Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh looked into his soft brown eyes, gasping a little when she felt his legs around her, not that she was complaining. This was all very wierd to her, not being in a relationship for so long had her scared out of her mind in more ways than one. She sighed a little and then felt the fermiliar sting of tears at her eyes. A few tears fell but she quickly wiped them away. "I know," she said lightly, suddenly finding the cabinets next to him very intresting.
"Hey, hey, Calleigh......don't be like that, please?" He gently cups her face, wiping her tears away with his thumbs, and at the same time forcing her to look at him.

And without warning, he kisses her on the lips, pausing just so Calleigh could feel a little skin against skin. (sorry, couldn't think of a suitable ending to that paragraph :))
Calleigh sniffled and was about to say something when she felt his lips on hers. She had to say, that if there was any suitible cure for sadness, it was his kiss. She let it linger a little and then pulled away, looking into his eyes. She pressed her forehead against his and closed her eyes a little. "I'm scared Tim," she admitted, for the first time.
He lets a tear fall shamelessly from his cheek, not bothering to try and hide it. He pulls her in for a tight hug, rubbing his hands up and down her back soothingly. Their dinners completely forgotten on the bench opposite them, he cooes softly, trying his hardest to make her feel at least a little safe in his arms, even if it's all he can offer her, he will give. He Loves Calleigh
"Oh, Calleigh, it's going to be alright. I'm here for you, don't you think for even a second that that bastard is going to get to you, You not only have me, but the whole Miami-Dade PD behind you, supporting you. Horatio too." He lets out a single huff of laughter as he realiases he repeated himself, but he doesn't really matter, he only cares about it because it seems to be having an effect on her.

(oh, and Wyoming. I did a word count on our first part last night, we were over 3000 words! yay)
Calleigh nodded and wrapped her arms around him. She was very fragile at the moment, she could break with just the tiniest word and could cry in a given instant. She pulled awya from him and looked up into his eyes again, something that she found very comforting. She took a deep breath and then reached up her hand to wipe away his tear with her thumb. "Don't cry," she said lightly. But she should practice what she preeches, since her own tears were starting to flow as well. "I love you Tim, so much," she muttered lightly to him.
He can't help but crack a wide smile at Calleigh, and whispers, "I love you too, babe"
He gently hops down from the counter, slowly backing her up until her legs hit he couch. He picks her up in his arms and smiles. Then, he sat down and kissed her cheek, with the same love and tenderness that's always been there as he caresses her upper thigh softly.
Calleigh smiled a little and wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up. She wanted to invite him to stay over tonight, but the thing was, if that man were to come back and attack her at night, she didn't want Tim to be there for it. She wanted him safe, so instead, she kept her mouth shut and just leaned into him and rested her head on his chest, and sighed a little.
He tries to fight the fog that seems to be forcing his heavy lids closed, he kiss her cheek, "I love you Calleigh." still clutching her protectively as he drifts off. One thing is for sure, He knows who he'll be dreaming of tonight.
Tim was about to fall asleep, but she couldn't let him stay here for the night, she was just too scared of losing him. "No Tim, you can't stay here, it's not that I don't want you here, I just.....you can't stay here tonight Tim, not until this guy is safely behind bars," she told him.
"Calleigh, why don't you stay at ym place if you're so worried, girl? But I should go, don't wannna make u mad...." He says grogilly as he wakes up, dumping her gently on the couch as he gets up, feeling around for his shoes"
Calleigh stood up and helped him find his shoes. "I don't want to impose," she said lightly as she went up and over to the window. She'd found herself staring out that window a lot. It was something she did when she was contemplating things, and usually, she got nothing done, but it still calmed her to look out of it anyway. Even though she really wanted to go over Tim's house and spend the night, she wasn't sure if he wanted her there, and she didn't want to force him.
"Babe, are you sure you don't wanna stay the night? I mean, I'll sleep on the couch if you reeeeally want me to." He smiles and doesn't bother putting his shoes back on, because he might have a spare seat to put them in if she says no, which he hopes she says yes to his proposal of staying the night. "Ok, Calleigh, if you want ot come, come now, you won't be imposing at all...." He walks out the door, gving her a split second to make her descision. Stay here and risk winding up in Alexx's morgue in the morning? or stay the night at Speedles, which is closer to work. Less chance of getting hurt or murdered. It'd be an easy choice for anyone else, but not for Calleigh Duquesne.
Calleigh didn't even have time to think before running out the door after him, locking the door behind her. She looked to him and smiled a bit. She came up to him and gave him a light kiss. "Thanks Tim," she said softly before taking the extra helmet and putting it on. She was starting to get used to it, and maybe one day she would buy her own pink helmet, just like she always imagined when she saw Tim ride off on his bike. She was becoming fond of it, and she was very fond of the man riding it. She hoped that she wasn't putting him in danger by doing this. Murderers were sneaky, and he could be following her, but she figured she had less of a chance of wearing a toe tag the next morning.
(ok, skipping ahead ot next morning......at his house)

Calleigh wakes in a huge, and I mean HUGE bed with silk sheets and soft cotton pillowcases. She can smell something cooking outside, but can't remember where she is. She looks over ot the other side of the bed to see it hasn't been slept in at all. then her stomach starts rumbling.
(Sweetie, please post as Tim, and not my character, I like to have complete control of my characters :D)