TalkCSI: RolePlay

Christine stood in front of the full body mirror, stunned at how this dress looked on her. "Christa, this is the one, I can just feel it." She looked over to her sister and at the light blue bride's maid dress she was wearing. "That looks really pretty, Christa." They exchanged smiles. "They're both beautiful." After they got the dresses, Christine and Christa both headed home. Just as they started cooking some dinner for all of them to eat, Chris and Jonathan came through the door.
They had bags in hand and flopped down on the couch. "Thank God that's over with. That dude was a piece of work."

"Yes he was. How could he possibly think we'd want pink tuxes."

Chris mocked him, "'Your complexion is perfect for a nice pink or periwinkle' to be exact." He laughed.

"Yeah...and I think he just had a thing for you." They both laughed and then looked towards the ladies.

"How was your day?" Chris smiled.
Christine smiled towards the both of them, "Well we got everything done, except for the guest list and the most important thing of all, the location." She started laughing, "Pink tuxes? That's a sight I'd like to see." She gave him a smile that told him that she was kidding.

Jonathan walked towards Isabella's room when he heard her crying and brought her into the living room, taking a seat next to Chris as he began to feed her her bottle. Jonathan had never had much pratice with babies, but with Isabella, it was like it just came naturally. She finished her bottle and looked up at Jonathan grinning and cooing. He started talking to her in baby talk.

"How's daddy's little Belle doing this morning? Did you have a good nap? Did you have fun with mommy and Aunt Christa? I bet you did." Jonathan was so caught up in talking to his little angel, that he wasn't aware of all the eyes that were on him.
Chris was staring at him, smiling. "So that's what you sounded like when you were five." He laughed, showing he was just kidding around.

He stood up and walked over to Christine, hugging her. "You look absolutely glowing today. You must be really happy." He kissed her and smiled.
"You bet I'm happy, I'm ready to grow old with you. I love you so much. I hope everyone's hungry, Christa and me have been working very hard on this.

Belle started crying and Jonathan tried to shush her, but nothing was working. He picked her up and carried her into her nursery and changed her diaper and gave her her pacifier, she sucked on it while holding his hand. Being around her made him feel like Superman, he was still amazed that he brought something that beautiful into the world. He went back into the living room and sat down with Belle.

"I'm all out of potatoes, Chris, would you mind running to get some." Christine said.

"I'll go." Jonathan stated, "I have to pick up some cold medicine that Christa got from her doctor anyways."

"Great, umm, take Belle with you. That will give you a chance to test out that carrier that your mom bought you." She said with a grin.

Jonathan headed over to the grocery store and got out of the car, put the carrier on and put Belle into it. She looked up smiling at her daddy. He handed her plastic keys to her and let her play with them. He went to the produce department and grabbed the potatoes and then went and picked up Christa's medicine. While walking down the aisle, Belle started cooing loudly towards an object, it look almost like she was pointing towards it. Jonathan turned and looked at what she was looking at and there was a stuffed teddy bear dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. He smiled down at her, "Do you want a teddy bear?" She looked up to him with puppy eyes and smiled. He smiled back to her and grabbed the small bear and handed it to her, she dropped the keys to the floor and held onto the bear. Jonathan grabbed the keys and put them into his pocket, grinning. He went and paid for the items and headed back to Christine's. He placed the potatoes in the kitchen and headed over to Belle's swing and placed her in it. She wasn't very amused with the swing, but was holding tightly onto her Jack Sparrow teddy bear.
Christa looked from the stove over to her neice, and smiled, towards Christine. "It's good to see that she has the same taste in movies."

Jonathan smiled towards Belle. She might have looked just like him, but she had her mother's smile plastered on her face. Christa looked at Jonathan smiling at his daughter, at that moment, it only made her love him more.

Christina smiled towards Christa. She was glad for the both of them, they were perfect together. Complete opposites, one listened to Rock and one listened to Country. But they were a lot more different than that, opposites do attract after all.
:lol: I didn't mean to confuse you, umm, Chris is in the living room with Jonathan watching Belle while she's in her swing and Christa and Christine are cooking dinner.
*Looking Around* Saraholic, where are you? I bet your swamped with exams and everything, boy I remember college exams, Bio Chem...:eek: Hope you return soon :D
((I'm back. Sorry.))

Chris smiled and stood up, walking over to Christine. He kissed her and hugged her, wanting to enjoy every moment he had with her. He turned to her. "Sweetheart. I went to the doctor a couple of days ago. He told me something that you definitely need to hear."

((I feel this thread might need to come to a close sadly, so I'm setting forth the events that'll put it there. :())
:( Well atleast we had fun while it was open. I'll miss this.

Christine sensed the worried tone that Chris had on his voice. She excused the two of them into their bedroom as they sat on the bed. She felt she had to hold his hand while he poured out the recent news that he had received to her.
Me too :(

"Christine...I'm sick. Really sick. I...I have cancer. They said if I'm lucky, I'll live 2 or 3 more weeks."

He turned away and started to cry.

"I'm so sorry."

He buried his head in his hands and continued crying.
Christine sat there, completely shocked. She looked away at first as the tears began to fall. She grabbed his hand, praying that he could tell him the upcoming news. She didn't know if she could do this alone. She took a deep breath.

"It's that bad huh? I was looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. But it's nothing you could control." She rambled. Words just coming out, barely making a sensible sentence. The next part was what was going to hurt her the most. "There's something I've been waiting to tell you. I was going to wait until the wedding, but, it seems like we won't even have one. Chris, I'm pregnant." She broke down even more and took her hand away from his and turned her head, she thought he'd hate her for keeping it from him.
Chris stared blankly ahead.


He ran to the window.

"Why God!?!? Why must you torture me like this?! What did I ever do wrong in my life!? I prayed, read the bible, went to church, everything!! How could you do this to me!?"

He collapsed to the ground and felt his body wracking with sobs.
Christine looked on tears feeling his eyes, Jonathan had came into the room to see what the commotion was and had a worried look on his face. "Take Belle over to your house, please," she said, almost begging. "I'll explain later." He nodded as he, Christa and Belle headed over to their house. Christine's tears were rolling more and more. She walked over to the window where Chris was still crying and wrapped her arms around him. And they cried together as it started raining.