Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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i have a question. i saw primum non nocere for the first time last night.
How dod nick know at the end that warrick was in the casino? and how did he know all along that lily was a junkie?
well right before nick and warrick had a little bit of a confrontation. nick probably knew that warrick was depressed over the girl and might resort to some gambling to unwind. and nicks the kind of guy that wouldnt want to leave bad air between him and a friend. i think he knew about lily because there was some evidence linking her to drugs (her scarf i think?) because when they find the dealer and confront him about the dead guy nick says 'we know he wasnt the only one you were dealing to' or something like that.
this is actually a perfect transition because i wanted to say something about nick and warrick :lol: so i was watching 'unfriendly skies' last night, and the interaction between nick and warrick on the plane is great. when they are pretending to be the married couple and keep calling each other pet names was so cute. you can only act that way with a really good friend. i miss the friendship between the two, with warricks screen time kind of reduced to the minimum this past season we havent gotten it much. i hope we get more of those two next season.
i think that they knew lily was using because she had double coasters under her cup, now that i think of it. (the dealer was dealing from behind the bar) nick really is a good friend. he will confront when he has to, but he will always be there :)
I was watching Unfriendly Skies last night as well. I always chuckle when Nick calls Warrick "Buttercup".

The two of them are such good friends. I love the rapport between them: friendly and affectionate but with a dash of competitiveness.
nick is more competitive with sara than with warrick. sara is a competitive type in general. i also recently saw let the seller beware. nick was jealous that sara got to work solo. i remember thinking other times of their comprtitiveness, but i cant think of any examples right now.
Yeah, Nick and Sara confuse me. Sometimes it seems like they are really good friends that like to tease eachother, and then other times it seems that they just don't like eachother at all... can't think of any specific examples either...
pabzi said:
i think that they sorta have a brother/sister complex :)

Two of my favorite examples of the cute brother/sister vibe are the episodes Bully For You and Last Laugh. I love the bathroom scene in Last Laugh.

IMO, Feeling The Heat was a way to show why Nick was given the non-existent promotion over Sara.

While Sara excels the forensic stuff, being a supervisor takes more. And Nick has all of that in spades. He's got a great rapport with victims and their families, he's good with the detectives as well as the political people like Ecklie and the DA.
It is interesting to see Nick and Sara at opposite ends of the pole at times. They might not see eye to eye all the time but I think there is a mutual respect between them. I don't ever recall seeing them getting confrontational over a case and yelling at one another. It is like that is your view and this is mine...lets get some coffee sort of thing.
I'm sure Nick knows how to deal with the female of the species...especially if he grew up with older sisters! I sort of think Nick sees Sara as a sister. They aren't competitive in a bad way. Does that make sense?

While Sara excels the forensic stuff, being a supervisor takes more. And Nick has all of that in spades. He's got a great rapport with victims and their families, he's good with the detectives as well as the political people like Ecklie and the DA.

Sings praises!! Yep, Nick has no problems knowing when to throw the gas into a fire and when not to. He knows when to show empathy and when to play hardball. (Nick would probably toast Gris's tush at politics any day....just my opinion.)
Ah...and that Texas charm certainly doesn't hurt him in any way what so ever!! :)
i totally agree with all that was said here. nick is very civil. he wouldnt have screaming fights, but he does know how to prove his point. he could do politics, but i dont think he'd like it much
To try and answer all topics:

I would love to see Nick take a real leader ship role on a case, just kick Grissom out, because in my opinion, Nick is smarter then griss, and much better at dealing with cases i.e. "Gum drops" "Unusal suspect" others i missed ;)

I think ecklie does have a soft spot for Nick, I mean who couldn't love him?

Warrick and Nick are really cute Friends.

I would like to see a real blow out in season 7, i want to see him attack another perp, but it all get resolved in the end.

I too am annoyed of how they treat Nick, he's much smarter then they'll admitt.

And yes Nick and Sara are competitive, but she was the only one to bring up what happened to him (GD) and he always makes her feel better...
and as for the Bro/Sis, thing I have one quote:

Sara: I need your hands *holds up lace teddy to her self*
Nick: thought you'd never ask *checks her out*
Sara: *blushes* I mean the car
Nick: any thing to keep ,me away

If any Brother and Sister said that to each other I'd puke!! :lol:

Ok I'm done, Oh and where can I find his Lo-real Commercial!!!??
Go to the Picture thread for screen caps, but I'm thinking the commerical is actually airing in France right now, my reasoning behind this is posted on the pic thread :D
i think brother/sister is a good term for the relationship between nick and sara. that doesnt have to mean they act like blood brother and sister, its just describes a really close friendship. with some of my brothers friends that ive known all my life i have that kind of relationship, plus they are sometimes just as protective as a real brother :lol: but since were not actually related its ok for me to think theyre hot :D i know a lot of this stuff can be in the eye of the beholder, but for me even though there is flirting sometimes between them isnt sexual, theyre just friends joking around. sucks to be sara though, that her good guy friend is such a babe :lol:

and even though ecklie is suck an ass to everyone, i think he does have a lot of respect for nick. i cant help but think if it was warrick in that box, or especially grissom, that he would not have asked to cut costs in the lab to raise the ransom. he was willing to put his butt on the line to save nick and im not sure he would take such a huge risk for any of the others. weve had scenes with ecklie where hes had quite the confrontation with almost all the others, but never nick.
One thing we have to remember is that Nick's dad is a judge. Nick grew up in political family. That is probably why Nick is good at handling Ecklie. He knows how where Grissom has no idea and doesn't care to learn. I hope this makes sense.
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