Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

Calleigh smiled when she felt his hands over hers. She was whipped out of her thoughts when he pulled out of the parking lot, quicker than she'd expected. She made a small squeal and then giggled a bit at how the wind cascaded over her face as they moved. It didn't take long for them to get to the beach, and to her luck, where they'd gone, there was no one there. She put her helmet on the seat and then walked onto the beach with him, taking off her stillettos before walking onto the sand. She sat down on the beach next to him, and looked out to the sunset. "So I'm sure Horatio told you about how lucky I was to still be alive today," she said lightly as she looked over at him and sat with both of her hands propping her up behind her.
He lays down on the sand, smiling up at Calleigh, the sun illuminating the stray hairs caused by the wind, making her look like an angel. 'an extremely sexy angel, may I say so myself' he thinks as he continues looking into her eyes.

"He said something in passing, but I didn't really get the whole story."

"I was scared by the fact you nearly died, but I'm just so relieved to have you here, with me, in this moment, Calleigh."

The emotion, the love pouring from his eyes at this moment are nearly enough to make her faint. Nearly.
Calleigh looked down, in fear that she would feel too dizzy from what he was saying to her to speak. She swallowed hard and thought of that morning.

"I had his gun in my face. It wasn't even three inches away from my nose. He told me that he didn't do it, but that he would gladly go to jail for my murder, for trying to put an innocent man in jail," she sighed and closed her eyes. This was hard to tell, and she'd told it to IAB and Horatio today, this was all taking a toll on her. "He pulled the trigger, and the gun misfired. Police officers were everywhere. Horatio was there too. They pulled him away as soon as it misfired and he had to bring it down and look at it. But when he was being pulled away he told me that he was going to be seeing me again, and next time, his gun wouldn't misfire," she told him honestly, not taking her eyes away from the sand.

"That's why I'm so afraid to get into a relationship Tim, if anything ever happened to you I would never forgive myself. I don't want you to suffer because you were trying to protect me. I can't live with the fact that someone got hurt and it was my fault. I can't do it Speed, I can't have you...." Calleigh couldn't finish. She had tears in her eyes and she was trying so hard not to let them fall but they came cascading down her cheeks anyway. She quickly wiped them away and glanced over to him. "I'm sorry," she said weakly.
He's staring at her, eyes emotionless, until...... she sees something break inside him, he kisses her lightly on the cheek, then gets up and starts walking down the beach, contemplating the past, the present, and the future, how he'd make sure she was safe and himself aswell. He just wants to spill all of his feelings out, to be done with it, but somewhere in his mind, he still has hope. Hope for his quickly fading relationship with his one love, Calleigh Duquesne.
Calleigh watched as he started walking down the beach. She wondered what the future held for her. She put her hand over her cheek where he'd kissed her, and then got up, running after him. She yanked his arm and forced him to turn around. "I don't know how to make this work Tim, I love you more than anything in the world and I can't live my life without you. I want to be with you so badly, but I don't want you to get hurt," she said as she held both of his hands in hers, her eyes looking sincerely back into his. She wondered if he could see the love in them.
"Calleigh! do you know how much this is tearing me up inside?! Either you want to be with me or you don't. I'm sorry if you think I'm being selfish. You know what? I'd propose to you right now, in this very spot if I wasn't so scared of you pulling back from me! Calleigh, baby....I love you, I'd do anything to protect you." He kisses her on the lips, slowly, like this would be the last time he would see her. As he kisses her, he wraps his arms around her, lifting her off the ground slightly.
Calleigh looked up at him lovingly as he spoke to her. She was crying as he kissed her, but even though she was surprised that he'd kissed her without warning, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back. She made a small noise when she was lifted off of the ground and lifted her legs up a little, letting her eyes slip closed. She was in heaven right now, and she didn't want to let go. She deepend the kiss, desperate for more of him.
He groans softly as she deepens it, he then grasps her butt, pulling her further from the ground. He thinks he has died and went to heaven, with Calleigh, of course. He wouldn't leave without her, no matter what. He breaks the kiss, only to start planting open-mouthed kisses on her collar bone, smiling as she moans softly, all because of him. 'I hope she realises what lengths I would go to, just to protect her.'
Calleigh couldn't help but moan a little, but she had to stop him. "Tim, Tim, not here," she said with a soft giggle. She made him put her down and then wrapped her arms around him and gave him a light kiss. "Tim, I love you," she said softly as she looked up into his eyes and kissed him again. "I love you," she repeated again, whispering into his ear this time.

(see you tmm, my bedtime :D)
"Calleigh, I love you too." He puts his arm around her, his hand coming to it's resting place, sitting protectively on her lower back, he smiles and says as he walks her back to his bike, "Believe me, I do."

(ok, cya tomorrow girl :p )
Ok, My inner 'Tim Speedle' (says that with a german accent, so it sounds more like 'Tim Schpeedle') is way, way better than I ever thought........maybe my next bit should be Tim talking with Alexx :p Just so you know, this is my first RPG too :D


~fades in to see a brunette screaming obsanitites, then she stops abruptly ans says: "Read ChristineCaine's first ever fic, 'Kidnapped' while there is no RPG going on here, just don't get lost in the drama or forget ot come back ghere when you're finished! fades out again and you're returned ot this board~

ok, excuse me for my temporary moment of insanity, but I was depicting myself in that *ad* and I was swearing, or rather yelling things at random, clinging to the edge of my seat hoping to god that Eric and Calleigh don't die!!!! (in chrisitnes fic, that is) :)
Calleigh sniffled a little and leaned into him as they walked back to his bike. She did it, she let him in, now the hard part was keeping him in, and making it so that he never got hurt. She hoped that malice was enough to put this guy away for a few years, but if he somehow avoided that, she was in trouble. "I want to go home," she said lightly.
He grips her a little tighter, planting a single kiss on the top of herhead, before handing her the spare helmet and saying, "ok, Honey, would you like me to take you home on my bike or in your Hummer?" He can't help but find himself wanting her to choose the bike, he's never shared it with a woman before, but now that he has, he's actually liking it.
Calleigh shrugged a little. She had to admit that him calling her honey sounded wierd and she wasn't exactly ready for it, but instead of rejecting it she embraced it. She put her shoes back on, and her ankles must have been weak because as soon as she put them back on she fell. She grabbed onto him for support and smiled up at him a little. "Sorry," she said lightly before standing up and brushing herself off. "The bike is fine," she finally answered.