Talleigh RP! All are welcome!

"Well, it looks like strangulation. But.. oh, hang on. What's this?" She lifted the girl's shirt up to her stomach revealing a small hole. "There's a through and through here."
((Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I was told to post a bio here, so I thought I'd quickly post, sorry its long, amd carry on, I'll enter at a good time!))

Name: CSI Jean Strawson
Age: 28
Hair: Waist Length, Flame Red
Eyes: Green
D/O/B: 29th December 1978
P/O/B: Austin Texas
Religion: Borderline, hovering on Atheist and Catholic (Mom was Catholic, Dad was Atheist)
TV Shows: Crime Shows
Music: Rock, Pop, alternate, anything that takes her fancy really
Personality: She's athletic and works out, she keeps to herself and doesn't like to share problems and emotions, preferring to work them out herself, she's serious, yet can be playful and flirty.
History: Had a relatively quiet childhood, up until the age of 7, when she found out her Grandfather was not her real grandfather, and he was also a paedophile and a drunk, That’s when all her problems started.
Her mom and dad were killed by her Grandfather, by being shot multiply times so she made it her goal to look after her brother, who was 6, she was 12. They were bounced from one foster home to the next, they ended up in one home, where she was raped on a daily basis, and ended up getting pregnant at 16.
Her baby died because she was born 3 months prematurely and she was still being raped by her foster father and that is when she shut off from the world and went into law enforcement.
Because of her temper, she was bounced around from various precincts, until she decided to stop in Miami. Here she finally found a group of people she could feel at home with, and she has known been with them for 5 years.
She still has a lot of painful secrets to reveal, and a lot of hurt to deal with, and she hasn’t ever been able to really trust someone, as she is afraid of the hurt if that person leaves or dies.

((Very cool idea. She could be a newbie to the Miami force.. maybe she could have transferred out of Texas.. I'm just throwing ideas out. It's up to you.)
((Yeah, sounds cool, should I Rp like Im joining Eric at the crime scene, or I could go back to the lab and introduce my self or something, I dont know! lol))

((Umm.. why don't you start in the lab. You can maybe introduce yourself to Horatio, or something.. people joining the RP later might not understand where your character is coming from...))
Speed shows up at the lab shortly after his phone call with Eric, Calleigh in tow. He whispers into her ear, " If eric asks questions, you were scared and wanted to stay at my place, I know that's what happened, but not anything else, ok?" He wanted to preserve what little of a growing relationship he had with Calleigh.
"Hey you two! About time you got here," Alexx said, teasing them. She noticed Tim whispering at Calleigh, then the silly grin that was on her face. She'd have to ask Speed about that later. "We have a teenage girl who was found in front of this school by that girl Frank is talking to. She has a bullet wound, a through and through. We haven't found a casing or a bullet anywhere. Calleigh, are you going to be okay to work this case? I know that you just had a bad case with dealing with strangulation," her voice carrying concern for her friend.
"Killer could've picked them up, Alexx. Now what was found on her body? any marks the killer could of left?" Referring to signatures, he's known some killers to carve something inot their vitims flesh after they kill them. He smiles once at Calleigh, who's looking over the body.
Calleigh sighed a little when she saw the vic. Maybe she wasn't ready to come back to work, but she wasn't about to let this guy slow her down. She nodded a little as Alexx spoke to her. "Yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry about me," she said with a fake smile as she walked over to a blue spot on the ground. "What is this?" she asked herself. It looked like wet paint. She called over to Frank to check the students' hands and shoes for fresh blue paint. He nodded and walked away. Calleigh turned back towards the group, and crouched down to the body. She looked down at her still open eyes, and lightly closed them. That could have been her.
"If you're sure you are going to be okay.." her voice trailed off. "Hmm.. what have you got there, Sweetheart?" She was referring to the blue paint Calleigh had found.

She lifted the body up to examine the exit wound on her back, and her fingers became wet with blue paint..

"Hang on here, guys. We may have the source for the paint. It looks like there is a blue--" She paused and looked at her blonde colleague. "There is a blue 'C' on her back, a direct threat to you, Cal. Are you sure you want to stay with this case? Oh, there's something in her pocket too."

Alexx reached for the front pocket of the girl's shirt, and pulled out a small piece of paper. It read:

'I'm after you, bitch. You can't get away from me, no matter where you go.'

Alexx slowly looked from person to person, stopping when she got to Calleigh.
Speeds heart drops, then he speaks up to her, "Cal, we should get you home or something, maybe even a hotel, I don't want you getting hurt." He flew right into over-protective mode, and couldn't seem to keep the panick from rising inside him or from his voice.
Calleigh looked at the C with an emotionless face. She sighed inwardly and looked to the ground, and then back up at Tim and Alexx. "Just give me a minute," she said before walking around the side of the building and sitting behind a big tree. She leaned her head against it and took a deep breath. She'd been through this kind of thing before, she could do it again. She was a strong southern woman, and she could take care of herself.
He looks at Alexx, not sure what to do. But he thinks Calleigh needs her space this time, He smiles weakly, it's all he can manage, but it doesn't mask the sadness in his eyes. "Alexx?"