Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

(ok, sorry, I just came out of the madness know as the CSI: cconvention murders......)

Tim's cooking Breakfast While Calleigh sleeps on in his huge bed, complete with silk sheets, silk....everything.

ok, I'm finished, never got that far though, I love Calleigh as much as you do, I'm sorry if I offended you, I was just rying to lighten the mood at the 'slaughter house'

plz don't be mad! :)
(It's okay, and uh.....make sure you stay PG13, this is a PG13 site, and the PG13 meter likes to slap people lol)

Calleigh woke up and yawned, looking out the window. She inhaled deeply and then freaked out when she noticed that this wasn't her bed, it was much nicer. There was silk everywhere, and she was in one her tank top and a pair of Tim's boxers. She looked around and then remembered what had happened last night. She hadn't had time to grab a change of clothes, so Tim let her wear a pair of his boxers, which she actually found kind of cute. She sat up and smelled something cooking, so she got up and followed the smell, finding Tim in the kitchen.
He's cooking what looks liek 3 different things at once, despite the fact he loves Calleigh, he doesn't know what her fave breakfast food is. in one pan is scrambled eggs, another filled with (insert Calleighs fave food here, ur choice) and tims fave steak and eggs. Such a macho man as tim HAS to have steak for brekky :D
Calleigh smiled as she walked into the room, and smelled all the wonderful foods. On the middle skillet, she smiled when she saw pancakes being heated over a light flame. "I didn't know you were this good at cooking," She said lightly, making her presence known. She smirked up at him when he turned around, and she took over one of the skillets so that he wasn't doing so many things at once. Of course, she took the easiest skillet, the scrambled eggs.
He lets out a soft chuckle and kisses her on the cheek, "You're an amazing cook, Calleigh." He sighs as he notices the steak is burning, but the pancakes are perfect. "ick....ok, I think this one is done?" He slides the medium-done steak onto a plate, smiling. now he flips the pancake using only the pan and some expert hand movements.
Calleigh smiled a little as he flipped the pancake. She knew that his parents owned a resturaunt back in Syracuse, but she didn't know the extent of food preperation that they'd taught him. She guessed that they taught him something, since he seemed to be really good at it. She found a plate off to the side and put the eggs onto it, and then turned the burner off. "How did you know that I loved pancakes?" she asked him, although every southern woman loved pancakes.
"You look like the kind of girl who likes them and alexx mentioned to me one time that....." he pauses but then starts so mimmick alexxes voice "every southern woman loves pancakes" He then flips the pancakes onto a plate and hand it to her, saying in a bad english accent, "here you go, m'lady"
Calleigh giggled a little and reached up to kiss his cheek, still a little timid about all of this. She was wearing his boxers and sleeping over at his house and they hadn't even been in the relationship for a full 24 hours yet. She guessed it was just a friendly gesture since if she were at her house she might be in danger, but here, she felt safe. She took the plate from him and sat it down on the table. She grabbed the scrambled eggs as well and set that plate down. She put everything in the middle and set two more plates in front of their chairs making it sort of a buffet style breakfast.
((I can't find a good place to enter, so I guess I might as well enter here. Sorry if I interrupted at a bad time. lol))

Delko is swamped in work and now has to go out to another crime scene. He decides it's time to call in some help. He picks up the phone and calls Speed's cell.
He looks up at Calleigh, shrugs and answers his phone in a uniform, "Speedle"

All the while thinking, 'how could this ruin my morning with Cal, no, it won't I stayed poisitive for Calleigh, now its time to stay positive for the relationship......and the rest of the world' He quietly sighs as his thoughts run through his head.
"Hey man. Delko here. I'm swamped at work and I have to go to another crime scene. Could you come out and help me process? Oh. And call Calleigh. maybe she could help too."
"Uhhhhhmmm.....yes, I'll call her, I'll pick her up on the way, y'know, to save fuel......" He trails off and winks at Calleigh, who's listening intently at the other end of the table. They say their goodbyes, but as eric hangs up, he hears a female voice one the other line, just faintly, but it sounds familiar. way to familiar.
Eric hangs up the phone.

"Woah. I could've sworn I heard Calleigh...I must be putting in way too many hours."

He grabs his kit and heads down to the crime scene.
Alexx was leaning over a DB when Delko arrived, kit in hand.

"Hey, Eric," she said as he arrived. Then, to the the dead teenage girl lying in front of her, "Oh, Baby.. you're much too young to be with me."
"So what happened here Alexx?"

He surveyed his surroundings and noted that Tripp was talking to a teenager of about 17. He also noted the high school directly behind him.