TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris smiled at Janie. "What?"

"She isn't your's?"

"No...But it's ok. I love her just the same and always will. And I don't care if it's not my child. I love Isabella the same as if she were my own."

They both smiled at each other, then grew silent.
Christine sat with a small smile on her face watching Jonathan play with Isabella, he was just so happy when he was around her. But Christine knew that Christa wasn't completly happy, she couldn't have a baby of her own. She knew that, though she loved Isabella, it would never completly be right. Later on in life how were they going to explain to Isabella that Christa was both her aunt and her step-mother. Jonathan's voice broke Christine's train of thought.

"So what's Chris been up to?"

"Oh, his sister's over, so they're catching up."

- - - - -

"So Isabella's father, is he a decent guy?"
"Yeah...He is...He's a great guy. But, I mean, I've briefed you on my other...relationships, so you should understand my hesitance to trust him."

"Yeah. And I bet it was definitely hard with him and her...well...having a child together."

"It was, but I've gotten past that and we're good friends now.'s your life been?"

"Eventful...very eventful."
Janelle, thought of asking something, but then pulled out of it. But then she decided to ask anyways. "How did you two meet? Was she pregnant before you two got together?" She hated to be that forward about it, but she was trying to catch up with her brother. It had been awhile for they had seen each other. What she was about to recieve in turn was a ear full, to say the least.
"So Christine, I was wondering that we could take Isabella to Ohio to see our grand parents since they're not coming with or parents, what do you think?"

"I don't know, Jonathan, I still have a feeling that Chris doesn't trust you enough to let me go alone with you all the way to Ohio." Christa had informed him of what Chris had been through in the past, and he completly understood.

"That's ok, I'll just send them some tickets next week, so they can come up here and see her."

- - - - -

Meanwhile, Chris was about to tell Janelle how him and Christine met and about everything that led up to Isabella being born.
Chris looked at her. "We met at the lab at first. One night, she went out of town and I stayed here. I met back up with an old friend and we, well, hooked up, but I used protection. While she was away, she met up with Jonathan. They hooked up, but the condom was forgotten. She got pregnant and well, she had the kid, while Jonathan moved in next door. We're both engaged now, to different women of course, but still...did that answer your question?"
Janelle was a little taken back by the statement, "Umm, I'm sorry," she really didn't really know what to say. "So I'm guessing you two broke up after the two incidents?" She only hoped that asking him about what happened was the best thing to do. It was obvious that Christine loved Chris, if that wasn't the case, she'd be with Jonathan now. "How'd you find out about Isabella?" Janelle took a sip of her tea as she sat back on the couch and continued her conversation with her brother.
"Yeah...We pretty much broke up after that, but then she was hospitalized and I was so depressed, that I went to go commit...well...I went to go kill myself, but Christine pulled me off of that ledge, so to speak, and when I came back to the hospital, she was about to kill herself. I played the hero and pulled her off he ledge before she could jump and we pretty much reunited and got back together. I learned about Isabella when I came clean about my little time without her in town...When she came clean a little later, I learned that she was pregnant."
"So now, you two are engaged and are happier than ever?" Chris gave her a small smile. "Isn't it funny, how something like that, can sometime show you how much someone means to you? So when are you two getting married? Sometime soon, I hope?" She had never really seen her brother so happy before. She knew that those two were perfect for each other. And at that thought, the door opened and Christine entered, taking a seat next to Chris and giving him a quick kiss.
Chris put his arm around Christine. "We haven't quite set a date yet. When would you like it?" He looked at Christine inquisitively and smiled, anxiously awaiting her response.

"You should set a date and start preparing for it. Better safe than sorry."

Chris smiled at her.
Christine thought for a while, "If I remember right, we first met December 14, so how about that for a date? I'll let you pick all the other details. I've already got the dress coming, I want a small wedding, just our family and close friends. What do you think?" She looked at him, returning the smile, while holding her hand gently with hers. Her smile grew, she couldn't wait to grow old and gray with Chris. She couldn't wait for them to become the perfect family. The thought of staying the rest of her life with him, was making her the happiest woman in the world.
"Sounds perfect." He kissed her and then smiled at Janie.

"Sounds like we've got a date now. Where do you want it to be held Chris?"

"I think we should get married right here. Not necessarily in the house, but right here in this town. We'll go over the other details later Janie." He smiled at her.
Janie returned the smile, "It's been great catching up, but I better get going." She gave Chris a hug. "It was nice meeting you, Christine." She grabbed her bag and headed out to her car. Christine took a seat next to Chris, laying her head on his shoulder.

"I think you and Jonathan should go tomorrow and get measured for your tuxes, I've got the cake and flowers on pre-order, so those are covered. What else should we work on?" She said, while playing with one of the buttons on his shirt.
"Sounds good. We also need you to get your wedding dress. We need to find a place to hold this and we also need to start a list on who's invited." Chris smiled and kissed her. "Not saying we have to do any of this any time really soon..." He kissed her neck and smiled at her, also winking at her in the process.
Christine gave Chris a quick kiss on the lips and then yawned. "It's getting pretty late, I think we should hit the sack." They walked together upstairs and fell asleep almost instantly. The next morning, Christine and Christa both headed over to a bridal dress store and picked out the bridal dress and the bride's maid's dresses. While Chris and Jonathan went to be fitted for their tuxes.