TalkCSI: RolePlay

Sara breathed heavily, "I'm fine, but, well, we have 2 more victims," Sara said, looking down at the two people that the guy had shot earlier. "Detective, could you cuff him?" Sara asked the man who helped save her life. She turned her attention back to her call, "We've got the guy."
Alyssa was collecting evidence in a hurry, waiting to hear back from Evan if Sara was all right. It made her wonder; what if she had been there?
Evan sighed heavily and nodded to himself in the knowledge that both his coworker and supervisor were all right. "All right, that's good for you then...I guess. I - I just wanted to make sure you and Alyssa were all right. Take care." He closed the phone before opening it again, hitting the number 1 speed dial for Alyssa again.
Alyssa snatched up her phone, dropping her sealed evidnce bag to the bed.

"Hello?" she listened to Evan as he explained everything. "Oh my gosh.. She's okay?.. Good.. Alright, see you soon," and hung up.
Can I still join you? :)

Name: Josefine Night
Looks: long, dark hair, dark eyes, 5ft something :p
Character: Quiet to strangers, but funny and outgoing with her friends, imaginative...

CSI/Detective, whatever you need more :)
Sure! ^ You can take Depth-of-Love's place, I guess, if she's not coming back. CSI. Have fun! You can start your case. You have a B&E at Need's convenience store. have fun!
Sara closed her cell phone. Polive officers came up from the downstairs and cuffed the guy. Sara tried to stand but fell to the ground, she leaned up against the wall and took long deep breaths. Tears came to her eyes as she thought of how close to death she had been, a second longer, and she would be diving into never ending darkness that would surround and trap her, for eternity.
He was angry. So close to getting her, finally. But she was too quick, and he was getting slow with age.

Cuffed now, he sat in the handle-less back of the police crusier, cursing himself under his breath. He took a deep snif, a scent wafted up through his nose, tickling his insides with a plesent feeling. It smelled like her.

Just thinking of her made his mind swell with thoughts, and his body tingle pleasently. She was so beautiful, so soft, 'Such a whore!' his mind screamed. He continued to scold himself under his breath.

"I'll get her next time," he whispered, submissivley, then a stronger whisper overtook the first, "You better!" it cried. He nodded and closed his eyes, and sleep took him away.
Sara tried to fight back the tears that stung the back of her eyes, but they wouldn't go away. She could hear him talking, whispering, torturing her. She shook her head, "No, go away," she whispered. Sara felt the tears fall down her cheeks. His voice didn't stop, she knew that killing her, wasn't the only thing he had planned to do.
Evan sighed, tired. He was happy, extremely beyond relief, that both women were all right, but he feared that the incident just put a year of life on his young years. But he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and made his way, slowly and cautiously down the ladder, searching for prints and shoe marks. By the end, he came up with a set of prints at the very top, lots of unusable smears along the rest and no definite shoe tread. So, despite the lack of evidence, he printed the ladder and stepped back onto the roof for a last brush for evidence. Catching his eye, he noticed two tiny pools of liquid, presumably blood, on the edge of the rooftop. He looked over the side, and saw it lead right into the alleyway below and that the miniscule, easily breakable lock on the skylight was broken. Collecting samples of the blood pools and taking the lock along with pictures for each, he finished up the scene and made his way down the ladder and to the main street, stripping his plastic booties.

"Hey, do you think you can get a crew here to take the ladder down and put another one in it's place? I need this one to be taken back to the lab as evidence." An officer nodded, and went off to get that task accomplished as, meanwhile, Evan searched the alleyway below where the blood pools were. Noticing a blood pool in the middle of the alley, he took another picture, sample, and glanced up.

"Somebody was pushed." Standing again and out to the main street, he noticed a red mark on the black lamp post and examined it. It was metallic paint used on sports cars. Scraping the paint, he thought for a second, gazing down the road as he pondered. Setting his kit down and holding his camera, Evan stole one look before dashing across the road during a red light, avoiding the cars to get to the median. Turning to face the bank, a few officers were yelling in earnest to get him back, but he shook his head. "Hold one a sec, will ya'?" Looking over the bank, he realized anybody that drove by the bank wouldn't see the body dangling there, the only glass in the front was the doors and windows for the manager's office and desks to the left, but all wall for the ceiling of the lobby. Could there be a more convenient, hidden area to hang somebody? Snapping a few pictures, he waited for the next red light before dashing across the road again to his kit and sighed. This was no suicide attempt, something happened here that shouldn't have.
When Alyssa arrived back at the Cotton Club, and ran upstairs, her keen eye could see exactally what happened.

She glanced around, and noticed Sara on the floor, her head on her knees, crying. She ran over and knelt beside her, putting a comforting hand on her head and stroked her hair.

"It'll be okay," she whispered, "they got him. He can't hurt you now.. Shhh, it's okay." She took Sara into a tight hug and they sat like that for a long time in that dim, dusty room. Sara cried, trying desperatley to be strong, but finally exahusted herself and fell asleep on Alyssa's lap.
Sara couldn't help but cry, the experience had reminded her of when her brother tried to kill her when she was 11. He was 16, and had a knife in his hand. He told her not to move, or he'd slice her throat. Sara had walked in on him stealing money from their parents. She tried to put the money back, she was only 11, and didn't know what he was capable of.

Sara screamed as he pushed her away, but she wouldn't give up. She yelled at him, 'That's Mommy's! I'm telling when she gets home!', at that point, her brother turned slowly. His eyes were deadly, and he grabbed her by her wrists and pushed her onto their parents' bed. Sara screamed, but it was no use. 'You won't tell ANYONE,' He yelled in her ear. Sara screamed again, 'You can't control me.' But she was wrong.

Sara kicked him off and ran out of the room. He followed after her, into the kitchen. There was a set of knives on the counter, and her brother picked one up. Sara stepped backwords until she was trapped in a corner. She was breathing heavy, he was definately not acting like himself.

'You will tell NO ONE,' he yelled. Sara shook her head, tears falling down her face. He held the knife up to her throat, and more tears fell. Sara quickly moved her eyes to the front door. 'Mommy!' She said, as her brother turned to look at the door, Sara ran, and grabbed the phone off the table outside her room. Then she locked herself in her room, while she called 9-1-1.

When the police came, it was too late, Sara's brother had killed himself outside of her bedroom door. Sara's parents arrived ten minutes later, and Sara was still in her room. The police tried, over and over, to get Sara out of her room.

She wouldn't come out.

Sara left herself in her room for over an hour. She finally un-locked the door, and the police were talking to her parents.

Sara's eyes her blood-shot. Her face was wet from crying. Her wrists were bruised from being held down. She remembered being taken to the hospital, and being told by her Mom that her brother was on some drug, and it wasn't really him.

And now, all those memories that Sara had thought she had forgotten, were back again.

Sara drifted off to sleep, someone was chasing her. He was. She tried running, but got nowhere. He was whispering to her again. Sara screamed.
Josefine sighed as she entered the convenience store. She had hardly slept that night, it must have been full moon or something, which didn't exactly lighten her mood.
Looking around the store she was greeted by an angry man, who yelled at her that it had taken the police so long to send one of them over to him. Josefine sighed once again as she let the owner's words wash over her. She didn't really listen to him, she was used to people like he was. Instead she looked over the place, scanning the damage quickly. The cash box was open and the money gone except some coins that were still laying on the counter. Breathing deeply, she stopped the man who was still talking to her in rage.

"Listen, Mr.." quickly she looked at his name tag to get his name "Charles, why don't you calm yourself down a little and then tell me what happened... I'll do my best to solve the case and I'm sorry that you had to wait."

She threw the man a half-smile and it worked. His round, red face relaxed and though there was still anger flickering through his eyes he started to tell her that a guy, whos face was covered by some kind of mask, had entered his store with a gun in his hand, while he'd been in the back of the shop that had closed by this time. Realizing he wasn't alone he told the owner that he wanted all the money he had, he'd taken some chocolate bars from the counter, put them in his pockets and gave Mr Charles a black bag to fill with the money. He, of course, had obeyed and when the thief had left the shop, he had called the police at once.
Josefine thanked him and made her way to the counter where she began her work with checking for prints.
Sara's shrill scream brought Alyssa back to reality. Sitting there in the musty room had maken her tired, groggy. She stood up, and pulled Sara to her feet.

"Let's get you home."
Crime lab parking lot...

Evan lugged the small colapsable cart from the back of his truck and snapped it into place on the pavement of the crime lab parking lot. Setting his kit and bags of evidence onto it, he pushed it forward and made his way to the doors. Swiping his card, he entered and removed the sunglasses from the bridge of his nose. "What's the cart for?" One of the techies walked by him and he let out an obviously fake laugh.

"It's just easier to push everything in at once on a cart then risk dropping stuff and making numerous trips out to the truck. Now while you're at it, take these blood samples and test them." The tech leant him a glare, but swiped the samples from Evan's hands. Pushing the cart down to an empty layout room, he started spreading everything out in front of him before deciding what to do next.