Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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i wouldnt want him to do anything to piss off tptb that might jeopardize his position on the show. i still think maybe gary did, since i can remember specific warrick scenes in only about three or four episodes this season.
i know billy was in movies before csi, and since hes been so public about his health issues he probably wont do anything big after csi. but george just keeps getting better as an actor every season, and it just makes sense (to me at least, crazy fan girl reasoning going on here) that he could do movies afterwards.
i like seeing him in different roles, and as much as evel was pretty much an ass for a lot of the movie george still made you love him. in the spring, he was basically filler. and it hurts me to say that about our boy but its true. although in monte walsh he was very much just a supporting role, he did great, and i cant picture anyone else as shorty. and not just because i love george :p i saw the original on tv a few weeks ago, and while their monte and chet were ok, when i saw shorty i thought 'nope, all wrong' :lol: plus that sparked quite the cowboy fantasy, so an other western from george would be very nice :D
Do you think his Texan accent is a handicap? Some actors can mask their accents and take on other roles (I think of Renee Zellwiger or however you spell it who was able to play the British Briget Jones so convincingly even though she's a Southern girl). I wonder if George would be able to suppress his drawl enough to make himself eligible for different roles. Shorty obviously worked for him, as did Evel Knievel... but I wonder what he sounded like in Just a Walk in the Park, which is supposed to be set in New York, right?

I know I've brought this up before but it was eons ago and we have new people here now. :) Okay... so I can't really imagine him playing a knight in a King Arthur movie... but how about something else.... *thinking* ... Spiderman? :D

I'm just rambling aimlessly. I guess I'm curious/eager to see what/who directors would cast him as.
you just want to see him in spidermans tights :p

maybe its just me, and im dense and dont notice things, but for the longest time i had no idea nick/george was texan. i knew i loved his voice, and i knew it was a little different, but it didnt jump out at me as a southern accent. its weird though, ever since i found out he is from texas i think 'how could i not have known that!?!?' :lol: but it is pretty subtle, please tell me im not crazy! there are some words that stick out more than others ('tahr' i love when he says that!) so i dont think it would hold him back in any way. i think it would be an advantage. in hollywood movies everyone sounds the same, he would be a refreshing change. look at mathew mcconaughey *drools* it makes them different and special and sets them apart from other actors.
True, true... at least he doesn't sound like Dolly Parton or Randy Travis or whoever. :lol: I just can't picture him doing a British accent, for example -- unless it was for a comedy where he didn't have too keep too much of a straight face while doing it. I guess it's not the accent so much, but rather the character. As handsome and romantic as he is, I can't imagine him as Mr. Darcy. Then again... he could knock my socks off! [Off-topic side note: I just got this horrifying feeling that I recently wrote this expression somewhere but said "blew my socks off" instead of "knocked"... ack! I hope I'm wrong! :lol: I'd better check my blog later.][ETA: Just checked. Whew! I said "knocked". Hee hee.]

Anyway... I guess we'll never know until we see him in more diverse roles. Your fans are awaiting, Mr. Eads!! :D

And about the Spiderman role... I didn't even think of the tights! :p Hmmm... but Tobey McGuire did Spiderman too recently. How about ...... ack! George Eads would make an awesome Superman! He's got the chiselled jaw AND the black hair! :D Oh wait, didn't he say in an interview that he's given up the dream of playing a superhero? Sigh. Poor kid.

I know I'm just going on and on today but *shrug* whatever... I'm thinking about "big" roles like the ones Jim Caviezel or Ralph Fiennes have played in epic-type movies. Wouldn't it be awesome to see George play a Count of Monte Christo type of role? Sigh. :)

Sigh. Back to work..... :p
allmaple said:
maybe its just me, and im dense and dont notice things, but for the longest time i had no idea nick/george was texan. i knew i loved his voice, and i knew it was a little different, but it didnt jump out at me as a southern accent. its weird though, ever since i found out he is from texas i think 'how could i not have known that!?!?' :lol: but it is pretty subtle, please tell me im not crazy! there are some words that stick out more than others ('tahr' i love when he says that!) so i dont think it would hold him back in any way. i think it would be an advantage. in hollywood movies everyone sounds the same, he would be a refreshing change. look at mathew mcconaughey *drools* it makes them different and special and sets them apart from other actors.

I totally did the same thing. Before my little infatuation began, I really never noticed he had any sort of accent. Now, I wonder how I didn't notice especially with certain words. But, I think it is pretty subtle and since he's playing someone from Texas anyway, he probably makes no effort to hide it at all. I'd love to see "Just a Walk in the Park" too, that would be a good comparison. In "The Spring" I didn't notice an accent, but he wasn't in it all that much, so it's hard to say. I would be SO excited if he had the main role in a movie on the big screen, I'd have to go see it multiple times. :lol: It would be overload!
nickstokesfan said:
I know I've brought this up before but it was eons ago and we have new people here now. :) Okay... so I can't really imagine him playing a knight in a King Arthur movie... but how about something else.... *thinking* ... Spiderman? :D
*delurks* Yeah I think blue and red tights would suit him :D

Personally, I'd love to see him in a romantic comedy chick flick, or in something dramatic and award-winning like Crash. He's a great actor so he'll be able to pull it off.

Or something like Deuce Bigalow and have him almost naked throughout the movie.

About his drawl, while he's capable of taking it off if the role demands it, I still prefer him in roles where he gets to keep it cause he's so much hotter that way. :)
*stares at cofi's banner for a few hours* Siiiiiiigh. I love how pure and animated his facial expressions are. Sigh. :)

Bring on the George Eads chick flicks!!!!!!!! :D

Oh, did I say something about work? *grumble* Fine..... see ya later. :p
nickstokesfan said:
*stares at cofi's banner for a few hours* Siiiiiiigh. I love how pure and animated his facial expressions are. Sigh. :)
Yeah his smile is so adorable! I don't blame jorja for jumping him lol.

I think Rashomama kind of shows his romantic-comedy capabilities.
maple and km44 mentioned that George's accent is more pronounced when he says certain words. I noticed that in Evel when he said 'alright' and 'darlin'. Was it just me or did his accent seem a lot more pronounced in Monte Walsh as well?

I would love to see George do a comedy or a good drama.
happy_me_111 said:
Hey... how bout a James Bond role! :p

Yesssssssssssssssssssss!!!! :D And there is an awards pic of him where he looks SO James Bond! Gah -- too bad this isn't the picture thread. I may just go and sneak it in there. :)
OK, this is coming from left field, but remember how everyone was blaming Nick for screwing up that identity on that burned corpse in the episode with the body jammed down the chimney? How everyone was complaining that it was him and only him who made an assumption about the man's identity based on the ID he'd located on the body? Well, read this:

"Families spend weeks mistaken about who survived

By Russell Working and Tim Jones, Tribune staff reporters. Russell Working reported from Michigan and Tim Jones from Chicago; Tribune staff reporter James Kimberly in Chicago contributed to this repor

June 1, 2006

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- In a tragic case of mistaken identity, the family of an Indiana college student believed to have survived a multiple-fatality crash in late April said Wednesday that their daughter was dead, while the parents of a student thought to have died in that collision learned their daughter was alive in a Michigan hospital.

The sad and extraordinary story came to light on a Web log set up by the family of Laura VanRyn, a 22-year-old student from Caledonia, Mich. Her relatives had kept a five-week vigil at the Grand Rapids hospital bed of a young woman they thought was their daughter.

Uncertainty about the woman's identity grew this week as she regained consciousness, and dental records confirmed the woman the VanRyn family had been watching over was actually 18-year-old Whitney Cerak of Gaylord, Mich.

The Cerak family had unknowingly buried VanRyn on April 30 in the Michigan woods about 180 miles north of Grand Rapids.

"Our hearts are aching as we have learned that the young woman we have been taking care of over the past five weeks has not been our dear Laura, but instead a fellow Taylor student of hers," the VanRyns said on their blog.

Authorities in Indiana were trying to unravel the heartbreaking mix-up on Wednesday, five weeks after five people--including four students from Taylor University, a small evangelical Christian college in Upland, Ind.--were killed in a crash on Interstate Highway 69, in Grant County near Marion, Ind.

"It's just mind-blowing to consider," said Grant County Prosecutor James Luttrell Jr.

Confusion set in quickly in the hectic moments after the deadly April 26 crash involving a semi-tractor trailer loaded with baking flour and the Taylor University van, returning from nearby Ft. Wayne. Grant County Coroner Ron Mowery, whose office handled the death investigations, apologized during a news conference for the mix-up.

Mowery described an accident scene where purses and wallets were strewn and that acquaintances of the students had identified the survivor taken to a Ft. Wayne hospital as VanRyn. He said no scientific testing was conducted to verify the identifications. One of the other students killed was a Chicago-area woman, Laurel Erb, 20, of St. Charles.

Luttrell said Cerak was airlifted from the crash scene with VanRyn's identification, which contained a photograph.

"I can't stress enough that we did everything we knew to do under those circumstances, and trusted the same processes and the same policies that we always do," Mowery told reporters Wednesday in Marion.

"And this tragedy unfolded like we could never have imagined," he added.

The truth about the identities of the two young women began to take shape in recent days, as the VanRyns watched Cerak slowly recover from serious head and neck wounds at a Grand Rapids rehabilitation center for victims of brain damage.

Doubts began to mount

Bruce Rossman, a spokesman for Spectrum Health System in Grand Rapids, said the VanRyn family's doubts mounted as Cerak gained more awareness of her surroundings.

In a Monday entry on the blog (lauravanryn.blogspot.com) that tracked the patient's physical progress, the VanRyns noted, "Her clarity continues to improve." But they added, "While certain things seem to be coming back to her, she still has times where she'll say things that don't make much sense."

Rossman said some remarks, in particular, shook the VanRyns' belief in the young woman's identity.

"They said a couple of times they called her Laura and she said, `No, Whitney,'" he said.

Acting on suspicions, the two families conferred on Tuesday, Rossman said, and requested dental records be checked. By Tuesday night the families knew the individual in the hospital bed was not Laura VanRyn. Twelve hours later, or midmorning Wednesday, dental records proved that person was Whitney Cerak.

Rossman said he did not know the specific nature of Cerak's injuries or the extent to which her identity would have been obscured by wounds, bandages or other markings.

"There was some general trauma associated with the accident, including bruising and swelling," Rossman said.

The families issued a joint statement Wednesday, saying these "two wonderful young women shared a striking similarity in size, hair, facial features and body type.

"Our families are supporting each other in prayer, and we thank our families, friends and communities for their prayers," they said.

Shock in VanRyn's hometown

In Laura VanRyn's hometown of Caledonia, friends and residents were stunned. Memorial Day flags were still flying along Main Street in the community of 1,100 people, when the local schools sent home a flyer saying Laura VanRyn was dead.

Monte Munjoy, a middle school physical education teacher who knew VanRyn, said teachers were given the news at a staff meeting "and everybody's jaw just hit the floor."

"We thought she was the sole survivor of the accident," Munjoy said.

Brenda Tuttle, whose son attended school with VanRyn, called the news devastating.

"You can't imagine losing a child, then you think your daughter is gone but she's not, or you think your daughter is alive but is not," Tuttle said. "I can't imagine how you would handle something like that."

Taylor University issued a statement saying, "One can only imagine what impact this new development has had upon the VanRyn and Cerak families as they process this information."

The mix-up has eerie similarities to the aftermath of a 2004 fatal auto accident, when Michigan authorities mistook a disfigured corpse for 17-year-old Patrick Bement. Three days later, officials discovered their mistake, identifying the deceased as 16-year-old Nathaniel Smith, a rider in the car with Bement, who survived.

Five weeks have passed since the newspaper in Gaylord, the Herald Times, noted the death of Whitney Cerak in an obituary. It read "She lived a wonderful, full, but short life. . . . She is now living with Him in heaven." The casket was closed for her funeral.

Now, stunningly, the bedside vigil has changed, with Cerak's mother and aunt tending to the 18-year-old. Cerak's father, who had been attending a meeting in New York, was scheduled to arrive in Grand Rapids on Wednesday evening.

Rossman said Cerak "has made good progress since arriving May 18."

A memorial service for VanRyn is scheduled Sunday in Grand Rapids."

^^ I've been seeing this story all over the news and it sounds like something straight out of Hollywood.

It actually reminded me of an old Nash Bridges episode where Nash's daughter and a friend were in a car accident and, due to a case of mistaken identity, the wrong family is told that their daughter is dead.

Usually it's television that imitates life...this time, it was the other way around.

Truly bizarre. Those poor families.
I remember reading about that accident a few months ago. Quite an interesting twist. There was another case like that on CSI, the one where that guy was killed in a holding cell and they got him confused with someone else who had the same name.
Yeah, I think that was No Humans Involved, right?

Wow -- that's an amazing story. I feel for both families. Thanks for sharing it, Baba!
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