TalkCSI: RolePlay

Jonathan spoke up for eveyone else, "I think we all did need this," little did the rest of them know, Jonathan had something special planned. "If you'll excuse me." Jonathan took a walk over to the owner and told him what he had planned. He came back over right as the wine arrived, the waiter poured everyone a glass, except for Christine, who had some water. They all ate until Jonathan asked to be excused again. Then a voice came on the loud speaker, "Will Christa Dumas please walk to the dance floor?" She looked around and stood up, walking over to the dance floor, wondering what was going on. Then she heard singing. She turned to her right and saw Jonathan approaching her with a microphone.

Love me tender,
love me sweet,
never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
and I love you so.

Love me tender,
love me true,
all my dreams fulfilled.
For my darlin' I love you,
and I always will.

Love me tender,
love me long,
take me to your heart.
For it's there that I belong,
and we'll never part.

Love me tender,
love me dear,
tell me you are mine.
I'll be yours through all the years,
till the end of time.

(When at last my dreams come true
Darling this I know
Happiness will follow you
Everywhere you go).

“Now… I’m guessing you want to know what this is all about… Am I right?” he asked.


“Well, unlike most guys, I won’t sprawl out a huge parchment roll of lines… I only have one thing to say…” he said.


“Will you marry me, Christa Marie Dumas?” he asked as he knelt down on one knee, flipped open a red velvet ring box and revealed three princess cut diamonds placed on a silver band. Inside the ring, ‘I’ll always have the key to your heart’ was engraved.

She smiled form ear to ear as she clasped a hand to her mouth. The tears of joy fell from her eyes as she took in what she had just heard.

“Will you marry me, Christa, baby girl?” he asked again.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before saying, “Yes… Yes I will, Jonathan…”

He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up. He wiped the tears from her eyes as she kissed her hand upon its contact with her cheek. He leant down and took her head into his hands as he ruffled her hair a bit. Their eyes met in an electrifying connection and never broke away as he shifted one hand to her lower back and leant her down. Then, he kissed her passionately.
Chris stood up and applauded them. He whistled in celebration. "Congrats!!!" He smiled at them shaking Jonathan's hand and giving Christa a nice, friendly, innocent hug. "You both deserve every ounce of happiness you will be receiving."
I think I'm going to go ahead and jump ahead :)

Christine woke up early the next morning, Chris knew about her and Jonathan's plans to go and pick some last minute things out for the baby's rooms. They agreed that she would have a room at each house. They would probably alternate weeks of keeping her. She got dressed, as fast as she could, she was now a whole 6 months pregnant and wrote a quick note to Chris.

Her and Jonathan went to a couple stores and then decided to go to Crestview Bank, so she could deposit her maternity leave paycheck. All was going well until a couple men in masks came in.

Jonathan's POV

Everything was a blur, until, one of the robbers just started firing rounds, these guys meant business. I held Christine to close to me that I could. I saw another one pointing the gun at Christine, "Christine watch out," I yelled and placed myself infront of her. The bullet entered my side, all I could feel was the hot bullet at first and then the feeling of my cold blood. I dropped to my knees at first, then I fell back on my back.

Christine's POV

I looked down into Jonathan's eyes and noticed that they were glazed over, he was in a lot of pain. I kind of froze up at first, seeing him lying in front of me like that. Then I started to remember all of the nursing classes I used to take during college. A couple police officers entered the bank and a couple more guns were fired, leading to the robbers getting arrested. We were told not to move. I looked to my right and saw a woman with a baby, "M'am, do you mind if I borrow one of your blankets?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. She said nothing, just handed over the blanket. I looked down to the front of my shirt, it was soaked with his blood. I pressed the blanket firmly to his side, applying pressure to the wound. He looked up to me, tears in his eyes. "Jonathan, you have to stay with me, ok?"

"You're going to make a wonderful mom," I took a hold of his hand and squeezed it, "Just remember that." I took a hold of his head and cradled it in my lap, with my back to the door. He was still with me, but with the amount of blood he was losing, who knew how much longer he would be.


Chris was getting ready to go in to work when he received a call, "Chris, this is John. There's been a bank robbery down at Crestview bank, there was a big 12 car pile up, you were a paramedic before you became a coroner, we need you down there. There's one critical victim, was shot in the side. You can come by here to pick up an Ambulance."

Chris walked into the bank, saw the back of a woman and walked over, "Excuse me Ma'm, I'll need you to step away from him for a minute."

Christine's POV

I turned my hands still craddling Jonathan's head, his breathing was still ragged and I came face to face with Chris. "Chris!" All Chris could do was look down at the man that was becoming one of his best friends.

I started crying. "I didn't know what to do. All I could think about was to apply pressure to the wound. He can't die. He just can't. He really wanted this baby. He has to be here for her. The last thing he told me was that I was going to be a wonderful mom." She cried even harder.
Chris froze right on the spot. "No....Call Christa..." He kneeled down at Jonathan's side. "Come on buddy...don't die on me." He applied pressure to the wound and then called for a gurney. He loads Jonathan onto the gurney and into the ambulance. He looked at Christine. "Meet us at the hospital." The doors closed and Chris went into medic mode. "Make sure his vitals stay strong when I do this. I know the people at the hospital will have my head on a platter for this, but I have to do it." He activated the mini x-ray and placed it over his side. "No vital organs hit. Lucky. It should only be minor blood loss when the bullet is extracted. Still leaves me a small window. Let's do this." He grabbed tweezers and placed them in his side. He pulled out the bullet and dropped it in a pan. He quickly grabbed the materials he'd need and started to patch him up. He checked his vitals and noted they were strong. "We're at the hospital too. Great." He snuck the gurney by everyone and into a room, making sure noone would know what he did. He sighed and took a seat. "That was scary. Thank God it was a success though." He walked outside and waited for Christa and Christine.

(BTW, I have no idea if that is true or not. And I have no idea if any of that would be factual or useful in real life. lol)
:rolleyes: Just do this :rolleyes:

Chris walked over to a nurse, (we'll just say you just put a gauze on the wound) "M'am, there's a gun shot victim in room 113, bullet was found at the scene, he just needs to be sewed up." Chris looked down at his soaked shirt spattered with Jonathan's blood. He looked at the hospital entrance door and saw Christa and Christine walking in, Christine still had noticible tear lines on her face. Christa's face was filled with fresh ones. Christine's shirt was still covered with his blood, she had tried to wash it off of her hands, but some noticible blood had stayed behind. "How, how is he?" Christine asked. Chris walked them over to his room. Christa walked over to the side of his bed, he was so pale, he had lost a lot of blood. She took a hold of his hand. "You have to pull through this Johnny, you have to pull through, for Me, for all of us."

He opened his eyes and tried to move, but came up short, noticing the pain in his side.
"Come on Jonathan, don't move, the wound might start to bleed." Christine tried reasoning with him. Right at that moment, she jumped forward a little in her chair. Her face filled with a large grin. "The baby just kicked, Jonathan, or baby just kicked." His pained face vanished as she took her hand and placed his on her growing stomach. As if right on cue, the baby kicked. Jonathan's eyes began to water, Christine looked up at Chris and gave him a smile and whispered, "Thank you."
"No problem." He walked to the hospital kitchen and got himself a cup of coffee. He sat down outside Jonathan's room and leaned his head back, taking deep breaths. "It's gonna be a long couple of months." He finished off his coffe and threw it away, then walked back into Jonathan's Room.
Jonathan was released from the hospital and they all headed home. It was pretty late, so they decided that it was best that they went to bed.

Christine buried her head into the crook of Chris' neck and started crying.

"Really Chris, thank you so much. The thought of me not saying goodbye would just kill me." She let the tears fall.
He rubbed her back. "It's ok sweetheart. I would do anything for you." He hated to see her cry. It was one of his least favorite images on Earth. He picked her up and kissed her. "I love you so much." He pulled her close and just held her. He never wanted to let her go, but knew he would be forced to eventually.
Christine was having a hard time sleeping this morning. She felt on the bed and noticed that Chris was gone, then she remembered that he had to be at work early that morning. She pulled herself out of bed, looking at the clock, 6:00. She sighed, she knew she was tired, but there were so many thoughts going through her head that she couldn't get a decent sleep. She headed towards the kitchen and noticed that Jonathan was also up, sitting on the couch watching tv. He looked up at her.

"Couldn't sleep?" He knew Christine wasn't a morning person.

She nodded, "No, want anything to drink?"

"Hand me some orange juice."

She grabbed two orange juices and went and took a seat next to Jonathan. After watching tv, she finally looked him in the eye. "I was thinking about what happened, you know. About what you said, I never said goodbye. What if...,"

He looked her straight in the eye. "It doesn't matter, I know that I love you and you love me, we're best friends. And I know that your heart belongs to someone else right now, so does mine." He brought her closer to him and covered her up, her hands were really cold because she didn't have good circulation in them. She laid her head on his shoulder and before she knew what happened she fell asleep and so did Jonathan.
Chris had gotten off a long shift and was headed home. He pulled into the driveway and turned off his car. He was so happy to be home and able to see his gorgeous fiancee. He entered the house and saw Christine and Jonathan. He smiled and couldn't believe he was smiling. He thought he would be filled with jealousy and rage, but he wasn't. He walked over to the two of them and put a blanket on them, then walked into the kitchen to get a drink.
Meanwhile in Arkansas:

Nicole sat on the couch watching Jenna and Joshula playing in their play pin. She was wondering what Chris could be up to. She pulled out her phone and dialed his number.

She heard the line pick up, "Hello?" Came his voice.

"Hea Chris, it's Nicole. How have you been?"

She walked over to the kids and handed them their bowls of dry cereal and headed back over to the couch. She could tell by the tone of his voice that he was happy about something and at the same time, he was a little worried.
"Oh wow...This is definitely a blast from the past. I'm good. I guess." He poured himself some wine and sat at the table. He put his feet on the table and leaned back in his chair. "How have you been?" He took a drink of his wine and he noticed that both Christine and Jonathan were still sleeping, so he relaxed into place in that position.
"I've been great, Josh and I are great. The kids are walking and talking now. Well if you call poopie a good word for a kid to say that is." She didn't say anything about Amber, because she knew they still weren't talking to each other yet. "Look, I've got to go, keep in touch." She hung up the phone and went over to the play pin and stopped Jenna from climbing over.
Chris put down the phone and sighed rubbing his temples. "God this complicates things. I wish she hadn't called. Now she is making me feel all...I dunno." He looked around and realized he was talking to himself and laughed. "Who am I even talking to?" He started muttering. "Man Christine...Why do I have to be so paranoid? I wish I wasn't. I wish I had total and complete trust for you. But unfortunately, I'm just so...stupid." He felt his stomach start flip-flopping. "I can do this...I can do this..." He stood up and walked to the living room and noted that they were both still asleep in the same position. He headed upstairs and changed into just his relaxation pants and headed back downstairs.