TalkCSI: RolePlay

Sara could do nothing but nod. Words wouldn't come out of her mouth, they just.. wouldn't.

She got to her feet and followed Alyssa to her vehicle. She sat in the passenger seat while Alyssa drove. The radio was playing My Immortal by Evanescence softly.

My Immortal - Evanescence
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
Alyssa glanced over at Sara, who had a blank expression on her face.

"Your appartment is on this street, right?" Agian, Sara just nodded. "I'm really sorry I left you there all alone, Sara. I didn't think anything would happen.. It never has," she rushed, "There was an officer there and he should have been paying attention. I guess he wasn't.." she trailed off as another single tear fell down Sara's cheek.

"I'm really sorry, Sara. I don't know what else to say except I'll make sure this sick bastard never gets out of jail. No - I'll make sure he never even makes it to jail."

Alyssa walked Sara inside her appartment, not another word exchanged between them. She gave Sara a big hug and a kiss on top of her head, and walked to the door. She turned around with her door on the cold, metal handel and smiled softly.
"If you need anything, just call me." She turned and walked out, heading back to her Jeep, and driving back to the Lab with tears in her eyes.
As Alyssa closed her apartment door, Sara let all her tears out. She looked around at her small, condensed apartment. She couldn't think of what to do, change, bath, just sit on the couch and wait for herself to fall asleep so that she could wake up in a cold sweat?

Then, Sara decided to take a bath, maybe it would make her feel better.

After a long soak in the tub, she sat back down on her couch. She still didn't feel better, she might have even felt worse.

Then her doorbell rang.

Sara's first thought was to not answer it, but it could have been Alyssa or Evan checking up on her, so she decided too.

She turned the doorknob and opened the door an inch.

The door bursted open and the same guy that held the gun to her head forced her to the ground. Sara struggled to get up, she kicked him, and ran to her phone. Sara quickly pressed in Alyssa's cell number, but then was tackled to the floor again. The guy had closed the door, she couldn't run now.

Sara threw the phone across the room, hoping the guy didn't see that the phone was still on. She screamed.

"You were better off dead at the club," he whispered into her ear, and Sara screamed again.
Alyssa picked up her ringing cell phone. Sara's number. She smiled. Maybe they could have coffe or something.

"Hey, Sar.." she heard shrill screams, followed by a sly voice whispering, "Now she's mine.." click. "Sara?"Alyssa said into the phone. All she got was a dial tone. She ran into the hall and yelled, "GET COPS AND AN AMBULANCE OVER TO 1347 HILLTOP APPARTMENT NOW!" and ran down the hall, out the door and into her Jeep, putting it in gear and speeding off, hoping to get pulled over.

She dialed 911. "911, what's your emergancy?" said the calm female voice.

"My friend, Sara Scarlett is being atatcked. 1347 Hilltop Appartment complex. She just dialed my number.. A guy assualted her at the Cotton Club tonight, we're working a case there.. We're CSI's. I need you to get a badge and patrol car there now, with an ambulance. I'm on my way, and calling for backup."She shut off her phone and picked up her radio.

"This is CSI Ellsworth. I'm on my way to Hilltop Apartment complex. Requesting backup."

"We read you, what's going on?"

"A CSI is being assaulted. Get me some backup, now! Over and out."
Sara was slapped across the face by him, and he ran to the phone she had thrown. He said something into it, and clicked it off.

"You better hope you don't pull a stunt like that again," he said.

Tears fell from Sara's eyes, onto the floor where she was lying.

"I don't know who your friend was, but you better hope she doesn't come her, or you both'll be dead."

Sara screamed, "No!"

He held her wrists to the floor, and kicking wasn't helping her any.

She struggled to get out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let go.

"Please," she pleaded, "Let me go."

His hold was tighter now.

"You're mine forever."
I hope it's still open.

Name: Christopher Hibachi
Looks: Tall (6'1) Blond, blue eyes, built
Personality: Kind, Outgoing, always willing to make new friends.

I would prefer to be a CSI, but if it is really needed, I will be a coroner.
"GET COPS AND AN AMBULANCE OVER TO 1347 HILLTOP APPARTMENT NOW!" Evan jerked his head up and saw Alyssa sprinting down the hall and groaned in fear. That was Sara's address. Leaving everything as it was, he grabbed his gun, still wearing his field vest, and dashed down the hallway to see her Jeep peeling out of the parking lot. Dashing through the doors, he jerked his Denali to life and sped down the road after her, dialing her cell when it picked up.

"Lyssa? It's Evan, I'm right behind you."
Our Active Team

-Mini_Catherine: Alyssa - Supervisor & CSI

-saraXsullivan: Sara - CSI

-Butterflied92: Evan - CSI

-Night: Josefine - CSI

-Comte: Det. Khan - Detective

-saraholic: Doc. Hibachi - Coroner

-NikkiJamez: Nicole Gosnell - CSI?


Alyssa jumped in her seat as her cell rang.

"Lyssa? It's Evan, I'm right behind you."

"Oh my gosh, Sara's being attacked again!" she screamed into the phone, her voice full of concern and worry.

(Welcome and thanks, Chris, and Nicole. We really need an AV tech, and labbie. If someone could please volunteer, that'd be nice, as we have an overload of CSI's.)



- Rellaaaa - Rella

- Depth-of-Love: Kaitlynn

- blackened623: Natalie

- DragonflyDreamer: Megan

- MacsGirlMel: Mel

- catwarfan: Rita

:: Guys, if you're still going to be working with us, we need you to let me know. I'll be PMing these people, and if they're still going to play, they'll need to settle for the jobs we have left.

Job's list:

CSI: 5
Coroner: 1
Detective: 1
A.V tech: None
Lab tech: None
Cops: None

We're not taking any more CSI's, sorry. We have too many now.
Evan felt his skin loose its color, and gripped the steering wheel harder than before. "What?! Alright, well, I'm only two cars behind you! You've got your gun right?" He gulped as he quickly turned the corner, following Alyssa towards Sara, hoping they'd catch the guy this time.
Sara was kicking and screaming. Her lungs hurt from screaming so much. He picked her up and dragged her to her bedroom. Sara screamed louder now. She knew what his intentions were.

She kicked him and he fell to the ground. She tried to get up, but he got up and held her down again.

All she could do was scream.
Oh, Nicole. You're doing this like an add-a-line. A role play is different. You're a seperate character from the rest of us. You make up your own part of the story, something like this..

Nicole pulled into the Crime Lab, stopped her car and got out. She walked in the front doors and made a beeline for the coffee maker. She flicked the machine on, watched it drip for a few seconds, and decided to go see who was around that she could terrorize. But, after a few minutes of relentless searching, she could find no cops, detectives or CSI's..

Something like that, just to clear it up :)