Tanglewood theory

Posted by csifeline:
So how were the boundries for New York city worked out? Got a DK book on the city and on the map at the front Yonkers and New Rochelle look quite close, but you say they're not NYC, whereas Staten Island looks to be a fair distance away and yet it is part of NYC. :confused:

To understand it, you have to know that New York City as it exists today did NOT exists until 1898, when the current city was incorporated. Early in its history, NYC was was exclusively Manhattan island. In the late 1800's, the city started adding on neighboring communities who elected to become part of it. That's why the borough names I listed above don't match the county names. Brooklyn, at one time, was the CITY of Brooklyn. All the neighborhood names in the borough of Queens, were the names of individual towns. What is now Nassau County on long island, WAS a part of Queens County, but those communities elected to NOT be incorporated into the "Greater Metropolitan City of New York. To make things even more confusing, at one point, much earlier in its history, the Bronx was a part of Westchester County, which is the county just north of the Bronx. I'm less familiar with the history of Staten Island, since it doesn't figure into my genealogy research, which is how I learned all of this anyway. But it is a part of New York City.

Where do you think the crime lab would be located in the city? It looks to be an old building that has been converted so I wouldn't have put it amongst the more modern skyscaper part of the city which is about the only part you ever see on films and such.

Good questions. I'm not sure. I don't think they've ever really said or given any hints. What does amuse me is that this one CSI location in NYC seems to cover the entire City. They've been called out scenes in all 5 boroughs I believe (Have they had a case on Staten Island? I can't remember.) A city this size, they'd most likely cover a very small area and be located in a number of labs or precincts throughout the City.
Where do you think the crime lab would be located in the city? It looks to be an old building that has been converted so I wouldn't have put it amongst the more modern skyscaper part of the city which is about the only part you ever see on films and such.

Good questions. I'm not sure. I don't think they've ever really said or given any hints. What does amuse me is that this one CSI location in NYC seems to cover the entire City. They've been called out scenes in all 5 boroughs I believe (Have they had a case on Staten Island? I can't remember.) A city this size, they'd most likely cover a very small area and be located in a number of labs or precincts throughout the City.

The only hint I've seen so far was in Hush, when Danny and Aiden were talking at the end about getting something to eat. The markings on the door are for the 12th Precinct. Now whether that's where the crime lab is or whether they were just interrogating at the closest department is anyone's guess.
Posted by csifeline:
OK, so where is the 12th Precinct?

There is no 12th precinct. However, the "Patrol Bureau Manhattan South" consists of Precincts numbers 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 17, MTS (Mid-Town South), MTN (Mid-Town North).

If you're really curious about how the NYPD is organized, you can find the information at NYPD Bureaus
I think that translates to the 12th precinct is on the soundstage where they film CSI: NY :lol: One good way to not draw attention to any one real precinct and create a nightmare for the real men and women in blue is to create one [precinct] of your own.

Then again, that may not be where the CSI's lab is after all. The 12th was what I saw on the door behind Danny in Hush.
I watched Tanglewood thhis morning and I have to say what a fantastic episode it was.

Iwas very worried for Danny by the end of the ep...I really don't want him to have been part of the Tanglewood Boys.

I keep running scenarios over in my mind...the more I think about it, the more I convince myself that Danny only speaks from experience of seeing his brother run with them and seeing just how dangerous they are rather than him being in with them to the extent of being as bad as they are.

Maybe the reason they "know all about Danny Messer" is that he's on the right side of the law and poses a bigger threat to them because his brother had probably talked to him about the Tanglewood Boys and their agenda.

I'm probably way off track with this, but I don't wanna see Danny lose everything he has worked for; his career and the respect of his colleagues.
Yeh, another one who goes for the 'Danny has a bad brother' rather than the 'Danny has a tattoo' scenario. :D

I would like to point out that we are probably going to be severely disappointed when Tanglewood part 2 comes out but until then, hope springs eternal! :)
Posted by csifeline:
Yeh, another one who goes for the 'Danny has a bad brother' rather than the 'Danny has a tattoo' scenario. :D

I would like to point out that we are probably going to be severely disappointed when Tanglewood part 2 comes out but until then, hope springs eternal! :)

Oh, don't get me wrong, I do hope he has got a tattoo but only if it isn't one that is going to wreck his career and his life ;)
Ye i mean danny having a tatto is an extremely mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy thought (zones out) but i don't want it to be at the expense of his job (not that they'd fire him for a plain old everyday tatoo, u know what i mean; really need to get a bigger brain) because ime sorry i know it's selfish but i need that fine piece of ass to stay on tv as long as humanly possible :rolleyes:
Posted by lilbluewitch:
Ye i mean danny having a tatto is an extremely mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy thought (zones out) but i don't want it to be at the expense of his job (not that they'd fire him for a plain old everyday tatoo, u know what i mean; really need to get a bigger brain) because ime sorry i know it's selfish but i need that fine piece of ass to stay on tv as long as humanly possible :rolleyes:

Tattoo : Yes Please

Tanglewood Tattoo : NNnooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
Carmine has one tattoo for sure on his upper right arm. Danny has at least one.... maybe more.

I volunteer for the search team.
Couldn't we just see a tattoo as he takes his top off in the locker room after a badddd decomp. ;) AND Mac or anybody doesn't have to know about it. Only us, the viewers.

I volunteer to frisk him.
Posted by kazzy:
Couldn't we just see a tattoo as he takes his top off in the locker room after a badddd decomp. ;) AND Mac or anybody doesn't have to know about it. Only us, the viewers.

I volunter to frisk him.

Ooooooooooooh frisking Danny... :p
Oh yeah. Frisking. Such a difficult job. That's why I volunteered, to save everyone the effort that they will have to put in. I agree, Im such a saint. ;)
Posted by kazzy:
Oh yeah. Frisking. Such a difficult job. That's why I volunteered, to save everyone the effort that they will have to put in. I agree, Im such a saint. ;)

I don't mind sharing the job, give you a chance to recover. :rolleyes: