Tanglewood theory

But why lie when he had already admitted to Mac that he used to hang around with them here and there? It's different than saying 'but I didn't break any windows whilst I was with them' because that couldn't be proved but a great big black tattoo on your shoulder can be seen.

And how has he managed to hide it all the time he's been in the police force? Men are normally pretty casual when it comes to changing in the old locker room. He'd have had to be so careful and lucky for no one to have seen it yet.

Totally with you on this one, i think the only thing we can say for certain about this whole thing is that he definately had some involvement at some point, that was big enough to be remembered by the other tanglewoods, but by the same token small enough that he doesn't have a tanglewood tatoo. (don't hurt me it's just an opinion i don't wish to shove it down ne ones throat :)_)
Posted by lilbluewitch:
But why lie when he had already admitted to Mac that he used to hang around with them here and there? It's different than saying 'but I didn't break any windows whilst I was with them' because that couldn't be proved but a great big black tattoo on your shoulder can be seen.

And how has he managed to hide it all the time he's been in the police force? Men are normally pretty casual when it comes to changing in the old locker room. He'd have had to be so careful and lucky for no one to have seen it yet.

Totally with you on this one, i think the only thing we can say for certain about this whole thing is that he definately had some involvement at some point, that was big enough to be remembered by the other tanglewoods, but by the same token small enough that he doesn't have a tanglewood tatoo. (don't hurt me it's just an opinion i don't wish to shove it down ne ones throat :)_)

In order for Danny to join the NYPD, he would've gone through some very thorough background checks and a big dark Tanglewood tattoo would take some explaining during medicals and all...

If the Tanglewood Boys are so notorious, they must have some previous "form" so if Danny was indeed one of them and had the tattoo to prove it, I can't see him getting through the background checks.

Just my HO :eek:
In order for Danny to join the NYPD, he would've gone through some very thorough backgrounds checks and a big dark Tanglewood tattoo would take some explaining during medicals and all...

If the Tanglewood Boys are so notorious, they must have some previous "form" so if Danny was indeed one of them and had the tattoo to prove it, I can't see him getting through the background checks.

Just my HO

exacattakly, lol i just don't think it's a possibilty if we are looking at this realisticly.
Posted by lilbluewitch:
In order for Danny to join the NYPD, he would've gone through some very thorough background checks and a big dark Tanglewood tattoo would take some explaining during medicals and all...

If the Tanglewood Boys are so notorious, they must have some previous "form" so if Danny was indeed one of them and had the tattoo to prove it, I can't see him getting through the background checks.

Just my HO

exacattakly, lol i just don't think it's a possibilty if we are looking at this realisticly.

It's good to have the angst though until the storyline is resolved.

Worried Danny...soooooooo cute ;)
Well, you guys definitely have a point about the tattoo. It probably would be hard to hide from people in the long run. Though it could always be something he's careful about--not stripping down in the locker room in front of the other guys, etc. And as for a medical exam, the doctor probably couldn't rat him out for that. Doctor/patient confidentiality? Though I don't know how that applies to a work examination. Still, the tattoo is personal. I wouldn't think the doctor could report that.

My guess is, if he has the tattoo, we'll see it in some way Danny doesn't expect--someone surprises him in the locker room or he gets hurt/knocked unconscious and in the process of examining him for injuries it gets discovered. Just a couple of guesses.

But it could be that he doesn't have the tattoo at all--maybe he just ran with the gang in an informal way, without ever being inducted in. I highly doubt he did anything really awful with them--like help them kill anyone--but maybe minor stuff like theft.

Anyways, to each their own--these theories are fun to talk about! And I guess we'll finally find out the truth in November, if that second episode airs as planned. :cool:
Well, you guys definitely have a point about the tattoo. It probably would be hard to hide from people in the long run. Though it could always be something he's careful about--not stripping down in the locker room in front of the other guys, etc. And as for a medical exam, the doctor probably couldn't rat him out for that. Doctor/patient confidentiality? Though I don't know how that applies to a work examination. Still, the tattoo is personal. I wouldn't think the doctor could report that.

Well thats a good point too, i dunno i still sway with the 'no tatoo' breeze. lol

My guess is, if he has the tattoo, we'll see it in some way Danny doesn't expect--someone surprises him in the locker room or he gets hurt/knocked unconscious and in the process of examining him for injuries it gets discovered. Just a couple of guesses.

loving the idea of danny being injured (does that make me a bad person) :p
While I understand the belief that Danny doesn't have a tattoo, from a viewers standpoint it would be a lot of dramatic build-up for so little payoff if it turned out Danny just happened to be around while they where breaking windows, stealing, or beating people. I cannot imagine that is information Sonny would use to level a threat. If the writers are using the real Tanglewood Boys as a model for Sonny and his crew then the crimes were a notch above simple assault and petty theft.

Would a doctor realize the significance of a tattoo that said Tanglewood with dates underneath? Mac is a New York City cop, Hawkes is the coroner, and they didn't realize the significance of the tattoo. Rumors of gang affiliation and a criminal record are entirely different situations; a record would keep Danny off the force not teenage antics that no one suspects. In real life an actual Tanglewood Boy slightly crippled the organization by ratting out friends and enemies, these are indeed men protected from the bowels of hell. Many former gang members go on to enlist in the United States Military, because they have clean records.

As far as Danny not taking the opportunity to tell Mac the truth when questioned about the Tanglewood Boys, well that would be the whole point of keeping a secret. Danny lied because for whatever reason he feels the need to keep a secret. I cannot imagine a look of utter devastation because you were standing nearby when they beat someone up, that look was simply heart wrenching, like a child disappointing a parent. Danny truly wants Mac's respect and in Danny's young mind, gang affiliation would not go a long way towards impressing a Marine.

Personally, I think Mac suspects the truth. He is an astute man. Mac may simply be waiting for Danny to come clean.

Whatever the outcome I hope, it is a worthy successor to Tanglewood, Part 1.

JDonne, you make some really good points. After that dramatic finish to "Tanglewood," it would be kind of a let down if Danny's affiliation didn't go significantly deeper than he let on. That look of guilt and horror on Danny's face at the end certainly expressed that he was really very worried about his secret being uncovered.

And the point about the tattoo is good, too. Mac knew it was significant, but he didn't know what it signified. Danny was the one who did.

The writers have done a really great job of setting up a father/son dynamic with Mac and Danny. Danny's kind of the rebellious kid who still wants to impress the parent, while Mac is the dad who wants to be encouraging and proud but knows the "son" is difficult. Fantastic stuff.
Posted by JDonne:
Many former gang members go on to enlist in the United States Military, because they have clean records.

Maybe we should be checking Mac for a tattoo as well! :lol:
Posted by Top41:

The writers have done a really great job of setting up a father/son dynamic with Mac and Danny. Danny's kind of the rebellious kid who still wants to impress the parent, while Mac is the dad who wants to be encouraging and proud but knows the "son" is difficult. Fantastic stuff.

That's what I like about about their relationship. Mac knows exactly where Danny is on the career ladder and has reminded him several times that he should be thinking about promotion. I don't think it's going to be very pleasant viewing if in the future Mac doesn't trust Danny any more and they're always fighting. :(
Posted by lilbluewitch:
Well, you guys definitely have a point about the tattoo. It probably would be hard to hide from people in the long run. Though it could always be something he's careful about--not stripping down in the locker room in front of the other guys, etc. And as for a medical exam, the doctor probably couldn't rat him out for that. Doctor/patient confidentiality? Though I don't know how that applies to a work examination. Still, the tattoo is personal. I wouldn't think the doctor could report that.

Well thats a good point too, i dunno i still sway with the 'no tatoo' breeze. lol

My guess is, if he has the tattoo, we'll see it in some way Danny doesn't expect--someone surprises him in the locker room or he gets hurt/knocked unconscious and in the process of examining him for injuries it gets discovered. Just a couple of guesses.

loving the idea of danny being injured (does that make me a bad person) :p

Nah ! :lol:
I've had my share of physicals for both government and non-government work. They can report on your physical condition, limitations, blood/urine work and drug use but artwork isn't high on the priority list since it doesn't affect HOW you do your job. As far as the police go, they do a criminal background check and check into your family. If Danny's family was one under surveillance as first reported, that might be the only gliche he'd have in getting into the department. If his record is clean and his medical/psych history is good, his body art is his own business.
Posted by Khanada:
his body art is his own business.

Yeah, but we so want to make it ours. :lol:

In all seriousness, though, that makes sense. People have all sorts of interesting and strange tattoos--I doubt a doctor would really take note. Most people have no clue what "Tanglewood" means--I wouldn't have, that's for sure.
Has anyone considered that Danny may have tried to get into the tanglewood gang, but they wouldn't let him? The tanglewood guy acted as if Danny was a joke. He didn't seem afraid of him. He had the same contempt for him that a jock in high school would have for a nerd. I am not saying that Danny is a nerd. The relationship between him and the tanglewood boys remind me of the relationship between the jocks and the nerds in highschool.