Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I know this is totally superficial.... but he should so take his top off more... He has a great body why keep it caged? I think I'm all flustered now from thinking about it.... Hose me please.. :devil:
km444 said:

I would think that he would really be bothered knowing that Grissom has the tape, but not knowing if he listened to the goodbye message. It would probably be something very hard for Grissom to bring up, but it might be nice if he had a chance to tell Nick to his face that he never disappoints him. Not saying anything just leaves Nick wondering and hoping that he hasn't disappointed him. Although, after DLG, he might not care so much anymore. I think he has moved on from worrying so much about what others think, but I'm sure that message is still in the back of his mind.

I had never considered that aspect of the tape -- the goodbye messages. He may even be wondering if his parents ever heard the message. SOMEONE should have said something to Nick about that. Hmmmmmm.....
It would be nice to see Nick topless :D more often but I think I understand George's wishes of not doing those types of scenes. He wants to be known and respected as an actor and not a guy with a good body. cross out good and put georgeous body. David James Elliott, who played Harmon Rabb in JAG, was like that. In teh 10 years the show was on you never saw him without a shirt on. He is a very good looking actor with a good body physic but he wanted to be know for his acting.

In the 6 years that CSI and George have been on tv, George has matured as an actor and still looks hot to boot.

eta.nick that was always part of DLG that I thought was missing. When Nick found the tape in evidence and then spoke to Grissom it would have been the perfect time to mention it. We can only hope that tptb may bring it up in season 7
just a funny story...

yesterday i was at the hospital getting my hand stitched up and when they were about to pull the bandage off, my friend was like, "just pretend its nick stokes" and i did. and it was wonderful :)

just a cute little anecdote :p
SparkyGirl said:
Would be nice to have a brief moment between Nick and Brass. There would be some commom ground between them. They survived some serious sh...stuff!
Oh I'd like that. For some reason, I get the vibe that Nick can talk to Brass with personal stuff rather than Grissom. And Brass respects him fully as a CSI, like in Last Laugh wherein Brass asked Nick for help.

Nick supervising! Yeah! Give Nick the reigns of the lab for a week and let him go! Let Nick play politics with Ecklie, law with the sheriff and forensics with the team.
I think because of him getting buried, Ecklie wouldn't be too hard on him, as compared with Ecklie on Grissom. Nick probably earned a soft spot on everyone in the lab.

Anyways, if WP leaves I see him and Cath vying for the supervisory position. Personally I'd prefer him as a team leader. Or he could supervise another shift but I don't want the team to be split again so scratch that..
Actually, I get the feeling that Ecklie likes Nick. He was impressed with his "one-man crime-solving machine" (or something to that effect) abilities in the case he solved during the Eleven Angry Jurors episode... and during The Unusual Suspect, he just seemed to be treating Nick with more respect that we've seen him treat others. Of course, I think Ecklie has softened in general, but I think he seems something valuable in Nick.
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
It would be nice to see Nick topless :D more often but I think I understand George's wishes of not doing those types of scenes. He wants to be known and respected as an actor and not a guy with a good body. cross out good and put georgeous body. David James Elliott, who played Harmon Rabb in JAG, was like that. In teh 10 years the show was on you never saw him without a shirt on. He is a very good looking actor with a good body physic but he wanted to be know for his acting.

In the 6 years that CSI and George have been on tv, George has matured as an actor and still looks hot to boot.

eta.nick that was always part of DLG that I thought was missing. When Nick found the tape in evidence and then spoke to Grissom it would have been the perfect time to mention it. We can only hope that tptb may bring it up in season 7

Ugh, you'll have to forgive me if I find the correlation to David James Elliot distasteful... Had the displeasure of meeting him in Whistler and he's such a "I'm a big star, don't you know?" kind of guy that I was glad that I was not a fan of JAG at all! :p He's so not a cool guy.

Which makes me think I'd be nervous to meet George Eads because what if he was a dick? I'd be so disappointed. I even met a woman who's met him a couple times, but I didn't ask her what he was like because I was afraid to know! :lol: She said Jorja Fox is really cool though! :D
BabaOReilly said:

Ugh, you'll have to forgive me if I find the correlation to David James Elliot distasteful... Had the displeasure of meeting him in Whistler and he's such a "I'm a big star, don't you know?" kind of guy that I was glad that I was not a fan of JAG at all! :p He's so not a cool guy.

You are not the first person to have said that about him. I work with a lady who some how knew him and she said the say thing. I had forgotten about that until reading your post. None the less I did like JAG.
nickstokesfan said:
Actually, I get the feeling that Ecklie likes Nick. He was impressed with his "one-man crime-solving machine" (or something to that effect) abilities in the case he solved during the Eleven Angry Jurors episode... and during The Unusual Suspect, he just seemed to be treating Nick with more respect that we've seen him treat others. Of course, I think Ecklie has softened in general, but I think he seems something valuable in Nick.

Hmmm....very interesting point nickstokesfan. I never really looked at it that way. Now that you jog my memory, when Ecklie was questioning the others, he didn't bring up anything about Nick's incident with Kristy Hopkins. That played around in my head as to why he didn't. You could be right and that Ecklie isn't trying to be an hard ass as usual. I think that Nick has proved his value to the team and Ecklie isn't really all that....bad. Did I just agree that Ecklie isn't all that bad?! As I said before nickstokesfan, very thought provoking. My mind can use a good workout from time to time! :D

I've got the angel/devil thing going with the shirt being off and on. I think he has a great bod and will be happy to see him without a shirt a time or two...or three...maybe 20 times! Then I can see where George would rather be known for his acting and not his shirtlessness. We have seen this man act with his shirt on and use facial expressions instead of words. That would have much of a greater impact than going shritless for a whole episode. :devil: See where the devil comes in! Did that make sense or am I having a case of mind confusion?
Hmm. I just told someone in the Six Degree of Separation thread that George was absolutely not in Exit Wounds, but she says she thought she saw him there... I had thought we'd established he wasn't in the movie (uncredited, apparently, as car salesman number 2) but now I'm doubting myself. Does anyone know for sure? I may owe someone an apology! :eek:
IMDB Exit Wounds Credits, does show him as "Car Salesman number 2". Its on both the movies credits and the actors credits, though I haven't looked alot in any other place. Hopefully that helps. Being uncredited makes it hard to trace him.
Yeah, we've all seen that, but we sort of decided it was a mistake, since IMDB isn't always totally accurate. (Take the George facts they have on there for example... :rolleyes: Not entirely accurate)

I haven't seen the movie, but no other fan site that's up to date lists that one, and a lot of them are fairly detail oriented. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the movie myself, and have very little interest in doing so since I can't stand Steven Sagall.
True there are somethings they get wrong, but who knows maybe this is one they got right, I haven't seen it either its not the type of movie I watch. But like I said some uncredited roles are hard to find take the actual movies they don't necessairly list the uncredited, (some do and don't).
Yeah, well somewhere in one of our many discussions, I thought there was someone who had recently seen the movie and confirmed that it was a mistake. That's what I'm trying to sort out here.
I don't know if this helps but I did find (Since I was bored) another site that lists him being in the movie.

"Kingmovie.net which tells little about GE, but if you click the movie link it will take you to the movie bio there Kingmovie.net "Exit Wounds".

I don't know if this helps at all, I do hope that someone who has the movie or remembers it well can give you the answers your are looking for, I hope they take a good look at the car salesmen. :)
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