

But I still love Poodles. Because when you pet them really hard, they sneeze. Or at least, the ones I pet did.
:lol: :lol: Palm my dog sneezes when I pet him!! (He's a poodle) Man I love him. He also twirls around in circles when he needs to go out. :p

My cat lies down when he eats too!...But that's because he's fat.
I think Newfoundland dogs are cute. I would like one. I would like many, many, many dogs. If I had a Newfoundland I would ride it.

My poodles do not sneeze when you pet them, alas. That would be cute.

None of my cats lie down when they eat. Probably because they all like.. guard themselves from each other when they eat.
i want a newfie because theyre so massive :D my friend had a newfie/black lab cross when she was younger but that was before i met her.
theres one eukanuba commercial with a newfie named mas (shes from the east coast, i forget which province, i also saw her on 'dogs with jobs') and shes a water rescue dog who jumps out of helicopters to save people drowning! it was crazy.
when i was out with my mom the other weekend she saw a dog and thought it was a poodle, so she said 'ive never seen a chocolate brown poodle before' so i told her 'thats because it a portugese water dog' they look like poodles who have had curl relaxer put in the hair :lol: momma thinks im crazy because who else can recognize a portugese water dog?
Yay! Sneezing dogs! Ziggy, you try and make your dogs sneeze. Pet them so hard, they'll think your up to something!

Man, if I was to get another dog, I'd want a big standard poodle or A Golden Retriver. A smart dog, not like... the idiot I have now. Plus, they need to be warm and fuzzy so I'll actually want to be like "DOG! *hug*" And they need to be withstanding of the Canadian Winters (brr!)
And I'd demand to name them something cool like "Fuzzpuff the Third" or "Wiggum".
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