Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Just incase her legs gave out on her agan, he held her hand as she got on, then he slides in infront of her. This time, he makes a point of kissing both of her hands as she wraps her arms around him. He feels like he's hung over on this giddy feeling that consumes him as he realises he finally has her, but how to protect her? He contemplates asking her to spend the night at his place, but decides to wait a while before asking. He slips on his helmet, smiling again he says, "Ready Calleigh?"
Calleigh smiled a little and his gesture. She really couldn't believe that she'd agreed to this, and even though she wanted it, she thought that maybe it was fate that she couldn't have it. And now that she was trying to change her fate, would it backfire? She didn't know, nor would she ever know if something happened to her. She just looked foreward to a hot meal, a hot shower, and some good night's sleep. She smiled a little when she heard his voice. "Yeah, I'm ready," she said in a sweet tone as she braced herself this time.
He revvs the engine a couple of times, He doesn't know why, but he does it anyway................maybe it's calleighs arms tightening around him that little bit extra, or the looks he gets from people around him. He takes off, a little slower than last time, making sure Calleigh enjoyed it more this time than the last.
Calleigh smiled as they headed off for her house. She enjoyed the ride there, but before she even knew it they were outside her small apartment that was settled right off of the beach. She got off of the bike and then took off her helmet, and looked at him. "Do you want to come in, I made some cookies last night, and I don't want to eat them all," she said with a small giggle. She was a little nervous, she hadn't had a man in her house in years.
He sits on his bike for a second or two, as if comteplating it then agrees with a noticable amount of relief and happiness, "Yes, Calleigh, I'd love to." He pulls the keys out of the engine and puts his helmet faley on his seat and as they walk inside, he said, "I never knew you cooked? You must be a very good one.....did you use the cookie dough stuff or make it from scratch?" He questions, but can not keep the glee from edging into his voice. Finding out new facts about her makes him happy, and he hopes that it'll be useful in protecting her if she ever needed it.
Calleigh smiled a little as she walked into the house and told him to sit down as she fetched the cookies. She came back into the living room from the kitchen and then smiled as she held out the bowl to him. "Scratch," she said with a smirk. She glanced away for a minute only to look back at him. "Will you stay for dinner?" she asked with a bit of hesitation evident in her voice. "I'm a very good cook if given the chance," she said softly.
He smiles widely at her, but secretly thinking: 'is she hitting on me?' 'no she's not, she loves you, and you know that, so it's just an invite for dinner and maybe more, but IO'm not going to push it, I'm comfortable with what Calleigh's comfortable with' "Yes, Calleigh, I'll stay.......ummm...." all of a sudden his mind stalls. where's tohse little voices when you need them? he hesitates a bit before finally answering back with, "Bring it on, Calleigh."
Calleigh smiled a little when he accepted, though she had to admit she was a little nervous when he was contemplating. She took a breath of releif and then nodded a little. She thought of what she was going to make for herself tonight, and then doubled it. "Do you like chicken parm?" she asked him, hoping that he did because that was about all she had in her fridge. She was still hesitant to kiss him or snuggle into him because of the fact that they hadn't been together all that long, she didn't want to make any moves and scare him away from her. She wanted to live the rest of her life with him.
He smiles yet again, both Calleigh and himself are wonderng : how can he/I smile so much becaue of me/her?
(if this is confusing, heres a simpl-er version: how can they manage to make the other smile so much?)

Stretching languidly on the couch then crouching over to take off his shoes, he says, "You're in luck tonigh, Calleigh, Chicken Parm is my fave." He wiggles his eyebrows at her, to which Calleigh finds herself giggling at.
(I can't edit the original post, but the beautiful and talented Katie (speedmonkey2 is going to join us and take Valera :D)

Calleigh giggled at him a bit and blushed. She'd never actually told anybody that she was in love and had them love her back. She was utterly baffled that he felt the same way. She smiled up at him and took a deep breath. "Good because I think that's all I have," she said as she looked out the window and saw a car park out front. She immidiately became scared and froze until she saw a family get out of the car and run up to a house. It must have been a relative of one of the neighbors. She hated that it had to be this way, and that she had to worry about it like this, but she was ready to throw her body in front of Tim's any second. She didn't move from her spot until everyone was out of the car, she then went into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.
'well.....that was a little odd......' "Calleigh?!" He asks as he gets up, still wondering what caused Calleigh to freeze up at the window earlier. He gets up and looks out the window to see an empty car sitting down in the parking lot. 'oh.' He says in realisation as a pang of guilt washes over him.
Calleigh slapped on a fake smile and took out the chicken. "Yeah Tim?" she asked him as she put the chicken on a cutting table with bread crumbs scattered all over it. "Something bothering you?" she asked him as she walked up to him and swallowed nervously. Had she been that obvious? She sighed inwardly, knowing that he was probably worried about her for freezing up like that, and the cold truth was, she really was scared, she just wouldn't admit it.
He was scared for her, naturally, but he was also scared for himself. He thinks he's selfish for feeling this way, but he just can't seem to shake the feeling that is evident in his dark brown eyes. He goes into denial and lies to Calleigh, "No, sorry to worry you, can I um, help you at all?"

He just wanted to be near her, even if it meant standing there helping her cook dinner, or talking to her to dissipate the fear that's settled over the beautiful blonde.
Calleigh shifted her weight onto her left leg, and looked into his deep eyes, causing her to squint a littie. She shook her head and then tilted it to the side. "No not until you tell me what's really bothering you," she said. She could always read him like a book and she was never one to back down when she wanted to pry, unless she really seemed to get one someone's nerves, but right now, she wanted to know what was on his mind.
He clears a small spot on the counter, then he pulls himself onto the countertop, now he's level with Calleigh, staring directly into her green eyes. He puts his hands on her hips cautiously and smiles weakly. "Calleigh, honey......You know how when somomes trying not to be obvious so much to anybody around them, they try so hard that they're only un-obvious to themself and everybody else can see through them like a crystal.....?" He pauses and draws her just a little closer, he's started to hook his legs around her upper thighs.

"Yes..." Calleigh replied, thinking carefully about what he's saying to her.

"Well....It seems to me you're the person who's trying so desperately to not be obvious. But Cal, I can see right through you, I know you're scared. You know I'm here for you, right?"