Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

'oh....ummmmm....oh, damn it!' He thinks as he notices tears falling from her cheeks.

He hates it when this happens, and not being able to hold her like he wants, just to be able to kiss her without any fears of repercussions at the lab.

He tries to ignore the tears falling from her face, but he can't hold back any longer, so he tries to gently wipe them away with his thumb, hoping to god that she won't push him away. Again.
Calleigh flinched away from him as he wiped her tears away. She didn't want to flinch away, but she had to. She looked up at him and sighed. "Tim, I can't, I don't want you hurt. I don't know if Horatio told you but I'm one lucky woman right now. You have no idea how much I want this relationship Tim, but I can't. I can't be responsible if anything happens to you, and I would never forgive myself. I'm sorry," she said lightly as she looked up at him with sad, green eyes.
At that moment, his heart drops. He hates it when that happens, He loves her, and if he had the chance, he would propose to her on the spot, He'd do anything to be with her, to make her the happiest woman in Miami. No, the world.

He can feel the tears stinging at his eyes already, then the elevator doors open. 'Probably the last time I'll see her in a while, so here goes....' "I love you, Calleigh." He says as he walks out, head down like a child who has been humiliated, who just doesn't want to be part of the world anymore.
Calleigh picked her head up when she heard him say that. She looked up at him and just as the doors were about to close she stopped them and called out his name. "Tim!" she said, a little louder than she'd wanted to. She walked out of the elevator and up to him, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I love you too," she told him as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, only for it to come loose again. She sighed and suddenly found the floor very intresting. She didn't know what else to do, and now she was speechless and a little embarrassed.
He looks back at her once, tears now visible.
"Baby, I'm sorry If I hurt you...." and with that he walks away from her, not knowing what to do, his heart officially shattered. He thinks he hears her calling him, but doesn't look back, just keeps on walking.
Calleigh swears she hears him crying, but immediately has second thoughts.

(ok, that was a REALLY short, and probably crappy post, sorry about that, I was pretty stumped on what to say)
Calleigh shook her head and was about to say something but he walked away before she could say it. She called after him but he didn't hear her, and even if he did then he chose not to turn back. She started sobbing and ran down the same hallway as him, crying as she ran past him, and into her ballistics lab. She grabbed her .22 from the wall and loaded it up with bullets. She didn't bother with the earmuffs because she just didn't care about anything. She popped off a few rounds before lowering her gun and putting more bullets into it. The gunshots rang out through the hallways, and everyone on that floor could hear it. She cried as she popped off each round, and wanted to stop this rediculous flow of tears, but she just couldn't.
Now in the locker room, he sits with his head against her locker, listening to her fire multiple rounds from what was probably her favorite gun in the lab. 'why did I have to say that for? Stupid little...' The voices in his head are giving him a major headache. 'SHUTUP! You could still have a chance....' "Oh, for crying out loud, would you just shutp?!?!" He kicks the locker opposite him, gets up, grabs his gun and jacket from his locker, and walks out of the lab, but unfortunately for him, Calleigh heard the commotion in the locker room, because she wasn't wearing earmuffs, as he's walking out, he heads past the ballistics lab, head still down, pretending she isn't there at all.
Calleigh flinched when she heard Tim kick the locker door. She put the gun back and then just as she opened the door Tim was heading down the hallway, pretending she wasn't even there. "Tim," she called, hoping that he turned around. She just wanted to talk with him. She hesistated, but she walked down the hall after him. She loved him too much to let him go that easily, but she had a huge decision to make. Would she let Tim in and risk him getting hurt because of her? Or does she push him away and cause him emotional pain instead of physical pain, and also make herself miserable. It was a lose-lose situation and she didn't know how to deal with it. She just needed to talk to him to figure it all out.
He stops dead in his tracks, not turning his head, not talking, not even breathing. 'maybe this is too good to be true? I don't even care what happens to me, the point is, if I die for calleigh, I'd die a happy man!' He continues to stand still as Calleigh makes her approach.

(sorry about the short post again, I didn't want to babble lol)
Calleigh came up to him and sighed a bit. He wasn't moving, and he seemed dissapointed. She looked shy and a bit embarrassed as she walked up to him. She bit her lip out of nervousness and put a hand on his shoulder. "Tim," she started, not sure of what to say. She took a few seconds to think and then looked up at him. "Can we talk, do you want to go to the beach or something?" she asked.

The beach always calmed her. It was her place to just go and relax and think about everything there was to think about. She'd never went to the beach with someone else with her, but she thought that maybe going there would be a little more comfortable for both of them, since it was so inviting. She just hoped that he didn't turn her down. Maybe she'd screwed everything up and she'd missed her chance. Either way, she couldn't be any more nervous at the moment.
He lets out a long breath he knew he was holding. He turns to her and says in a slightly shaky voice, "OK, whatever you want, Calleigh." he then turns away from her again and starts walking towards her hummer. He would never, ever let her know this, but secretly in his head those little voices where throwing multi-colored confetti and spraying cheese-in-a-can everywhere. 'You got another chance, Tim, and you better not screw this one up too.' 'Oh, believe me, I'll try my hardest not to.' He thinks as he keeps on walking, with Calleigh in tow.
Calleigh walked out of the Miami-Dade crime lab with him and then stopped when they got to his bike. She'd always secretly wanted to take a ride on it, but she never thought that Tim would actually let her. She swallowed hard and then hesitated, but finally said something. "So are you going to let me ride on your bike with you?" she asked with a small smirk. She'd always wanted to ride on it, and she figured since they were both going to the same place it wouldn't really matter. She didn't want to take the Hummer, and besides, she would be really close to Tim.
Luckily for her, he thought the same way.

He smiles at her, then hands her the exta helmet.
He gets on, putting the key in and revving the engine a couple of times. She's standing there, shocked that she's actually going to ride with Tim Speedle on his bike!.

"We haven't got all day, Calleigh. Come on, I thought you'd want to ride it."

(apologies for yet another short post, I just thought it'd be nice to end it like that, that's all:))
Calleigh stood there for a minute as he revved the engine. She thought it was extremely hot that he was like that on the bike, and she was surprised she wasn't getting hot flashes right now. She was snapped out of her thoughts when he spoke to her. She put on the helmet and got onto the back of the bike, wrapping her arms tightly around him. She loved being this close to him and she wished that the ride would never end, but unfortunately, the beach was only a few blocks away.
He grips her hands breifly, smiling. 'My, god, this is too good to be true..... ' 'enjoy it while it lasts Speedle, you never know what'll happen just around the corner.' He'd kiss her hands if she would let go, just for a second, but he thinks to himself, 'I can do that when we get to the beach.' and with that, he moves out of the parking lot, having very, very happy thoughts that he might finally have his woman.