The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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:p You can bite my white Canadian arse, Ducky. :lol: No, no, come back here and sit down! Have a drink or two. There's Nanaimo bars on the table. :D

Kicky, Holly Palmer is appearantly from Southern California.
*filing nails* Gawd it's quiet in here. Everyone leaves for vacation and the thread dies like a criminal in Texas. Which would be quickly.

And according to my paper, Dollar Stores are dying in Canada. Which is weird because that's the only place I shop for my supplies...
I haven't seen Cheers in... *thinks* I can't remember. Ah, I've been watching the Old Just For Laughs. Back when they had great, funny comedians. In 2003. ...yeah.

And World's Wildest Police Videos. I mean, you watch Just For Laughs for some good real comedy, watch MenTV for some explosions, flip over to the Venture Bros. For some good, idiotic fun and then over to Mystery for some NCIS drama. Yep. I'm just livin' it up my long weekend.

God I'm depressed -____-
Venture bros is the best. My other satisfactions other then CSI is House md and Cheers plus a hole bunch of other shows but House is right after CSI then the v bros

"Go team Venture" *Makes a V with fingers*
I never watched House before. I know a lot of people watch it around me, but everytime it's on FOX, I'm always doing something else. And yes, that's my excuse, I'm sticking to it. D|
Lol. I started to watch House because i lost the controller and House was comming on next so i just gave up and i watched it and i am not going off topic because David Shore is Canadian so he is tied with my favorite canadian.
i loveee house :D its soo good. my mom hates it because she thinks hes too mean lol but thats just the way he is off topic..CANADA RULES! :lol:...
Will Arnett. Hands down. I mean, there's a lot of great Canadians, but really, I only care about Will. Mostly because I don't listen to any current Canadian bands (other than Billy Talent & Metric) and all the actors keep migrating to the States, which is an insult to me D:
I love him he is my third favorite because he's Gob from arrested development that show is one of the best. His character likes magic so he bought a dove and then he accidently killed it so then it shows his throwing it into the ocean and then he goes and buys a bunny and at the end of the episode you see him throwing a big white thing into the ocean :lol:
Wow, I go away to Prince George for four days and when I return we have elected a PM, a resident Lumberjack and have the best security on TalkCSI...not to mention an awesome mascot, a doctor, and my personal favourite ziggy as the evil genius :devil:....I've got everything I need right here, I'll never have to leave the house again. I had to stay in this freezing cold tiny cabin with only a wood stove and a kettle and I'm only slowly recovering *shivers*....favourite Canadian eh? Kiefer Sutherland (24 all the way!).....least favourite Celine Dion hands down :p
*snort* Everytime I see that...
Guy: Do you need a cage for that?
Gob: I'm a magician. *walks into door and kills dove*
Gob: ...what's your return policy?

Yeah... <333's to Will. And my beloved AD. *moment of silence*
Omg, Fingerprints, I dislike Celine Dion too! At least she's in Las Vegas now, irritating them :D
Who does like Dion she has a weird nose

:lol: i love gob

Lucille Bluth: Did that Mexican girlfriend of yours kick you out?
Gob: She's not "*that* Mexican," Mom, she's "*my* Mexican." And she's Colombian or something.

Gob: My gut is telling me no... but my gut is also very hungry.

[as cops surround the docks and start shooting at drug dealers while fake stripper cops cower nearby]
Drug Dealer: You set us up.
Gob: No. These are the strippers. Look how hot they are.

Buster: Oh my god... Oh my god... I killed Michael...
Gob: But on the plus side, you got punched in the face.

Michael: Well, you certainly haven't been shopping. The only thing I found in the fridge was a dead dove in a bag.
Gob: You didn't eat that, did you? I only have 6 days to return it"
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