TalkCSI: RolePlay

Christine awoke and found herslef asleep on Jonathan's shoulder. She knew Chris was home by then, and she knew he probably saw them. She had a feeling that he would be upset about it, but hopefully knew that nothing happened. She pulled Jonathan's arm off of her, it looked like he was protecting her, and protecting the baby. From all that's went down recently, she didn't blame him for that. She put the cover snuggly around him and placed a small kiss on his forehead. She was still pretty tired and headed upstairs and climbed back in her bed.
Chris noticed that Christine had went upstairs and he followed her. He saw her lying in bed and slipped in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her wanting to feel her warmth next to him and wanting to protect her. He snuggled right next to her and fell asleep, feeling more comfortable than he ever had before.
Christine awoke with a huge pain in her side, she felt beside her and noticed that Chris wasn't in bed. He was already at work. She felt something wet running down her leg. 'My water's just broke, My water's just broke,' kept running through her head. She somehow managed to make it downstairs and over to Jonathan who was asleep on the couch. She shook him waking him up.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"My water broke."

"There's some more in the refridgearator." Then it hit him and he was up in a flash. They quickly gathered all of the hospital bags that were packed just in case and were out. They totally forgot to call anyone.


“Okay, Christine, here we go,” Jonathan said.

It was Tuesday, November 4, 2008. This was to be one of the best and greatest days of Jonathan and Christine’s lives so far. Christine was giving birth to their first child. They hadn’t decided on a name yet.

“All right,” Christine said. She grabbed hold of Jonathan’s hand. “I’m ready.”

“Okay, push,” Dr. Ross, Christine’s OB/GYN said.

Christine squeezed Jonathan’s hand as she pushed. She squeezed his hand tight as she pushed with all her strength.

“The head is out. Take a break, Christine,” Dr. Ross said.
Christine stopped pushing. She took a few deep breathes.

“In…and out,” Jonathan said breathing in and out with Christine. Christine smiled at him.

“Ready?” Dr. Ross asked.

“Yes,” Christine said.

“Okay, push.”

Christine started to push again.

“You’re doing good, baby. But stop trying to break my hand,” Jonathan said.

“You got me into the mess and now you’re gonna feel the
pain I’m feeling!” Christine said.

“Push, push, push,” Dr. Ross said.

Christine pushed as hard as she could and squeezed Jonathan’s hand very tightly. Jonathan gasped in pain a little, but he ignored it. Christine would smack him if she saw he was hurting. Christine stopped pushing when she heard a cry. She tried to lean forward and see what her first baby looked like.

“It’s a girl!” Dr. Ross said.

Jonathan smiled. He looked at Christine who smiled at him with a bright grin. His smile grew wider.

“Here’s your baby girl,” The nurse said holding up the baby boy for Jonathan and Christine to see.

“Yay!" Christine said. “A little girl to spoil!"

“Oh lord, I’m going to go broke!” Jonathan said.

"Oh, she’s so cute!” Christine said wiping away tears.

“Just like her mom!” Jonathan said.

Christine smiled at him. She had hold of his hand. The doctor cleaned the baby up.

“She’s very healthy from what we can see,” The nurse said.
“Good,” Jonathan said.

“Would you like to hold her, dad?” She asked Jonathan.

“Yeah,” Jonathan said. The nurses were cleaning up Christine.

The nurse smiled as she put the baby girl in Jonathan’s arms. “There we go,” The nurse said.

Jonathan smiled as he held his daughter in his arms. She was so small and precious. So innocent and cute. Jonathan looked at Christine.

“Have you decided on a name yet?” Dr. Ross asked.

“No,” Jonathan and Christine chorused.

Dr. Ross nodded her head. “All right, we’ll call her ‘Baby Girl Bennett.’ Just until you decide on a name for her.”

“Okay,” Christine said. Jonathan nodded his head. He then looked back down at the baby in his arms. She was so beautiful.

“All right, let me hold our daughter now,” Christine said.

“Okay,” Jonathan said. He put the little girl down in Christine’s.

"She's going to break some hearts one day." Christine said.

“Of course, she will. She’s got your beauty,” Jonathan said.
Christine grinned.

Thirty minutes later, after finally remembering to call Chris, Jonathan stood outside the nursery looking at his daughter through the window. Christine was resting from giving birth. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of the little bundle of joy. He allowed his eyes to fill with tears as he just stood there staring. There was no lying, she had his eyes and his sandy blonde hair but she had the shape of Christine's lips and nose. But it was kind of scary at how much she looked like him. Christine's doctor approached him.

"Jonathan, Christine wanted me to tell you that she wants you to pick out the name." Names, he had never thought that he'd been stuck to naming his baby. He started running a lot of names through his head, then one stuck, Isabella. He started thinking again, trying to come up with a middle name that went good with Isabella. Cady. Isabella Cady Bennett. 'That wasn't that hard.' He sighed, she probably won't like it he thought right after.

“Jonathan, there you are,” A voice said.
Erm...just as a little piece of information. Since there is only two of you here... we let you run this one to 1000 posts (but please, not too many posts in short time) but then there won't be a new one.
((Aww...I'll miss this. :( Thanks Ducky. :)))

Chris stepped forward to Jonathan. "There you are." He stood next to Jonathan. "How is she? How is Christine?" Fear had filled his eyes as he was incredibly worried about Christine. He didn't want to let her go so soon. "How did she do? What'd you two have? What'd you name it?" He knew he was flooding with questions, but he just wanted to know everything as there was also a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. He was incredibly excited for Christine and Jonathan, but also for himself in a way. He could finally be a step-father, at least, as he knew that the baby would be at his and Christine's house an awful lot. He smiled.
"Oh, sorry, I kind of zoned out there. Christine's asleep, she was real strong during this. I'm surprised my hand isn't broken." He saw the nurse in front of Isabella's cradle, taking the paper away that read Baby Girl Bennett and replacing it with another one. The nurse stepped away and the name could be seen. "And lying right there is our beautiful daughter, Isabella Cady Bennett." The nurse told him that he could take the baby into her mother's room.

Jonathan sat holding his daughter while Chris went to get them both some coffee.

“Hey, there little one,” Jonathan said quietly. He held his finger out and the girl grabbed onto it. Jonathan smiled. The little girl had a good grip. “You’re just so beautiful, just like your mom. Yeah, just like your mom. Like her, I’m gonna have to protect you. Yeah, I’m gonna have to protect you from all those boys. You’re gonna be a beautiful girl and the boys are gonna want to date you. I’m not letting you get near those boys until you’re sixteen. Sixteen years from now you can date! I know what guys are like since I am one. I’m gonna look out for you as long as I have to.”
“You're just so cute,” Jonathan said. "No, you’re beautiful. Nothing more beautiful than you, except your mommy, but she’s a sleep.” The baby girl cooed. “Yeah, you’re just so beautiful. My beautiful baby girl! My little girl! And you're special, you wanna know why?" The baby cooed again, "You see, you're going to have two daddies' who both love you very much." The baby smiled up to him. "And we're both going to be there for you, no matter what, ok?" The baby cooed again.

Chris stood by the door, listening and watching.

(I'll miss this too :(, But we still have awhile to go :) )

If I read that right? Are you closing it now, or when we get 1000 posts? We're at like 700 now?
Chris frowned. "You forgot Christa in most beautiful." He smiled and leaned against the doorframe. "And you forgot to mention how lucky she is that she'll have two mothers two." He was tempted to ask to hold her, but he didn't want to push Jonathan into it, so he just sat and looked at Jonathan bonding with little Isabella. He always loved that name. His great grandmother was named Isabella, and he always thought about naming his daughter, if he had one, Isabella. But now that Jonathan named his daughter Isabella, he doubted that would be a possibility in the future.
Jonathan turned his face towards Chris, a slight blush on his cheeks. "I know that Christa is beautiful but," he glanced down at Isabella, "I just don't know how she will react to this, you know, all women want a baby of their own, I don't know. Look, I've really got to go get something to eat. Do you want to hold Isabella while I'm gone?" Chris nodded and Jonathan gently placed the baby in his arms and walked out. The baby looked up studying Chris's face.



"Hea Christa."

"Jonathan where are you?"

"The hospital, Christine just had the baby."

"Oh my, I'm on my way, ok."

"I love you Christa, I know I don't tell you enough, but I love you."

"You don't have to tell me every day, I know. I love you too, I'll be there soon, bye."

Chris sat there, gently rocking Isabella. "You're so cute. You look exactly like your mommy." Chris heard the baby coo and smiled. "You're really lucky to have Jonathan as a father. He's a great guy and he'll make a great father." He heard the baby coo for the second time. "I know he'll do anything and everything to keep you safe. Trust me, I will too. Me and Daddy will never let anything happen to you." He heard Isabella coo a little louder this time and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "I know Momma isn't going to let anything bad happen to you either. She's one determined woman." He smiled and then just rocked Isabella, wanting to make her as comfortable as possible, and loving the feeling of a little child in his hands. He was so happy that Jonathan had let him hold her as he felt an instant bond with her. It was at this moment that he realized that the living arrangements weren't going to be a problem at all.
Jonathan peered inside the door, hearing what Chris was saying, and for some reason it brought a tear to his eye. He saw Christa approaching and walked over to her and gave her a small kiss. He wanted to give Chris some time to bond with Isabella.

"How's Christine and the baby?" Christa asked holding his hand.

"Christine is still asleep and Chris is holding Isabella, I want him to bond with her, you know, he's going to be a major part of her life."

"I know." They stood out there for a while, then they enterd the room. Christa was astonished at how much the baby looked like Jonathan, she had to admit, she wanted to have a baby with him, but she couldn't. She looked at the baby again, she was so beautiful.
Chris smiled and stood up " go ahead and hold her." He gently placed Isabella in Christa's arms and then smiled. "She's gorgeous." He shook Jonathan's hand and them headed over to Christine's room. He sat down by her and took her hand in his, smiling in the process. "Hey sweetheart." He didn't know if she was awake or asleep, but to him it appeared that she was slightly awake. He kissed her hand and then smiled at her. "How do you feel sweetheart?" He looked at her, a very miniscule look of concern showing in his eyes.
"I've felt better, it's not easy you know. Imagine if you were me. Something the size of a watermelon coming out of, well you know." She gave him a little smile. "Where is she, where's the baby? What did Jonathan name her, is she alright?" She hasn't got to hold her since her long nap. But giving birth did take a lot out of her. And at that Jonathan and Christine came into the room, Jonathan carrying something that was wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Christine, of course you've already met your daughter. But you were a little out of it, now that you're completly here, allow me to introduce you to Isabella Cady Bennett." He placed the baby in Christine's arms and her face completly lit up and a huge grin filled her already beautiful face.

"Hello Isabella, I'm your mommy." And with that little comment, the baby cooed and looked up at her mommy, studying everything about her. Then Isabella looked right at her face and a little grin formed. Christine's eyes filled with tears, she'd never been so happy in her life.
Chris smiled at Christine and Isabella. "You two look so beautiful together." He sat back and just looked at the two of them bonding. He stood up and faced Jonathan and Christa. He saw them smiling and smiled back, then turned back around, smiling at Isabella and Christine again. "So beautiful...." he muttered, "So beautiful..." He sat back down and sank into the chair thoroughly enjoying this moment.
The day had came that they got to take Isabella home, they were all thrilled. After they all bonded with the little bundle of joy, the time had come for everyone to get some sleep. Jonathan had put Isabella in her crib, tucking her in, and placing Binky Bunny beside her. He placed a small kiss on her head and pulled the bars on the crib up. "Sleep tight, my little angel." He stood there a little longer, watching her sleep before heading home and getting into his own bed.

Noticing the bed shifting, Christa rolled over and snuggled closer to Jonathan, "I love you, seeing you with Isabella, just makes me love you even more." She smiled up to him and smiled even more when she felt his lips crashing down onto hers.

"I love you too." They fell asleep snuggled into each other.

- - - -

4 Hours later

"Hello?" Jonathan asked rubbing his eyes, he was awoken by the phone ringing. He heard a baby crying.

"Jonathan, we can't get Isabella to go asleep. We've checked her diaper, we've tried feeding her, we've rocked her, we've walked her, we've tried everything."

"I'll be right over."

He got up out of the bed and pulled on a t-shirt and his pants. He walked next door and saw Christina walking Isabella around the room. She gently handed Isabella over to Jonathan, the baby still cried. Jonathan headed over to the couch and started to sing the first song that came to mind, by one of his favorite bands.

She’s got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long
I’d probably break down and cry
Sweet child o’ mine
Sweet love of mine
She’s got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I’d hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o’ mine
Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o’ mine

Isabella had stopped crying, now she was just looking up at his face, but he knew that as soon as he laid her down, she'd just start crying again. He sat there gently rocking her. Eventually she fell asleep, along with Jonathan.
Chris was glad to finally get some sleep. He lie down in his bed and it felt like just as his head hit his pillow, he fell asleep. He dreamt about Christine and Jonathan. He tossed and turned, unable to shake the bad dream. Finally he bolted up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom to splash water on his face, which he did. He kept telling himself to stop, but with Jonathan around every day, it was starting to feel like he couldn't get away from it all. He couldn't focus on his love life with Christine if Jonathan kept interfering, but he knew he'd have to deal with it, so he went back to bed and fell asleep.