TalkCSI: RolePlay

Jonathan awoke, noticing Isabella still asleep on his stomach. It was still surreal, he smiled watching her sleep, but as much as he hated doing it, he got up and went and put her in her crib, wound up her mobile and placed the bunny beside her. He covered her up and walked to the front door, making sure to lock it behind him and headed home. He crawled in bed and noticed Christa wasn't asleep anymore.

"Hea baby, where'd you go?" She asked.

"Isabella started crying, I went over there and we fell asleep on the couch."

"I can't sleep," she said simply. "I mean, I'm not tired anymore, slept enough."

He smiled down at her, "How long has it been, since I showed you how much I really love you?" He asked with a wink.

"Not in awhile." She said with a grin of her own. And with that, lips crashed down.
Chris woke up in the middle of the night and just lay, staring up at the ceiling. He noticed Christine moving next to him. "Hey. You awake?" He looked at her and saw her sit up, nodding. "I see you can't sleep either. Worried about Isabella or?" He let the question hang, allowing her to fill in the blank.
"I knew this would happen? You don't trust me, you never will! But Jonathan's going to be here, for Isabella, I don't need him in that way anymore, I got all I need right here. Of course I worry about him sometimes, I won't lie, I know how my sister's treated some previous boyfriends, I just don't want to see him get hurt. When are you going to realize that I won't do you like Nicole and Amber! Chris, I love you, why can't you see that?" Her eyes started to fill with tears. Then the baby monitor beside the bed erupted with the crying of a baby. Christine stood up, placed on her robe and slippers and headed into the nursery. She had thought of grabbing the phone to call Jonathan again, if they had another one of those ecounters, but as soon as she picked up Isabella, she stopped crying and started to coo. Christine headed over to the changing station, and changed her stinky diaper. And the baby was now wide awake, so she carried her into the kitchen with her, grabbing a bottle out of the refridgerator. Her face still wet with tears, she sat down carefully and started to feed Isabella her bottle. She looked at Chris, who was watching her carefully. "Would you like to finish?" He nodded and she handed Isabella to him. She sat back and watched how cute and gentle he looked with him. After she finished the bottle, he burped her and then just sat and gently rocked her, until she fell asleep. He went and put her back into her crib and headed back into the bedroom. Once he laid down, Christine straddled his waist and placed a kiss on his lips. "You may not trust me, but I just want you to know, that you're the only man I'm in love with right now. I do love Jonathan, but not like that anymore. He's like you are, you've both been there for me when I needed someone. And you've both helped me through difficult times. When I was 19, I was addicted to pain pills and if it wasn't for him putting me into rehab, I'd probably wouldn't be here right now. It's just that, I owe my life to him."
Chris nodded. "I understand. I've just had such bad experiences and it's so hard for me to trust. But I do trust you. I really do." He kissed her and held her in his arms. "I'm sorry. I really do love you." He leaned back and closed his eyes, eventually falling asleep with Christine in his arms.
Christine awoke the next morning and went to fix a cup of coffee. She sat sipping the coffee and thought about last night. She knew that Jonathan moving in next door would have an effect like this. But she wanted him in Isabella's life. But she wanted Chris there for her too. Isabella didn't know how lucky she was. She finished the coffee and headed to Isabella's room when she heard her cry, but then the crying stopped. When she got to her room, Chris had already had her diaper changed and was now talking softly to the baby. She leaned up against the door frame and watched and listened.
Chris gently rocked Isabella and smiled. "You're so gorgeous. Just like your mommy." Isabella cooed and Chris softly laughed. "I see you agree with me." Isabella cooed and yawned again, then started to cry. "Aww...Are you tired?" He sat down and gently rocked her, singing, "Hush Little Baby, don't say a word. Both Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, Both Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Both Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass." By this point Isabella was asleep and Chris gently laid her back in her crib and watched her silently sleep. He only turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Chris turned around and glanced into Christine's eyes. He gave him a grin as they stood hand in hand looking at Isabella sleep. She was the most beautiful thing Christine had ever laid eyes on. She meant the world to her, if anything ever happened to Isabella, Christine didn't know what she would do. She grabbed a hold of Chris' hand and gave it a firm squeeze. They were going to be alright, she just knew it. At that time, words weren't needed. They knew that they loved each other deeply. And the little angel laying in front of them, was the most important thing in their life.

They walked out of the nursery together and headed into the living room, placing the baby monitor on the coffee table as they both ploped down on the sofa. Christine laid herself on, so that her head was on Chris' shoulder. She lifted her head and placed a sweet but powerful kiss on his lips. "I love you so much!"
"I love you too honey." He kissed her back and then smiled at her. "Isabella is asleep and I'm off today and so are you. What do you say we spend some...uhhh...'quality time' together?" He winked at her and then smiled wider than he thought he ever would or could.
Christine returned a smile, just as big as the one that was placed on Chris' face. The twinkle in her eyes told him all that he needed to know. She stood up and gently took Chris' hand into her own. When he was standing in front of her, she jumped into his arms and kissed him with all that she had. "How bout you lead the way, stud." She said seductively, winking down at him. She really loved him more than anyone would ever know. And she couldn't wait to become his wife. The sooner the better. She told herself.
He kissed her, slowly shedding his clothing as he made his way towards the bedroom. He smiled when he placed her on the bed. "You're so beautiful." He laid down next to her and then kissed her again.


He rolled over and smiled. "Wow...That was...great!" He closed his eyes and then opened them again a few minutes later. He rolled over and took Christine in his arms, smiling at her, and just staring at her, admiring how beautiful she was.
Christine melted into Chris' arms, she just loved the way it felt. She just laid there, drifting off to sleep, as visions of their wedding filled her head. The next day, Christine's and Jonathan's parents would be coming to see Isabella, Christine was worried about that, and what her parents would think of Chris. That was another thing that was running through her head, as she slept.


Christa snuggled with Jonathan, with some soft music playing in the background. "So, have you thought of what you want at the wedding?"

"Not really, Jonathan, I just want a small wedding, in a small church, with a little bit of people there. And you standing there beside me of course."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said placing a kiss on her nose.
Chris slept and dreamt of everything. Little did he know just who was pulling into town. Well, more his driveway. High heels clicked up the sidewalk as the obviously pregnant female rang the doorbell. Chris heard it and walked downstairs, not realizing he was in his boxers. He opened the door and his eyes flew open. "Janie? Is that you?" He opened the door wider to see his cousin smiling at him. "What are you doing here?"

She smirked at him. "Visiting my cuz Chris. Problem?"


She smirked again. "Who are you with now?"

"I'm engaged. To a wonderful woman named Christine. She's upstairs asleep, so please stay quiet."
Christine awoke from her sleep, and felt beside her, noticing that Chris wasn't there with her. She went into the bathroom and washed her face and went and checked on Isabella, who was awake just starting up at her mobile. She looked in the crib and looked down at the baby, Isabella's face lit up at the sight of her mother. Christine smiled down at the baby and picked her up from the crib and walked with the baby towards the kitchen, when she turned the corner, she saw Chris sitting with a pregnant woman deep in conversation.
"How is the baby?"

"She's doing well."


"Yeah...I'm having a girl." She smiled.

"Awesome...So-Christine!" He ran up to her and hugged her and gave Isabella a kiss and heard her coo. "I want you two beautiful ladies to meet my sister, Janelle. She means a lot to me, so I'm glad you can meet her." He smiled.

Janie stood up and walked over to the two. "Nice to meet you. Beautiful baby." She looked at Chris questioningly.
Christine could tell by the look on the girls face that she could tell that Isabella wasn't Chris', anyone could tell. "Hi Janelle, it's a pleasure to meet to meet you." Christine grabbed the baby's coat and put it on and gave Chris a quick kiss, "It's Jonathan's turn to keep Isabella, I'm going to go and take her over there and talk to Christa for a while. Janelle, it was nice to meet you." Christine walked next door, leaving Chris and Janelle alone to talk. She was pretty sure that was going to be an interesting conversation. Christine knocked on the front door, a while later, the door opened and Jonathan smiled as the baby started to coo. It was obvious she knew who her daddy was.

"Come in." He said, as Christine gently handed Isabella over. He started talking to Isabella as Christa and Christine had a conversation.