TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris kissed Christine.

"We need to enjoy these last days the best we can. I mean i-"

Suddenly he started to stagger and collapsed onto the bed, passing out instantly.
(How many posts do you want to go too, should we go to 800 and then quit there?)

Christine cried even harder, "Chris, no, you can't, you just can't!" She grabbed the phone and called 911.

- - - - -

Jonathan sat beside Christine in the hall of the hospital. Tears were straining her face, her eyes were starting to burn.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"He has cancer, the doctor said he only had a while to live, I can't..." She started crying again. Jonathan pulled her into a hug.

Then the doctor came out, "Mr. Hibachi had a close call with this one. It just seems like he was under a lot of stress. I think he has about a month left." Christine thanked the doctor and went to set with Chris.
NikkyJamez said:
(How many posts do you want to go too, should we go to 800 and then quit there?)

It's up to you how much more of the story you want to write (though it looks like it's coming to an end), just let us know and we can lock the thread whether you go to 800 or 1000 posts :)
(Sounds good. I'm not sure what I really want to go to. We can make this go on as long as you'd like. :))

Chris sat up and looked at Christine.

"Christine...I love you..."

He wheezed and laid back down.

"I'm sorry. So....sorry."

He decided to just lay there and look at her, hurt in his eyes, hoping she could somehow save him.
(I think we should just make it to 800, as fun as this has been, my being promoted to manager has cut my internet time in half and sadly I don't have that much time anymore, I think we should have a happy ending. :D )

Christine held tears back and grabbed his hand, "The doctor told me that there's a treatment that you could start to take, since you've just now found about it. I think we should still get married, I want to spend as much time with you that I can. I love you so much, everyone does. I don't want to raise our baby alone," she couldn't hold the tears back, they started to fall as did the rainfall outside.
(I'm no good at weddings. lol)

Chris hugged her close.

"I want to be with you forever. Don't ever leave me...I can't deal without being with you."

He felt the tears streaming down his face and hugged Christine closer, not wanting to let her go and drift away.
Christine placed her hands gently around Chris, "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you." She gave him a gentle smile, "I feel that you'll pull through this. I just can't lose you, I don't know what I'd do without you here with me. I love you so much, Chris." Tears were falling and she just squeezed him tighter.
The doctor came in the room.

" need to sleep or else you'll get overexhausted and pass out again, like before. Also, you need as little stress as possible or else the date of your possible death could be moved up a little. Sorry. Madame, you can still stay at his side, but he needs rest."
Christine nodded, "It's ok, I understand. Thanks for letting me stay, I'm not going anywhere soon."

"That's good to know, we're planning on starting him on the treatments tomorrow. We've heard good word about it, but only time will tell if it will work."

Christine gave the doctor a small weak smile as she made herself as comfortable in the chair at Chris' bedside. She only hoped that she had some time left with Chris.
Chris looked up at her.

"I believe that it's time for us to get some good blessings from God. I believe this will go through without a hitch. I have total faith Christine. We both need to stay as positive as possible."

He yawned and closed his eyes.

"I'm gonna be ok."

Then he fell asleep.
Happy Birthday :) I won't ask you how old you are, but are you older than me, I'm 24 and will turn 25 next month?

- - - - -

Christine sat beside Chris' bed and watched on as he slept. She had faith, she had all the faith she needed to ensure that he'd make it through this ordeal, just as he had all the others. The love she held in her heart for him and their upcoming baby could overcome.
Christine awoke from falling asleep on in the chair she had been sitting to find Chris gone. She paniced, wondering what had happened to him. The door to the hospital room opened. And a nurse emerged. "Excuse me, where is Chris?"

"Doctor Thomas started him on his treatment, seems there was a opening available."

"Thank you." A little after the nurse had left, Chris was wheeled back into the room sleeping in his hospital bed. The color had returned to his face and he looked a whole lot better than he had the day before. He's going to do just fine Christine told herself. He was going to get through this.
A few hours later Chris' eyes fluttered open.

"Christine? Christine, where are you?"

He started panicking, when she suddenly walked into the room.

"Oh thank God. I was so scared you were gone!"
Christine rushed over to Chris' side and grabbed his hand. She gave him a weak smile. "I would never leave you. I just needed to get me some coffee and called to check on Belle." She pulled the chair she had been sleeping in the night before closer to his bed as she sat and held his hand. "How do you feel?" Christine knew that he could pull through this, he had pulled through so much other, he could get through this as well.