Tanglewood theory

a twin?!?! *faints just by thinking about it* i think the world couldn´t take so much hottness... :D jummy squared!!!
Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Oh my God. Twins. My thoughts are so dirty right now. :lol:

You and me both, sister. I can't think of a single thought that the PG-13-o-Meter wouldn't slap me down for.

Hi lilbluewitch, I'm an advocate of Danny having a brother who was in the gang rather than himself being a member as well. Everyone seems 100% convinced that he has this Tanglewood tattoo and they're probably right but I'm still clinging to the innocent until proven guilty line of thought. I refuse to believe it until they show this tattoo and then I think I'll join Mac in being totally crushed. :( Tanglewood airs here this coming Saturday!
I think Danny was absolutely a member of the Tanglewood Boys, but his heart was there for the right reasons; if that at all makes sense. I don’t think Danny is a malicious person, and in fact take him to be somewhat gentle and sensitive by nature. However, my working theory-of-randomness is either he joined the Tanglewood Boys to get revenge or as an act of protection; whether that act was a take me instead of my brother or maybe his father died or was handicapped by the gypsy cab beating. There are so many ways for this to go that I don’t think any ideas can be dismissed. The CSI writers are nothing if not clever.

Ye i know i just can't see the NYPD allowing someone to become a law enforcer when they were part of a gang that goes out of they're way to break the law, ne who ye i also figured that the tanglewood guy woulda just sed "ask danny messer he used to be in our gang" (well something like that) rather than "we know all about him" i just feel that's a bit to subtle for a bonfide arse whooping gangster. (Cos i would know so much about that)

But ime more that happy to be proven horribly wrong, coz tbh i pretty used to it. lol
Posted by msuzoocrew:
I'd still like to see him as one of the few Tanglewood Boys with an in date and an out date on his tattoo.

Actually, I think it would be interesting, not to mention more suspenseful, if Danny does have a Tanglewood Boys tattoo...but NO out date. Makes more sense to me. The confidence of Sonny Sassone was to natural to have been a facade, in my opinion. He honestly believes he has something on Danny. A youthful walk on the wild side with the Tanglewood Boys wouldn't be held against him I don't think, as long as he didn't have a record. Since I'm assuming some sort of background check was done when he joined the police force, I'm betting he didn't have a record. However, if he can't prove he's totally separated himself from them, i.e. he has no out date, THAT would raise eyebrows, especially Mac's. Remember, it was Danny he went to for information and it was from Danny he learned that "very few get out alive" or words to that effect. With that threat hanging over Danny's head, or anyone of his family, it's conceivable that Danny could be blackmailed by the Tanglewood Boys.

Zuiker has said we'll get the second part of the story next season. Personally, I know it's the ONE episode I'm looking forward to more than any other.

Unless they work in an episode with a nekkid Danny in the shower, then all bets are off!
I think it's to risky to have danny being a former gang member because people might see that as being a bit implausible, i dunno i accept he has links but i believe him when he told mac that he never joined and just "ran" with them, i mean i figure he woulda just left out his relationship to the gang if it was a dodgy issue, i think he's in for some trouble either way (and me being the angst junkie that i am can't wait!!)
Posted by csifeline:
So why did Mac go straight to Danny for information?

In the episode, Mac says he knew someone who use to spend a lot of time in "that area." Which really makes NO sense in terms of geography for NYC and surrounding area. Yonkers is in Westchester County and it's southern border is shared with The Bronx. Danny is supposed to be from Brooklyn if I'm not mistaken. Danny said he knew them when he played ball with them "Back at Roosevelt." There is a Roosevelt HS in Yonkers, so maybe the school sport conferences overlap, I don't know. I don't follow our HS sports at all.

The show plays loose with locations anyway. For example, in the same episode the bar, "Billy Bats" is said to be "outside of Yonkers." For the NYPD to have any jurisdiction, it would have to be across the border in the Bronx. Also, they said the Pelham Bay boys hung out at the "New Rochelle Mall." New Rochelle is a city in WESTCHESTER COUNTY and beyond the jurisdication of the NYPD, they should, at least, have been accompanied by a New Rochelle Cop in that scene.

Anyway, the point to all this is that Mac knew that Danny spent time in the area under discussion. HOWEVER, to make it even MORE confusing geography-wise, go back to the scene where Mac and Stella dust the baseball bat case for prints and come up with Sonny Sassone's name. HIS home address is listed as: 1628 Johnsonwood Drive, Tanglewood, Long Island, New York. THIS had me SCREAMING when I saw it. First of all, Long Island IS NOT AN ADDRESS!!! And they make a point of putting Tanglewood in Yonkers, where it belongs, then move him out to Long Island?? HUH???????

Again, however, the show's lousy geography could explain how Sassone knows Danny. Brooklyn (Kings County) is ON Long Island. (Long Island comprises Brooklyn (Kings County), Queens (Queens County), Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Manhattan (New York County) is its own island, as is Staten Island (Richmond County) and only The Bronx (Bronx County) is actually on the mainland.) So if you follow the shows twisted sense of NY geography, everything seems to be on Long Island.

As long as they don't move my Westchester County to Long Island, I can almost tolerate it.


One very lost New Yorker!
I think that it would make sense if he was a former gang member. I used to think that Danny would never lie to Mac, but after "Crime and Misdemeanor" I'm not so sure about that. I am very interested in the whole tattoo thing. I think that would just be awesome. Plus, hehe, where is it? :eek:

Also the whole brother thing would make sense. I cuold see him having family in the gang and he joined for family reasons.
Posted by gizzi1213:

In the episode, Mac says he knew someone who use to spend a lot of time in "that area." Which really makes NO sense in terms of geography for NYC and surrounding area. Yonkers is in Westchester County and it's southern border is shared with The Bronx. Danny is supposed to be from Brooklyn if I'm not mistaken.

The cbs.com character biography actually places Danny's home as Staten Island, but that doesn't explain his connection to Yonkers.

The show plays loose with locations anyway. For example, in the same episode the bar, "Billy Bats" is said to be "outside of Yonkers." For the NYPD to have any jurisdiction, it would have to be across the border in the Bronx. Also, they said the Pelham Bay boys hung out at the "New Rochelle Mall." New Rochelle is a city in WESTCHESTER COUNTY and beyond the jurisdication of the NYPD, they should, at least, have been accompanied by a New Rochelle Cop in that scene.
Anyway, the point to all this is that Mac knew that Danny spent time in the area under discussion. HOWEVER, to make it even MORE confusing geography-wise, go back to the scene where Mac and Stella dust the baseball bat case for prints and come up with Sonny Sassone's name. HIS home address is listed as: 1628 Johnsonwood Drive, Tanglewood, Long Island, New York. THIS had me SCREAMING when I saw it. First of all, Long Island IS NOT AN ADDRESS!!!

It may be a pain to native New Yorkers, but to the outsider Long Island is recognizable whereas another specific location may not hold any significance. Plus, more often than not things are referred to as being on Long Island or I'm from Long Island, so in that context it makes perfect sense. I'm from Manhattan, generally speaking, but specifically I'm from the Upper West Side. If people ask me where I'm from I simply say Manhattan not the Upper West Side, which can be confusing if you know nothing about New York. Therefore, I think the writers are simply making New York, at-large, more accessible to the non-native New Yorker.

Posted by JDonne:
It may be a pain to native New Yorkers, but to the outsider Long Island is recognizable whereas another specific location may not hold any significance. Plus, more often than not things are referred to as being on Long Island or I'm from Long Island, so in that context it makes perfect sense. I'm from Manhattan, generally speaking, but specifically I'm from the Upper West Side. If people ask me where I'm from I simply say Manhattan not the Upper West Side, which can be confusing if you know nothing about New York. Therefore, I think the writers are simply making New York, at-large, more accessible to the non-native New Yorker.


I see your point, but I still think it's lazy writing. Then again, I'm the type that will look things up when mentioned in a film, tv or in a book so I can familiarize myself with it, so so maybe it's just my nature to get into minutia which is showing through here.

As I said, as long as they don't move my Westchester to Long Island (Or have someone refer to Westchester as "upstate" or the "country", I can live with it!)
So how were the boundries for New York city worked out? Got a DK book on the city and on the map at the front Yonkers and New Rochelle look quite close, but you say they're not NYC, whereas Staten Island looks to be a fair distance away and yet it is part of NYC. :confused:

Where do you think the crime lab would be located in the city? It looks to be an old building that has been converted so I wouldn't have put it amongst the more modern skyscaper part of the city which is about the only part you ever see on films and such.