Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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this thread was about to fall off the first page people! i know the pretty pictures can be distracting but i dont want this thread to be forgotten :lol:
so, i was thinking and my question for all of you is: what do you want to see from nick next season?
the writers made it clear that the grave danger story line is over, so any hope we had for a more satisfying resolution is gone. personally, i would like them to build on nicks leadership ability. i dont like when he works with catherine because for someone who is trying to prove his abilities nick being mixed with someone who is superior and wants to make sure you know it doesnt work for me. even when grissom and nick are together its as if grissom lets nick take control at the scene. or am i just imagining things?
anyway, so yeah, more opportunity for nick to evolve as a leading csi. and maybe an incorporation of old fun nicky with the new harder, more in control of his emotions nick. this season we had random changes where it was one or the other, but i think both personalities can coexist to make one fabulous character :D
I would love to see Nick take more of a supervisory role in season 7. Some sort of case that's politically sensitive where his people skills could really shine.

I can picture it now. He's dealing with Ecklie and the Sheriff, he's supervising the other CSIs and the lab techs, he's being all warm and fuzzy with the victim's family. Great stuff!!!

I'd also like to see him have some sort of social life...maybe have a few dates. He's been somewhat of a hermit and I'd like some glimpses of his life beyond the lab. Shooting hoops with Warrick or hanging out with Greg.
i know the show is supposed to be 'all about the science' but it would take about a minute to just have a scene outside of work that is completely unrelated to the case. nick and warrick are good friends so id like to see that. i can picture it now... playing basketball out on the driveway, its really sunny and hot in vegas, theyre working up a sweat, the shirts come off.... whew! wheres Destiny with the hose when i need her?!?! :lol:
LOL!!!!! Allmaple is delirious! :lol:

I think we already had a bit of discussion about what we'd like to see for Nick next season and, yeah, I think we're all hoping to see Nick take on more of a leadership role. In Assume Nothing, he told Catherine that he was learning the hard way about not opening his mouth, and that's just one example of how Nick has taken his errors like a man, learned from them and gotten better. The only thing he hasn't compromised on is his empathy for victims. And Grissom, at least, seems to respect that (Eleven Angry Jurors) although Sara (Feeling the Heat) and Warrick (Invisible Evidence) have criticized him for it.
i want to see nick get angery with a co worker mabey greg, because warrick and nick got into a fight in "Primum Non Nocere" , and they made up, that proofs how much of friends they are, and i want nick and greg to become better friends

nick b day lol

info on nicks 5 sisters and brother

to see nick cry again, he not affraid to cry (thats cute)
*walks in quietly behind the group, switches on the hose and sprays them with cold water! then shuts off the hose and walks back out quietly* :p :lol:
*sputters and wipes her eyes and then wrings out her hair*

Hey! It was allmaple!!!! *scowls at allmaple for getting the rest of us in trouble* :p

*looks at the water, a very drenched looking allmaple &
nickstokesfan and smiles...precious moments!*

As for Nick in the upcoming season...I would like to see moments when something triggers a flashback of Nick being buried. Not many, but a few good ones that remind him and his co-workers just how things have changed and how Nick would deal/react to it now. Did that make sense? I don't want the whole season to revolve around it just a moment..you know.

Would like to see Nick get a case about birds and have Griss follow him around while they solve it. This way Nick can be the teacher and Griss the student. Many things could be learned by the both of them. Maybe sort of get way over that 'its over' thing. Have Griss see Nick in a different light.

Would be nice to see Nick and Greg work some cases together as well as with Warrick and Sara. Kinda miss those episodes when they work in pairs.

Would be nice to have a brief moment between Nick and Brass. There would be some commom ground between them. They survived some serious sh...stuff! *reminded of Destiny and the hose*

Nick supervising! Yeah! Give Nick the reigns of the lab for a week and let him go! Let Nick play politics with Ecklie, law with the sheriff and forensics with the team.

Now having a shirtless Nick enjoying some basketball with Warrick who would also be shirtless....wouldn't be such a bad thing. Besides....guys are allowed to take off their shirts when they get hot! Even CSI's can be human!

Hmm...you know...it is getting hot again. Maybe I will indulge in some ice tea. If that don't work, guess I will have to join the "Hose Me Down Club".

*ponders just how cold that water is......*
As for Nick in the upcoming season...I would like to see moments when something triggers a flashback of Nick being buried. Not many, but a few good ones that remind him and his co-workers just how things have changed and how Nick would deal/react to it now. Did that make sense? I don't want the whole season to revolve around it just a moment..you know

ohh good one, like the elevator gets stuck and well elevators are really small so it would feel like he's trapped and he would start to spazz out at who ever was in there with him *greg or sara, mabey warrick*
I would love to see some crime happen to Grissom just so we could see Nick say in a sarcastic tone "Its over Grissom" as the cops take away the criminal.

I'm sorry i just saw the end of Daddy's little girl last night, that seems to put me in a bitter mood when it comes to grissom.
i know weve discussed the leadership aspect nick, i just meant overall and in general what is everyone hoping for next season.
thats for the little cool down D i knew i could count on you ;) sorry to anyone else who got wet because of me :lol:
SparkyGirl said:

Would like to see Nick get a case about birds and have Griss follow him around while they solve it. This way Nick can be the teacher and Griss the student. Have Griss see Nick in a different light.
I LOVE this idea!!!! Total role reversal....good stuff!
I would like to see Nick get more respect from his co-workers. When he works with some of the other team members they some times treat him like he is the dunce of the team and we know he is not. I find taht Warrick does it to him and I find it annoying quite frankly.

We know GE's feelings on the GD aftermath but it would be nice for Nick and Grissom to have a talk on it. We all know life needs to go on but some of life's ugliness does tend to rear it's ulgy head from time to time. They don't need to spend alot of time on it but even a "how's it going" would be better than nothing.
I agree with what Jacquie said. I think he's taken on a more supervisory position sometimes this season, but I'd like to see him get some more respect and recognition for it in Season 7. Maybe they could reinstate the Key CSI position and he could get it for real. After everything he's been through that would probably be a testament to how strong he is.

I also agree that they're pretty much done with GD aftermath, but it would be nice to see him have a talk with Grissom, or even just some resolution. I would think that he would really be bothered knowing that Grissom has the tape, but not knowing if he listened to the goodbye message. It would probably be something very hard for Grissom to bring up, but it might be nice if he had a chance to tell Nick to his face that he never disappoints him. Not saying anything just leaves Nick wondering and hoping that he hasn't disappointed him. Although, after DLG, he might not care so much anymore. I think he has moved on from worrying so much about what others think, but I'm sure that message is still in the back of his mind.
Ah but now that we've all seen the finale, we know why Grissom's more out of it than usual... He's had a little "some'in some'in" on his mind! :lol:
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