Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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McStokes said:
I was just saying the other day that it seems his accent has lightened a lot...bet he had a dialect coach that helped him 'tone down' the accent so he wouldn't get typcast.

Maybe because I watched all the seasons in order (because i bought the DVDs) I noticed that the first season GE almost did not have an accent except on a few words and when he was angry or trying to "sweet talk" a witness into giving him the information he wanted. But as the seasons go along his accent is getting more and more pronounced.

In my opinion he had a voice coach at the beginning of the show and either they have gotten used to his accent and do not notice it as much or they decided he did not need one anymore. I don't know maybe it is just me.

I did notice that he had a Texas accent from almost the start (but then again I have always liked the Texas accent because my cousins used to live there and every year they came up to visit I liked their accent. Now every time I hear it I am reminded of all the fun times we had) no wonder I like to hear GE talk. Bring on the accent.

I have heard him flatten it out to almost gone. I have every confidence in GE to be able to tackle any role he is given and truly shine.

As to him playing a villain, I think that no matter how villainous the character is supposed to be, when you get to the end of the movie the audience would feel that he had a soft underbelly, and a soft heart down deep. He did this with Evel Knievel, my neighbor actually met the real Evel Knievel and according to her, he was not a good man at all. I know when I got done watching the movie I thought that he did have a soft heart deep down.

Just my 2 cents. :)
I think that it is possible that he had to tone down his accent for the business. I have heard of other actors doing this, namely Reese Witherspoon when she was first starting out.

There is one other possiblity however. I have heard of people "loosing" their accents when they live somewhere outside of that area where the accent is prevalent. My dad's girlfriend is from Texas and she told me that when she used to live in Dallas, she noticed that her accent would become less pronounced. It's also possible that GE "lost" his accent from living in L.A. for the last 12 years or so.

I can't say that I really felt after watching Evel Knievel he had a soft heart deep down despite George's excellent and very accurate portrayal of the daredevil. Maybe it's because I've heard too many stories about him from my dad's friends that grew up in Butte, Montana. :p
wlk68 said:

Ya know, I got the impression from the interviews around the time of Grave Danger that QT had a little bit of a man crush on George.

I was pretty much expecting that, after working with him, QT would cast GE in one of his movies or something.

QT just did a movie called "Hostel" recently, don't know if anyone saw it.

I have not, but it sounded pretty gruesome (people get tortured and killed in horrible ways)

But my brother said, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if George was in that movie?"

And I basically screamed NOOOO!!! and then had to go upstairs and huggle my pillow... my poor George.. :(
QT did not write, nor direct that movie. All he did was pay for it to be circulated here in the States. He had nothing to do with it except get it aired here.

happy_me_111 said:
wlk68 said:

Ya know, I got the impression from the interviews around the time of Grave Danger that QT had a little bit of a man crush on George.

I was pretty much expecting that, after working with him, QT would cast GE in one of his movies or something.

QT just did a movie called "Hostel" recently, don't know if anyone saw it.

I have not, but it sounded pretty gruesome (people get tortured and killed in horrible ways)

But my brother said, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if George was in that movie?"

And I basically screamed NOOOO!!! and then had to go upstairs and huggle my pillow... my poor George.. :(

As for George being in the movies.

I see him being on the same route that is pretty similar to George Clooney. George starred in some lame stuff and some mediocre stuff then he starred in Syrianne??? where he won an Oscar.

Good things come to those who wait? George is a great actor and can pull it off.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday nickstokesfan
Happy birthday to you :)

I'll send Nick your way so the two of you can have a wonderful day together. :)

You should be thankful I didn't actually sing this to you. :lol:
Awwwwww you guys are sweet!! :D I get to hang out with Nick today??? :eek: Gah! Gotta wash my hair and find something nice to wear! :)

Ha! I was imaginging walking around with him in Montreal and just got a funny idea. One day I should get a friend to take a picture of me walking down Crescent Street in the exact spot that we see George walking when he filmed Just a Walk in the Park. :D Gotta put that on my to-do list. ;)

George... come back and film another movie in Montreal!!!!!! Sigh! :( :)
^^Oh you're lucky you'll get to walk on the same grounds George walked on lol.

Btw, Happy Birthday! :D

myfuturecsi said:
I see him being on the same route that is pretty similar to George Clooney. George starred in some lame stuff and some mediocre stuff then he starred in Syrianne??? where he won an Oscar.
Hey that would be nice for GE,to have an awesome movie career after CSI. Like George Clooney he could also get the Sexiest Man Alive title. And an Oscar of course ;) After all, it's just not his looks that are great.
Happy Bday wlk & nickstokesfan!!

Oh yeah! Let's talk about those Spidey tights on George! I don't think he would have a problem filling that role! :devil:

I would like to see George do a romantic comedy. I'm sure George can pull off something like that. And besides...I'd would just have a holy cow and live at the theaters for a time just to see him on the big screen! Wow! Talk about making ones day! Not sure if I want to see George in a movie where he gets shredded into pieces or anything like that. Gotta have George whole you know!? I mean I can handle a litte bruise here and there...nothing too major!

For the accent thing. I can see where certain roles would cause one to change an accent. One that comes to mind is Colin Farrell. He has an accent but in the movie SWAT, he talked without one. I think George's accent wouldn't hinder him getting roles. But you can still hear George's accent in certain words. I just love it! I bet when he goes home to Texas to visit family, his accent flows 100%! What6 is it about the way he says 'darlin' and I suddenly forget to breathe? Does anyone else experience those certain word moments and forgets to breathe or think?

Hey Rage Kitty is back! :D
Kristen9999 said:
QT did not write, nor direct that movie. All he did was pay for it to be circulated here in the States. He had nothing to do with it except get it aired here.

Ooo...I'm sorry :( I did not mean to sound ignorant...
Yeah, George needs to start with something like "Three Kings" like George C. Something like that would be right up his alley, methinks.
Oh, it wasn't meant to sound that way. I'm a huge QT fan, so I hated seeing his name atatched to that movie so it could sell more.

Oddly enough he paid to have Hero circulated here as well under a similar deal.

happy_me_111 said:
Kristen9999 said:
QT did not write, nor direct that movie. All he did was pay for it to be circulated here in the States. He had nothing to do with it except get it aired here.

Ooo...I'm sorry :( I did not mean to sound ignorant...
I actually wanted to see that movie regardless. It looked sort of trippy.

I don't really envisage George in that sort of flick, but I wouldn't hold it against him if he did one. I loved the director's other movie, Cabin Fever.
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