Tanglewood theory

Has anyone considered that Danny may have tried to get into the tanglewood gang, but they wouldn't let him? The tanglewood guy acted as if Danny was a joke. He didn't seem afraid of him. He had the same contempt for him that a jock in high school would have for a nerd. I am not saying that Danny is a nerd. The relationship between him and the tanglewood boys remind me of the relationship between the jocks and the nerds in highschool.

interesting thats anoter possibility although being a nerd myself i feel danny is a bit to pretty and confident to be one lol aww poor lil thing tho :)
Posted by Khanada:
I've had my share of physicals for both government and non-government work. They can report on your physical condition, limitations, blood/urine work and drug use but artwork isn't high on the priority list since it doesn't affect HOW you do your job. As far as the police go, they do a criminal background check and check into your family. If Danny's family was one under surveillance as first reported, that might be the only gliche he'd have in getting into the department. If his record is clean and his medical/psych history is good, his body art is his own business.

I guess I was just looking for a safe explantion to keep Danny out of trouble :lol:
Well, I did what I could but after tonight, the master decision is that the man needs a good solid spanking!
Posted by Khanada:
Well, I did what I could but after tonight, the master decision is that the man needs a good solid spanking!

Definitely ;)

Actually I can only comment after Tangleood 'cos I won't see On The Job for a few more weeks :eek:
Posted by Victoria23474:
Posted by Khanada:
Well, I did what I could but after tonight, the master decision is that the man needs a good solid spanking!
the cheeky little monkey, definately needs a good seeing too. :D
Definitely ;)

Actually I can only comment after Tangleood 'cos I won't see On The Job for a few more weeks :eek:

I can't see on the job for a lil while either so i feel ur pain!! :(
^Well, Danny is a veeeeerrrrry bad boy... ;) :lol: :devil:
Does anyone know if the cast visit this BBoard ?

It just got me thinking, 'cos of the comments we make about Carmine / Danny :lol:
I everyone, Im new. I have a different theory. I dont know how long the tanglewood boy have been around but maybe it wasn't danny's brother that was involved but his father. Maybe Danny and Sonny and sonnys friends all grew up together. That would explain Sonny's line of he knows all about us and we know all about him. Maybe Danny's father assumed that his son was going to follow in his footsteps and join the gang and Danny balked and that lead to his father disowning him, That would also go a long way to explaining why danny had trouble beliving any on had his back is "on the job". If he couldnt trust his own father to back him up than who can he trust. It would also explain why danny looks up to mac as a father figure.

I cant wait until novemeber. I hope they air tanglewood part 2. I dont want Danny to have been in the gang. Mainly for selfish reason. Danny is my favourite character on CSI New York. I dont want his Carmine Giovinazzo to leave the show if his character gets fired.
Actually an interesting theory. I believe Danny mentioned their father's were all connected but the line's hard to pick up.

Posted by adder574:
I everyone, Im new. I have a different theory. I dont know how long the tanglewood boy have been around but maybe it wasn't danny's brother that was involved but his father. Maybe Danny and Sonny and sonnys friends all grew up together. That would explain Sonny's line of he knows all about us and we know all about him. Maybe Danny's father assumed that his son was going to follow in his footsteps and join the gang and Danny balked and that lead to his father disowning him, That would also go a long way to explaining why danny had trouble beliving any on had his back is "on the job". If he couldnt trust his own father to back him up than who can he trust. It would also explain why danny looks up to mac as a father figure.

that would actually make alot of sense, i like ur thinking. My god anything really is going to completely dump a heaving dollop on danny angst all over everyone. so it's all good!! i canne wait till november :)
Regarding the brother theory from earlier, I have trouble believing it. It seems just a bit too similar to a storyline that the also Jerry Bruikheimer (sp?) produced Without a Trace has going on. In it, a similarly named and tempered agent named Danny has a brother who used to be drug user and trafficker. I just don't think that Jerry would use such a similar plot line for two of his shows, although it's a good idea.
There was going to be a similar storyline for Stella and Sara but they changed it so I will side with the idea that they may not have it be similar at all.

I personally do not have much of a theory and if they don't explain it all to us in the second part of Tanglewood in Season 2 then hopefully there will be enough information to actually make one.
well you guys all get to see Tanglewood part 2 in November i won't get to see it till at least March 2006 if i am lucky!!

goes to sit in her corner and cry! lol

You guys will keep me up to date anyway with the Danny love!